


  • Entered Day 1
  • Evicted Day 51
  • 3 evictions faced
  • 17 noms received

An engaging and confident ladies’ man, Callum claims that others in the house would get annoyed by his “very good looks” as all the attention will be on him. He likes an argument but doesn’t like very religious or overly camp gay people. He’s cheeky and admits to never saying sorry as he never regrets anything – and calls himself “the full package”.

Callum currently works as a children’s football coach. He really enjoys it because of all the attention and praise he receives from the parents. Callum started his professional life as a lifeguard and did the job for four years whilst at school and university. During this job he claims to have saved nineteen people’s lives – but that’s not it – Callum has saved other people’s lives outside of the job – making it a total of 28 lives saved. He admits that part of the reason he does it is for the praise and attention. He likes to be a hero.

He is very opinionated and says there is nothing better than having a good argument. He believes his ‘trump card’ is his intelligence and says he can often belittle people with his words.

Whilst coaching in America, he ended up sleeping with a mother and daughter and thinks this gives him serious “man points”. Callum isn’t looking for love in the house but says he is definitely looking to ‘crack on’ with someone.

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  1. 21 comments

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  1. Constantinople says:
    Reply Report

    :down: I’m finding it very unsettling viewing watching “creepy Callum”, there seems to be something rather sinister about him.

  2. celia says:
    Reply Report

    Callum reminds me of the character Uriah Heep. He constantly tries to ingratiate himself with most of the housemates, but comes across as disingenuous and sinister. Don’t understand where the people (albeit few) that make positive comments about him are coming from. All that I can see is a creepy little man trying to be something he is not. Dexter is a much more likeable character .As for Callum’s boast of 200 women – it wouldn’t surprise me if he was still a virgin. Very uncomfortable veiwing.

  3. quilty says:
    Reply Report

    Callum looks a bit like Gareth Bale from Tottingham Hotspurs. 😉

  4. dazza says:
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    I feel bad for callum. Hes a nice guy looking to be liked by everyone! Give him a break 😀

  5. Peter says:
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    @celia, what is the crime I’m being weird? I ask this cause since people act as if it’s a crime to be weird but then say you should be yourself. Being yourself doesnt fit a box.

    I like Callum, he seems genuine and like he isn’t out there to make other housemates look bad.
    I don’t like Dexter, sometimes he comes across as too conformist.

  6. celia says:
    Reply Report

    There is nothing wrong with being quirky or individual as long as what you’re doing does not impact negatively on other people.Callum, however, does not come across as quirky. He went into the house proclaiming himself a ladies man, which was a lie, and that is the crux of the problem, he is not being himself. I’m sure many people exaggerate to get into the house, but what Callum said went beyond that. What goes on in his mind, that makes him think that other people would be impressed by, for example, the mother and daughter story? This is a 28 year old man not a teenager.

  7. Mb says:
    Reply Report

    :heart: Callum so sweet. Charlie’s so silly to not fancy him! Unlucky for her I’m sure lots of girls will love him outside of the house.

  8. Mb says:
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    Urg stupid ipad, cant spell properly on this.

  9. kelly says:
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    😥 He’s trying so hard, dexter is manipulative callum is just a little odd I think creepy is harsh -possibly too scrawny for the strip tease

  10. megan says:
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    he looks like jack of eastenders

  11. Julie says:
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    I dont think Callum thought it through
    He did the audition tape just to get on the show not realising that housemates and views would see it

  12. celia says:
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    Last night on BBOTS, Judi James summed up perfectly just how disturbing and creepy Callum is. The clip showed of Callum massaging Charlie made my skin crawl. He definitely gets much more from the massage than the recipient, just needs a flashers mac.

  13. Dani says:
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    I think he’s got a raw deal from the producers and the BOTS crew.

    He seems a nice enough lad to me. Bit odd, and a bit socially awkward. But there are worse crimes.

  14. Constantinople says:
    Reply Report

    Ha ha, so true, why on earth would you want a massage from him? He is just so sinister. :down:

  15. lizzo says:
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    I really like Callum and I am sick of everyone having a go constantly. Jackie was a self opinionated woman who thought she was always right and she decided to destroy Callum in front of the rest of the house. Iam older that her and she needs to not be so judgemental until she knows someone better. How she can prefer the creep who is Dexter over Callum. shows just what a bad judge of character she is and I’m glad she went last week. Ok he pulld funny faces and he is a lot like Jim Carey, so what! Rock on Callum and well done on the strip which he did for the rest of the house for the shopping budget. Without his £100 they would be minus £25.

