


  • Entered Day 1
  • Evicted Day 53
  • 1 evictions faced
  • 14 noms received

Caroline, a 20-year-old former boarding school girl from Surrey, describes herself as “weird, embarrassing and a bit of a loser”. She also confesses that she is terrible with boys, “I’m not a very cool person; if I try to act aloof I come across socially inept”.

Caroline attended a private prep school, “for very sheltered little girls” where she was quite rowdy with her bad behaviour including “stealing all the wine at a parents’ evening and then stealing more wine at a school play. I was stomping around the stage, fell off it and threw up”.

The only paid job she’s had was as a Chugger (Charity Mugger) which her parents forced her to get when she dropped out of University. She didn’t last long as she dropped her phone down a toilet meaning her employers couldn’t contact her.

She’s never maintained a relationship for longer than a week, she says she “repels” boys, “I’m really inappropriate”. She doesn’t think she’ll win Big Brother, “I always think aloud, I’m very irritable and really blunt”.

Latest on Caroline

  1. 8 comments

  2. 20 comments

  3. 12 comments


  1. Ree says:
    Reply Report

    Revolting, spoilt little bitch! Her parents should be ashamed of themselves for allowing this spiteful, loathsome little waste of space to walk all over them & other people.I cant believe they paid for her to have 2 bloody gap years as a reward for failing her exams! She gives posh girls & public school girls a bad name!

  2. Ani says:
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    Nasty, snidey piece of work :down:

  3. Sharon Key says:
    Reply Report

    I have never seen anyone has Bitchy, cruel, manipulative, nasty, childish, horrible, (i could go on and on) like Caroline. Why do all of these?
    Her friend need to run from her, never heard her discuss anything sensible. I cant satnd her anymore.

  4. Sharon Key says:
    Reply Report

    I have never seen anyone has Bitchy, cruel, manipulative, nasty, childish, horrible, (i could go on and on) like Caroline. Why do all of these?
    Her friend need to run from her, never heard her discuss anything sensible. I cant stand her anymore.
    When one is evil you’ll never make any good of your life, that’s the reason she’s never achieved anything good in life. She so cruel and full of hatred.

  5. CH5BBUK says:
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  6. Big bro says:
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    Come on people she has 130 comments the next highest person is Conor with 70. Its turning its a bit more of an argument between people and you are bitching yourself. You may think she is a bully, i think she is stating a fact. I think she is brilliant.

  7. Lori says:
    Reply Report

    Caroline is just a bully, shes playing the biggest game out of them all. She pretends shes all innocent and whispers about the people she dislikes and actually convinces other housemates to dislike them too!! and if she does get caught or in trouble she apologises and ‘cries’ ACTING! Don’t care if people think shes entertaining or sticking up for herself, i personally think she is fake, bitch, annoying and needs to grow up and realize how horrible shes been.. had really high hopes for her at the start :down:

  8. linda lowe says:
    Reply Report

    no wonder her parents never wanted her to go in the house……..they must feel totally mortified.I would be so ashamed if my daughter treated people like she is doing…she turns the waterworks on when shes challenged and says sorry but its all an act she is so fake and they should all wake up and smell the coffee…….

  9. Tiger says:
    Reply Report

    I think Caroline is the biggest bully of them all. I hope she goes next week, cannot stand her. I’m only watching BB because of ‘The Outsiders’ which i hope one of them win. Sadly my favourite is leaving tonight :(:(:( so gutted!!!!

  10. Rock the Caz bar says:
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    If you value a housemates “journey” while on bb then keep caz in. I wanna see the transformation from naive, immature child. To understanding, grateful… child. Plus shes the only one who’s not trying to win.

  11. bmjr40 says:
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    she is nothing but a big baby that need to grow up

  12. usausa says:
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    On eviction night Caroline was back in full swing

    1 – Called the GBP Spiteful
    2 – Proclaimed Lauren’s popularity false
    3 – Started on again about the people she “can’t stand” in the house
    4 – Lied, saying how nasty Deana was for saying.. “Lauren, the public will like you because they hate Caroline” (never happened BTW proof on LF)
    5 – Then grassed Conor to Deana, telling Deana that Conor’s diatribe against Deana had made her feel awkward

  13. stormdrayne says:
    Reply Report

    another product of psuedo middle class society,
    notice : every sentence she produces is a carbon copy of what she thinks she needs to say in order to be ‘middle class’ .Every sentence has been mimicked from absolutely fabulous season 4 and victoria wood as seen on TV volume 1.
    (These people are rapidly populating our once proud working class country))

  14. stormdrayne says:
    Reply Report

    what a mess she really is…..

  15. Dr Bob says:
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    She’s going to have a bad time when she enters the real world where all the grown ups live.

    Oh, wait, she will never have to, of course.
    Lucky her.

    I don’t think Big Brother has ever featured a worse human being. My first instinct is to want her out, but on the other hand, it is pretty great to be able to hate on someone for 45 minutes each day.

    Vile vile vile vile vile

  16. Jane says:
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    Eventually, she is going to come out. Karma is going to hit her hard.

  17. Christina Chance says:
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    Hopefully a tomato will hit her hard in the face….As much as I like to see the best in ppl, I am finding it hard to find any redeeming qualities.

    @Dr Bob

    I just can’t imagine her and Conor’s behaviour or the things they say and do. Because you know they must have been saying it more than once (laughing to at their own “bad and immature” jokes) or repeating it in their head. More than once!!!

    Here’s her latest foot in mouth statement!!

  18. twink says:
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    would be ashamed to call her a daughter

  19. irene pearson says:
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    She seems to have been spoiled but by insufficient parenting, boundary setting and guidance. I have to feel sorry for any small child sent away to boarding prep school. This is the social misfit that tsuch an institutionalised unloving upbringing can produce. How she will function as an independent adult remains to be seen. Maybe she may not have to if her parents continue to throw money at her

  20. big bro says:
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    I would like to ask everyone who commented at the start saying they wanted her to win, do you still want that or at-least the final cause i do

  21. bea4 says:
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    im so glad im not related to this pathetic excuse of a human being i would be totally gutted if she was my daughter what an absolute let down ,if she was an animal i put her down out of kindness

  22. bea4 says:
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    irene ,you are seriously blaming the parents ! caroline will totally embrace that comment because at 20 yr old WOMAN she still doesnt feel culpable for anything shes ever chosen to say OR DO

  23. @Mich29 says:
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    Irene Pearson, you’re perfectly right. I’ve been to a prep boarding girls school myself and I can tell you that its no place for any girl to be sent. The bitching, the bullying, the sarcasm, the groups, the cruelty, the manipulations and many nastyness lives no room for studing. I am still mad at my parents to have sent me there. Just talking about it now horrifies me. Caroline is the perfect product of a prep boarding school! Its not her fault but her parents.

  24. Annabelle says:
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    Kindness is a strength not a weakness . . . .
    Caroline should write this over and over again until it penetrates that thick, self centred, compassionless brain of hers

  25. irene pearson says:
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    I am putting forward my thoughts on why she cannot behave in a socially acceptable manner.Whether this is because of her upbringing or not (although it generally is) she has to take responsibility for her own actions and decisions. I think this is a very cruel arena for anyone to undertake that. I wish there was better psychological profiling of the potential house mates.

Reply to Charlotte

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