


  • Entered Day 1
  • Evicted Day 51
  • 3 evictions faced
  • 17 noms received

An engaging and confident ladies’ man, Callum claims that others in the house would get annoyed by his “very good looks” as all the attention will be on him. He likes an argument but doesn’t like very religious or overly camp gay people. He’s cheeky and admits to never saying sorry as he never regrets anything – and calls himself “the full package”.

Callum currently works as a children’s football coach. He really enjoys it because of all the attention and praise he receives from the parents. Callum started his professional life as a lifeguard and did the job for four years whilst at school and university. During this job he claims to have saved nineteen people’s lives – but that’s not it – Callum has saved other people’s lives outside of the job – making it a total of 28 lives saved. He admits that part of the reason he does it is for the praise and attention. He likes to be a hero.

He is very opinionated and says there is nothing better than having a good argument. He believes his ‘trump card’ is his intelligence and says he can often belittle people with his words.

Whilst coaching in America, he ended up sleeping with a mother and daughter and thinks this gives him serious “man points”. Callum isn’t looking for love in the house but says he is definitely looking to ‘crack on’ with someone.

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  1. 21 comments

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  1. Glynn says:
    Reply Report

    This fellas a creep. Needs to grow a pair, find his identity, speak his mind and quit all the letching and tedious lectures…..

  2. brennen says:
    Reply Report

    He is a good guy, more so than dexter. He is just lost, struggling to find he social place in the house which is made harder by jackie and her witch hunt on him.

  3. scoash77 says:
    Reply Report

    The guy is a total rocket and should be fired to the moon to get his brain back!! I would never let him teach my boys to play football! #tubeiam hehe

  4. Jenna says:
    Reply Report

    Creepier than bb10 sree… get him out before his lust meter shatters

  5. celia says:
    Reply Report

    Callum is really coming across as creepy. Don’t know how Charlie can bear having him near her. I accept that Jackie is horrible, and he is often reacting to things that she has said, but poor Sam deserves a medal for listening to Callum constantly wittering on about himself.
    The capacity Callum has for telling Sam ( and others ) what a good bloke he is, knows no bounds. I’ve lost count of the number of times he’s told someone he’s genuine, intelligent,a really nice person , honest lad ….etc. He’s in danger of eclipsing Peter Andre in his saccharine – sweet self proclamations. Perhaps we should be grateful Callum doesn’t have any children or he would be wittering on about how much he loved his children to try and gain votes.

  6. R says:
    Reply Report

    :down: :down: poor callum!!!!!!! 😥 😥 jackie had no facts, no reason and not once did she even answer callums questions
    Callum was articulate, calm and he really did wana know what it was that was so horrible about him?! Jackie jus does not like him but does not have the balls to admit that thats all it is!!!

  7. Jillian says:
    Reply Report

    I think Callum is largely misunderstood because he has a lot of insecurities that he tries to hide from the other HMs. He IS a nice guy, doing anything and everything without complaint to help out whomever and whenever he can.

    It’s blatantly obvious he’s not really comfortable trying to chat up women and definitely could never be classified as a womanizer. Unlike Dexter, who suddenly decided he needed a showmance and latched onto Charlie (the only one really available), whom Callum had feelings for from the start. Callum can see it’s just a game plan from Dexter, but because Dexter is so much more devious (butt-licking Jackie at every turn, etc.), Callum’s wisely cut off the friendship he and Dexter had in the beginning. What appears to be jealousy, I believe, is him being wary of Dexter and trying to keep an eye on him so that Charlie doesn’t wind up getting hurt But even that doesn’t seem to be good enough where Jackie is concerned.

    Ever since she watched his VT, called him out on it and he admitted what he’d done, she immediately flipped the switch and started to despise him. But her hatred alone wasn’t good enough for her, she had to poison the whole house against him as well. Every breath he takes or movement he makes gets scrutinized and ripped apart. It’s no wonder he can’t ‘be himself’ with that horrid witch and her coven stirring the cauldron. I will be so glad when she gets booted out on her broomstick.

  8. Mikey says:
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    He has stolen the voice from Jack off of Eastenders

  9. Yogi says:
    Reply Report

    I feel sorry for him now, he ain’t that bad a bloke.

  10. olly says:
    Reply Report

    When he argued with jackie he was defending himself cause she interuppted his point and then she goes he’s talking in a agressive manner some1 needs to show u what an agressive mannor is before u call every1 in a agressive mannor if they disagree to u

  11. Monica says:
    Reply Report

    I agree with you, its as if he changed roles with Dexter because Dexter at the start was the one that no one liked and Callum and Daley were there for him.. Now Dexter is quite happy for Callum to be isolated from the other housemates. They all turn on him, but i think Dan has a part to play in that too because Dan was always saying that Callum was fake. At least Callum admitted to lying on his VT and Jackie wont get over that.

    She is quite happy for Dexter who used to have a different woman everyday to be around Charlie..
    Even after all Hazel did in the house the last two weeks nobody seems to be hating on her, if Dan had turned on the Hazel the whole house would. Its quite unfair the way they treat callum.@Jillian

  12. Constantinople says:
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    😀 Soar soar soar soar soar soar soar soar soar soar soar soar soar soar soar soar soar ……….

  13. kelly says:
    Reply Report

    :up: He’s being victimised! Jackie is soo rude, he does come across a little odd but they all do it is BB after all He is being isolated verging on bullying steming from Jackie, you could see he was genuinely standing up for himself the only AGGRESSIVE1 in there last night was JACKIE and charlies playing a blinder

  14. Kate says:
    Reply Report

    Didn’t Jackie’s ‘friend’ on BBOTS imply that she and Charlie were ‘too good’ for Callum?How dare he! It’s not The Middle Ages…
    I’m almost a decade older than Jackie and much, much wiser. All this is to do with Callum and Charlie and NO-ONE else! Jackie should butt out of their business.

  15. Constantinople says:
    Reply Report

    I completely agree, yes he does go on & on & on about being a decent guy. It has become so boring.

  16. brennen says:
    Reply Report

    Thats down to insecurity. Poor guy feels he has to explain himself because people have got it in for him. Watch out for dexter, the showmancer.

  17. Sunshine says:
    Reply Report

    He looks like actor ray lolitto

  18. bambam11 says:
    Reply Report

    Not in good shape for a sportsman?? He’s got the mannerisms of a corny game show host. Its cringe worthy. Cant look. Know we all know that 2 women would of been a lie, never mind 200 😀

  19. bambam11 says:
    Reply Report

    Lets clear this up. Decent, kind, nice, etc., etc., etc. am sure you are all those things. BUT BORING. omg soooo boring. BORING, BORING, BORING,BORING. He tries to make stories exciting and there not. Nothing worse!!!

  20. Jessica says:
    Reply Report

    Your gorgeous Callum xxx

  21. Constantinople says:
    Reply Report

    😀 😀 You’d better go to Specsavers !!

  22. joyce cartmell says:
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  23. ROY says:
    Reply Report

    Callum is the biggest bore on tv and talks rubbish.Get him out before he turns violent

  24. Constantinople says:
    Reply Report

    😯 What about those weird scary faces he was pulling during the dancing task—freaky.

  25. LIGHTERFLUID says:
    Reply Report

    Strange man. Either read too many self help manuals or attended lots of motivational speech courses to know his own mind, mixed up, doesn’t seem to have developed anything resembling a personality. Leave Charlie alone. :down:

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