


  • Entered Day 1
  • Walked Day 60
  • 1 evictions faced
  • 14 noms received

Conor is a 24-year-old personal trainer and massage therapist from Northern Ireland –“I’m the sexiest 24-year-old from Derry. FACT!” The most important person in his life is him – “Basically I love myself.”

At 16 he won a place at the David Beckham Football Academy in London where he spent 4 days playing football with likes of Beckham, Steven Gerrard and Frank Lampard.  It is one of his proudest achievements as he was the only person from Northern Ireland to gain a place.

Conor’s party trick involves him wrapping his “man bit” around his wrist – people call it “the cock watch” and he claims it has got him plenty of interest from girls.

He thinks people’s uncleanliness will be his biggest challenge in the Big Brother House because he’s a self-confessed “clean freak.”

Latest on Conor

  1. 1 comment

  2. 8 comments

  3. 17 comments


  1. mark says:
    Reply Report

    Get him booted out and shipped back to LONDONDERRY

  2. Yayah says:
    Reply Report

    Connor is so full of himself. He thinks that the public love him! We just hated Arron & Shievonne more. If he fills himself up with too much hope, he’s going to get disappointed. Hope he goes as soon as possible, I really want one of the outsiders to win. Not the two faced, insulting, manipulating, two faced cows. Never will forget what he said to Deana, he’s a vile person. Does not have any manners what so ever.

  3. Lisa Burton says:
    Reply Report

    Connor & Caro-slime are joined at the hip for sure. They both spout the same vile rascism sheilded by sly ‘cover-up’s/bantering.
    He is a blasted disgrace to the Irish (I’m Irish), & I wouldn’t be too sure if deep down he actually fancies Deana! But his ego is dented caus Deana wouldn’t spit on him if he were on fire.
    Has anyone noticed the hug’s he gives Caro-slime (only apt name for that ugly vile non-entity), Connor knows C’s gameplan & has latched on with the hope of ‘nil points’ on voting. Luke A may have changed sex but, 100% more of a man than Connor. Adam or Luke A to win, least I forget Deana who is a beautiful woman stemming from a decent up-bringing.
    The rest of the housemates (OK Lauren an exception), are flawed & slimeballs.

  4. Christina Chance says:
    Reply Report

    @Lisa Burton

    I couldn’t agree with you more, in your comments. I don’t believe he fancies Deana. He really shouldn’t hate her for putting him up on the first night. It is pure jealousy/hate. Cause he hasn’t let it drop. Is cause of her race?? Its possible. I personally don’t like beauty queens, models, actors or friends of other reality shows participants. House mates that want to be “reality famous”. Of course we need one or two, but not half the cast. As far as I can tell, Deana has achieved all that he wants. Is she fake, this that or the other. No more so than CONOR HIMSELF!!!

  5. Bridgeen says:
    Reply Report

    Connor to win bb! Derry& Tyrone are behind u! Loved the bromance between u and arron! The partin in derry was mad last nite! Connor sister is right the whole of derry is behind u! Not every1 in the house is goin to get along! Connor to win! :up: ##Arronators‬ are behind u too! Connor to win!!!! 😀 Connor is legen-derry!!! 😉

  6. ben m says:
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    i wish connor never went in the house there was other people who auditiond for bb they should have chosen some other person to go in the house

  7. Sugar says:
    Reply Report

    Connor I hope you win!

  8. nikkyl says:
    Reply Report

    I’m from the Irish republic and I can tell you we do not support conor and his disgusting behavior . Today he attacked deana again in the .bb house but endermol took down the vid to protect him. The girl was in tears he’s a bigot and a bully get him out quick sharp .

  9. susan t says:
    Reply Report

    Ithink conor is disgusting should b thorne out for being a bully

  10. jamie says:
    Reply Report

    if bb was going to put anyone in bb to represent iireland why him? hes a BIG FAT BULLY and just becoz hes popular on the inside he thinks he can say wht he likes to who he likes cos hes friends with all the popular ppl and they will always back him up :@ why is it whenever him n deana have an argument loads of ppl are there sticking up for him but no one is there for deana??? tyt arseholes

  11. Lilz(; says:
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    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: I LOVE CONOR :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

  12. BELLA says:
    Reply Report

    :up: I hope he wins he is georgous :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: And people are allowed to have opinions on other housmates. GET DEANA OUT :envy:

  13. Patricia 9 says:
    Reply Report

    Such a cutieee, ‘nd his accent is lush too 😀 :heart:

  14. Conor Fan says:
    Reply Report

    CONOR FTW :up: :up: :up: :up: :up: :up: :up:

  15. George! says:
    Reply Report

    He is such a cool guy! :tongue:

    Conor to win! :up:

  16. Christina Chance says:
    Reply Report


    Conor sure got a lot fans quickly that all seem to like using the same icon. I have read your terms and conditions too. Could be wrong and will take it on the chin if I am. But me thinks someone’s has set up a few “false” accounts.

  17. LUKE says:
    Reply Report

    Conor is so cool mouthing off women ,being abusive .
    What an ugly mong inside and out .
    Im sure Ireland are voting for him and that reflects badly on their nation . If Harold Shipman was in an Irish Big Brother I wouldnt vote for him because he was English .Thick fucks!

  18. Taz30 says:
    Reply Report

    I cant stand Conor – he is a nasty, foul mouthed piece of scum. I sincerely hope his girlfriend is ashamed at the way he has behaved! Appauling.

  19. ben m says:
    Reply Report

    i hate him i hate him i hate him :envy:

  20. Ree says:
    Reply Report

    Revolting bully, his parents should be thoroughly ashamed of him. I hope someone picks on him when he gets out & his girlfriend dumps him. He gives Irish men a bad name!! :down:

  21. D Joe Jogger says:
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    :envy: :envy: :envy: :envy: i cant really say anythin good about this guy ..becas of him arron lost his place i can say ……..and now becas of him caroline is goin so bad in her behaviour …..luke.s and ashliegh dont have time to smoooch ….so they neva mind him except keepin him in their alliance ….else he would have been a downfall to them tooo……get him out …..i noticed wen he opened his mouth ..his tooth is decayed……..always decayed mouth stinks and thts y his words are also stinkin as hell….

  22. Janice Raycroft says:
    Reply Report

    Really wish BB had the backbone to remove this horrible person from the house. Let it be soon or shame on them.

  23. Sarah dillon says:
    Reply Report

    Team mackers… Conor to win he’s the only housemate whoes not a knob!!! CONOR TO WIN!!!!!

  24. Jane says:
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  25. Jane says:
    Reply Report

    Please dont stereotype Conor as a typical irish man far from it … Conor is from ‘LONDONDERRY’ to give its proper title obviously Derry if your a catholic me thinks. Londonderry is in Northern Ireland which is part of the UK, not Ireland. He would be classed as British not Irish, unless he is a stauch catholic who believes he is Irish and does not recognise the British state, So to class Conor as an Irishman to me is rubbish he is a NI man. I am sure there are plenty of people in NI who are ashamed of his behaviour, if Conor was a gentleman he would apologise to Deana not just to the public.

Reply to irene pearson

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