


  • Entered Day 1
  • Evicted Day 53
  • 1 evictions faced
  • 14 noms received

Caroline, a 20-year-old former boarding school girl from Surrey, describes herself as “weird, embarrassing and a bit of a loser”. She also confesses that she is terrible with boys, “I’m not a very cool person; if I try to act aloof I come across socially inept”.

Caroline attended a private prep school, “for very sheltered little girls” where she was quite rowdy with her bad behaviour including “stealing all the wine at a parents’ evening and then stealing more wine at a school play. I was stomping around the stage, fell off it and threw up”.

The only paid job she’s had was as a Chugger (Charity Mugger) which her parents forced her to get when she dropped out of University. She didn’t last long as she dropped her phone down a toilet meaning her employers couldn’t contact her.

She’s never maintained a relationship for longer than a week, she says she “repels” boys, “I’m really inappropriate”. She doesn’t think she’ll win Big Brother, “I always think aloud, I’m very irritable and really blunt”.

Latest on Caroline

  1. 8 comments

  2. 20 comments

  3. 12 comments


  1. shanade says:
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  2. Lisa Burton says:
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    Ditto and a racist three face cow (said 3 because the back of her ‘nut’ matches her face)… Private education my a**e, what? she can’t even hold a fork properly, never covers her gob when yawning, and now moaning how shes become fat! made a sly dig at Luke A about a back=pack & anorak. Some one ought to take a rake to that bush with some cooking oil-notice how she hasn’t let Shev’ to plait the bush! Wonder if it’s the mere idea of brown hands touching her….as to all the other ‘nicey’ comments: BB is on C5 in the event they are watching another show. Caroline never seems to bathe, brush her teeth properly much less says pardon when she belches. How her Poppa & Momma must be proud?@Clair Robertson

  3. charlotte says:
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    Caroline is going to love all of this lovely comments about her lol. I think you lot are blowing the whole thing out of proportion she hasn’t been rasist its just name calling, i actually think she is being herself even though i don’t no her apart from on big brother. I don’t like Lauran, Adam and Luke A and couple more but i don’t go round saying i hate there hair, there so fake, don’t like there voice. i understand everyone wants to get there point across and i guess if Caroline is up (which i think she will be if she wins the task or not) then she will go, and D.C if Benedict did say i don’t think she would have grown up anymore she is still 20, it would make her feel uncomfortable, i felt uncomfortable just listening to what he had to say.

  4. Hayley says:
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    I personally think Caroline is different. She is two faced, that’s not my opinion. That’s a fact, she’ll be nice to their faces, then horrible behind their backs. However, she has a genuine personality. Apart from her annoying ‘vooooice’ she is fun to watch as a troublemaker. But as a housemate? She is snidey, she makes comments that are not needed. I’ve noticed recently how she has left Scott, as she is friends with Connor. Also, her comments that she made, people have different views. I come from a black family, no one in my family found the comment racist (gorilla) however, when she mentioned Martin Luther King, then that’s something else. She doesn’t think before she speaks, I don’t understand what Adam did wrong? There’s always a form of bullying going on in the house. Caroline is not intelligent enough to realise the remarks she made towards Adam.

  5. racismiswrong says:
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  6. Ryan says:
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    Caroline is one of the most disgusting and racist house mates to step foot into that house. Her comments towards Adam are vile! She has gave Big Brother hundreds of Ofcom complaints,including me, horrible horrible woman !!!

  7. D.C says:
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    Actually, I’m 21. What she needs is someone to actually treat her the age she is, her parents have obviously left her to the school to teach. So while she may well be ‘educated’ which is nothing more than book smarts. No real world skills or manners really. I felt Benedict was the one thing she needed a proper teacher not afraid to say;
    “Look, your acting like a spoilt brat. Stop it, grow up and realise the real world wont swallow this crap” As for being uncomfortable it was only because she hasnt been spoken too like that before.

  8. Christina Chance says:
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    Caroline is not intelligent enough to realise the remarks she made towards Adam.

