


  • Entered Day 1
  • Walked Day 60
  • 1 evictions faced
  • 14 noms received

Conor is a 24-year-old personal trainer and massage therapist from Northern Ireland –“I’m the sexiest 24-year-old from Derry. FACT!” The most important person in his life is him – “Basically I love myself.”

At 16 he won a place at the David Beckham Football Academy in London where he spent 4 days playing football with likes of Beckham, Steven Gerrard and Frank Lampard.  It is one of his proudest achievements as he was the only person from Northern Ireland to gain a place.

Conor’s party trick involves him wrapping his “man bit” around his wrist – people call it “the cock watch” and he claims it has got him plenty of interest from girls.

He thinks people’s uncleanliness will be his biggest challenge in the Big Brother House because he’s a self-confessed “clean freak.”

Latest on Conor

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  3. 17 comments


  1. colum says:
    Reply Report

    look around the websites. Connor is not liked much. its nothing to do with where you come from its what your like as a person. most men would try to make amends or a lest give someone a chance. but not Connor

  2. ben m says:
    Reply Report

    he says he wnts to make the final well lets make one thing clear if you does get to the final he is not winning 100% not going to

  3. ben m says:
    Reply Report

    i meant to say he

  4. stormdrayne says:
    Reply Report

    This guy is certainly missing a few chromosones, his family must have been hiding in a cave for a few generations when the dna was been handed about.
    that absent look in his eyes must come from a diet of potatoes and guiness.

  5. stormdrayne says:
    Reply Report

    About 99% of the Irish men I have ever met have been complete polite gentlemen so I think Conor is no influence on peoples ideas of an Irishman, and by the way, NI was poached by the English and for thousands of years before 1703 was actually Ireland (Eire) so he is indeed Irish regardless of his religion.

  6. D Joe Jogger says:
    Reply Report

    :envy: get conor out …

  7. Annabelle says:
    Reply Report

    How can someone so nasty come from such a beautiful country

  8. jane says:
    Reply Report

    Connor is discusting and has no respect for women, he proved to the nation that he is a boy not a man. :envy:

  9. jane says:
    Reply Report

    Agreed he is a embarrassment to the nation.

  10. Sam says:
    Reply Report

    I’m not a Conor fan, but in all fairness gotta hand it to Conor supporters, as they’re certainly going for it:

  11. john says:
    Reply Report

    well said

  12. Irene Pearson says:
    Reply Report

    Wish people would not slip into racism and stereotyping. This man is deeply unpleasant and very immature. this has absolutely nothing to do with his nationality

  13. tyrone says:
    Reply Report

    Get Connor out!! Tyrone are NOT behind him. Shamed to be Irish!!!

  14. Christina Chance says:
    Reply Report


    Front of that building sure could use a facelift!!!

    Can we call the council and have them take it down!!

  15. twink says:
    Reply Report

    did you hear him stuttering over his words when deanna asked him why he thought she had 2 personalities·. didnt know what to say, so came up with a load of dribble. GET HIM OUT!

  16. Moya Mc says:
    Reply Report

    @Jane-The official title of his homeplace is actually ‘City of Derry’, not Londonderry and people of Northern Ireland can hold either a British or an Irish passport. Just saying. It doesn’t make much difference either way, he is just one of many ill mannered idiots in the house.

  17. irene pearson says:
    Reply Report

    Now he and his gang have resorted to blaming how they have been portrayed by BB for their unpopularity< how predictable was that! Best eviction night ever ever ever. How the mighty are fallen.Luke S looked like he was about to faint from the shock!

  18. jennyjuniper says:
    Reply Report

    Having read this page I’m amazed how many young women/girls find this man attractive. He is a sexist arrogant pig and a coward. He never addresses any nasty comments to the men in the house, just the females. He has no charm and apart from doing push-ups and lounging on the sofa encouraging his witches to stir it, he contributes very little to the house. I thought some of his silly ‘fans’ would have been put off after seeing him picking his nose and eating it-yuk- but apparently some females have very strange tastes when it comes to men.

  19. celia19 says:
    Reply Report

    Generally I would not condone judging a person on the way they look, but this man is as ugly on the outside as he is on the inside. He has no redeeming qualities – with his huge misshapen jaw and pronounced brow bone he’s not in position to call anyone out on their looks. Thankfully when he gets out of the house I can’t imagine there will be too many quality agents wanting to represent him. He’s not articulate, attractive, or even likeable, not much of a catch.

  20. irene pearson says:
    Reply Report

    What a turnaround after Fridays boos from this lout and his gang. Good on Adam also ,in last nights show, making him admit he is selfish. How much did he squirm on that box . Not enough to fall off it sadly . Not so brave when a man takes him on!

  21. irene pearson says:
    Reply Report

    Oh God yes picks his nose and eats it YUK YUK YUK what a prize this kid is. Surely his girlfriend can get a better specimien than this neanderthal

  22. ben m says:
    Reply Report

    lets hope he is up for eviction this week

  23. scott says:
    Reply Report

    the lad is scum. nasty piece of work and a bully. if thats wot u want 2 give ur money 2 then u all deluded. no more bb 4 me , come back ch4. at least they listened 2 public and not letin jigery pokery go on. let down by ch5. dead in water .

  24. jeanwilliamson says:
    Reply Report

    😥 I wish B/B Bosses wood lison to the paying peopel who vote we have seen the insiders nastey ways let us deside who go,s now the familys are behind them we have no chance put them all up that way we get the true winer

  25. jeanwilliamson says:
    Reply Report

    I find it real hard that some peopel like coner i did at first but now have seen the evel side he needs to go big time as do the other insiders worst B/B i have ever seen 4 back stabbing give the power to the peopel B/BB

Reply to irene pearson

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