  16. Truth says:
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  17. Aphrodite says:
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    Wow Elizabeth–what are you watching? The movie Creepshow? Well this is Big Brother… and by far he is the most awkward, creepiest and manipulative “lad” in that house. He is too nicey nicey, and forces his personality toward everyone to the point of “EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!”. Dan was right all along again when revealing his thoughts on Callum. I mean seriously, Callum is manipulating Charlie to “SOARRRR SOARRRRRRRR SOARRRRRRRRRRR” for the whole frickin’ time in the house, and as for Dexter, Callum is just totally jealous of him! But Dexter has spoken the truth with so much wittiness that it’s REAL! Believe it or not, you can really tell that Dexter has feelings for Charlie in the house, but more so that Charlie is protected from that weirdo Callum, and that Dexter is making a good side with the house. TEAM GINXTER ALL THE WAY, BUT GET CALLUM, HAZEL AND JACKN’JOE OUTTTTT!

  18. Sam says:
    Reply Report

    I really don’t know why he’s still in there and Dan isn’t.

  19. Dani says:
    Reply Report


    Totally agree. It’s been uncomfortable viewing. watching someone systematically denigrated and humiliated by the entire group (led by Dan and Jackie initially). Made even worse by the way the production team and BOTS have stitched him up in what they have or have not chosen to show and comment upon.

    For example: the dance psychologist (who was awesome btw!) was shown clips of them all dancing. The clip he was shown of Callum was when he and Sam were larking around and being deliberately stupid. There were other times earlier on in the show’s run when he was dancing just fine with Charlie. But no: that wouldn’t play into the ‘Creepy Callum’ narrative.

    They consistently talk about how Sam is lost and nobody talks properly to him, but it took several weeks before anybody pointed out that actually Callum was doing exactly that.

    He’s the only one that takes any time to be with Sam, and the one who signs to him things he’s missed in the conversation.

    Initially he was slated for being too nice. Then he was slated for being ‘fake’. I think I’d have my barriers up if I was surrounded by people who patently despised me and made no secret of it.

    He clearly has some issues around confidence and social awkwardness….well, damn, let’s just string him up now eh?

    Poor lad can’t win.

    As for Dan: I like him for the most part but the way he was with Wolfy and the way he has been with Callum….that’s bullying behaviour. He was an opinion former in the house and he used that power to break Wolfy and callum and turn the whole house against him.

    And as for Jackie: she rounded on him over and over, humiliated and disparaged him over and over. Then he finally stands up to her and what narrative do we get? That Callum was aggressive towards her. Sorry, but that’s ridiculous. He wasn;t aggressive, he was angry and frustrated and determined, for once, to get his point across. Personally I’d been willing him to stand up to her for weeks. She really was a bully. A nasty piece of work.

    Vile to watch. How must Callum’s family feel watching this?

  20. dinkydory says:
    Reply Report

    He went on n on n on n on n on about boos and cheers last night just to stop Charlie going to bed.
    Hahaha then he gets all intense with her Errrrrr!! he’s just got no charisma or appeal. Nothing, none and boring. He must drive his mates mad or their the same as him. Simples!! When he fell off the bed, just as he was going on about himself. “Again” His face!!! CLASSIC!!

  21. Constantinople says:
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    Oh yes him falling off the bed L O L 😀 funniest scene of the day.

  22. Peter says:
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    I completely agree, if I was constantly judged as awkward in a negative way, rather than coming out of my shell, I would stay in it and probably feel angry. I feel for Callum, he seems like one of the most genuine hms.

    Callum to the finals.

  23. frickle says:
    Reply Report

    Its like he starts a little row with her, nothing too heavy cause he doesn’t want to fall out with her. He just wants to see her emotions with” him” makes him feel closer to her, almost relationship like, and that is what he wants. He’s creepy n he’s touching her. Yak!!

  24. dinkydory says:
    Reply Report

    Funniest of the show so far for me,brilliant 😀 @Constantinople

  25. irene pearson says:
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    I agree, he seems socially inept but how would he have been without the constant singing out for criticism , especially from that moronic childish Jackie.

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