    That stalemate is proof that she is or could become one. She is at a point where she needs to embrace the diversity. Because that is the definition of being “mistakenforaracist unintelligent comments about others of a different race, colour, creed etc…

  9. Chelle says:
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    Caroline would’ve been thrown out in the old BB days for her constant bullying and the G remark on Adam, and that’s what needs to be done. She is a vile person, and at that age I respected people and KNEW exactly what I was doing, she’s just playing dumb and definitely not that well! KICK her ASS out! Please!

  10. roostir says:
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    i do feel sorry for her – she has had no favours from her parents – from this all her problems stem – complete nutter

  11. taz30 says:
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    Caroline is such a cretinous and vile person!! She has A LOT of growing up to do although i think her truly nasty and unplesant disposition will remain with her forever. Get the manipulating nut case (with her pig eyes) out!!!

  12. linda lowe says:
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    what a dreadfully horrible little nobody.I hope the greens make her num 1 for nomination.She is 2 facwed, a back stabber, says horrible things about her HM and then when they confront her she just mumbles its because shes feeling fat and she says how sorry she is and then goes and does it to someone else….when are they going to realise what an unsavourary character she is…..horrible spoilt little brat……..

  13. Lydz says:
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    Shes an ugly person due to her personality.
    Shes what i call homegrown. Due to her silly parents she has grown to be a pathetic, rude, waste of space and im so sorry for the caroline victims in the house.
    Watching her is not entertaining, its painful. How can somebody be so horrible about other people and still have lots of people saying “i love caroline”, “shes so funny”, “im warming to her”. SHUT THE **** UP SHES A ****ING BULLY AND NEEDS TO GO!

  14. Beatrice says:
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    Thought she was really funny, and I wanted her to win at first. But seeing her making racists comments twice about Adam calling him a Gorilla, and leading his people like Martin L King was so sad and disappointing. She ‘s disgusting human being.

  15. danny says:
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    ha scrolling from the top where every1 says shes so funny nd good looking to the bottom where shes a disgusting human being :up:

  16. Lozza says:
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    GET HER OUT :down: :down: :down:
    she has bitched about every hm in the house.
    she’s a racist, bitchy, fake, twofaced person and she only see’s the bad in people.

    ADAM 2 WIN

  17. tiernan says:
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    what a twat :straight:

  18. Adam Hayes says:
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    horrible boot!!!!! ya face knocks me sick and the way ya act ……no wonder ya got bullied ya fruit!!!!

  19. Yummy mummy says:
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    Could someone please explain why Caroline has a towel permanently wrapped around her head?!!

    I appreciate her hair looks like a birds nest the rest of the time, but what is it with the towel on the head look?

  20. CH5BBUK says:
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    I hope shes up for evicted next week

  21. Lewis says:
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    OMG Such a fucking C-U-N-T. Get her fucking OUT! I hate her hate her hate her! She is such a nasty nasty girl. I am glad people like her go on shows like this, she is finally exposed as the horrible scum she is. I’ve never hated a housemate as much as her. I can’t understand why she’s not last on the pop polls and Ashleigh is. Ashleigh isn’t that bad!

  22. Caroline to win says:
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    I voted caroline on the pop polls. she is so entertaining. but i do think she will be going next week on the other hand i though she would be up for fridays eviction so i can be wrong

  23. rubes says:
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    you are sooo two faced! stop being a bully! blah blah grow up mahhhnnn! wat are 13?

  24. snips says:
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    I dont normally watch big bro, but i knew caroline when we were 15, she lived in my town at a school nearby. Just wanted to make it clear that love or hate her, there is absolutely nothing fake about her. Shes always had that accent and every story shes told is true. Also I dont believe shes a racist but she is definitely very sheltered, she hasnt seen a lot of the world. But she does want to learn. Anyway I dont think she deserves some of the comments shes getting on here. And I think its very hypocritical that people are getting angry at her for saying gorilla, when theyre calling her a cunt and all sorts of other derogatory remarks.

  25. bea4 says:
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    i would be totally ashamed if any of my children turned out like her ,she is the product of the girl who has everything handed to her on a plate and has never been told no , horrible to watch and she isnt remotely likable :down:

Reply to Charlotte

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