


  • Entered Day 1
  • Evicted Day 51
  • 3 evictions faced
  • 17 noms received

An engaging and confident ladies’ man, Callum claims that others in the house would get annoyed by his “very good looks” as all the attention will be on him. He likes an argument but doesn’t like very religious or overly camp gay people. He’s cheeky and admits to never saying sorry as he never regrets anything – and calls himself “the full package”.

Callum currently works as a children’s football coach. He really enjoys it because of all the attention and praise he receives from the parents. Callum started his professional life as a lifeguard and did the job for four years whilst at school and university. During this job he claims to have saved nineteen people’s lives – but that’s not it – Callum has saved other people’s lives outside of the job – making it a total of 28 lives saved. He admits that part of the reason he does it is for the praise and attention. He likes to be a hero.

He is very opinionated and says there is nothing better than having a good argument. He believes his ‘trump card’ is his intelligence and says he can often belittle people with his words.

Whilst coaching in America, he ended up sleeping with a mother and daughter and thinks this gives him serious “man points”. Callum isn’t looking for love in the house but says he is definitely looking to ‘crack on’ with someone.

Latest on Callum

  1. 21 comments

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  3. 2 comments


  1. Josh Davidson says:
    Reply Report

    @irene pearson I I worked with him for 2 years when we were holding the school fitness club around local schools and he is definitely lying about his age. He’s actually 36. But thats all part of his joking life style. CALLUM TO WIN !

  2. Rachel says:
    Reply Report

    @Josh Davidson

    He’s an old school friend of mine at the same age. And josh your right he’s 36 lol he was always the joker x

  3. Daz says:
    Reply Report

    Sounds like a typical Southern middle management type to me, bland as they come. I feel embarassed for him every time he opens his mouth. A complete oddball trying to keep it all under control & failing miserably every time. Basically he’s a mentalist lol :down:

  4. Katie says:
    Reply Report

    ‘determined, for once, to get his point across’… Have you been watching the same guy? He is constantly forcing his opinions on other people. Going on and on until people eventually give in and agree with him. I know Jackie was horrible to him, but the repetition of what he says (especially in that particular confrontation) is enough to wind anyone up the wrong way. He’s patronising beyond belief. Seriously cringeworthy, and to be honest, I worry about him. Or should I say, about women being drawn in to his little mind games. Yes he may have low self esteem (which I believe he plays on), and that might be the reason he behaves the way he does, but he really oversteps the mark half the time. He acts as if Charlie is his possession.

    I would be seriously creeped out by him.

  5. eye says:
    Reply Report

    he has all the (supressed) traits of a psychopath. The look in the eye, twitchy body language, his “goodness” is not genuine and is not coming from shyness, something is very repressed there, i feel it and many seem to be picking on it too. No change of tone even when he gets angry, no one who is being spontaneous and genuine is that monotone.If you ask me, typical stalker who would harass ex girlfriends and potential girlfriends with emotional black mail and unwilling to let go. what a creeper. :down:

  6. Gemma says:
    Reply Report

    I wouldnt want to meet him in the shower: Norman Bates returns.

  7. Jenna says:
    Reply Report


    You are so right Aphrodite, f the Lizzo, Peeta, and Danni freaks!

    Callum is a downright gameplayer in that house and sucks so badly! He is such a real creep and he is so going to be a stalker/pedophile when he gets out of the house cause he knows that he won’t get a teaching/PE teacher career after all the creepiness on bb!

  8. Marmaduke says:
    Reply Report

    Wow, Irene. You’re mature. :conf:

  9. cj says:
    Reply Report

    @Marc Dawson-lee
    They all jealous twats mate if he’s a mate of Sam he’s a mate of mine

  10. jennyjuniper says:
    Reply Report

    At first I neither liked or disliked Callum. But now I can’t stand the man.
    He say’s he saves people’s lives because of the attention and wanting to be a hero?? Someone should tell the moron that heroes, real ones that is, don’t even think about it, they just save lives because it’s the right thing to do.
    This guy is so far up himself, he could brush his teeth from the inside.
    And the reason he was voted most envious, is because he is envious, of Dexter. Like him or not, Dexter is a gentleman compared to creepy Callum. (Loved the name Uriah Heep that somone gave him. Fits like a glove.

  11. Carole Gardner says:
    Reply Report

    I CANNOT stand him !!!!!!! Hes so far up his own #### he could do with a torch to get out !!!!!

  12. Constantinople says:
    Reply Report

    😯 Somebody has posted a comment using
    my “name” re Callum being a paedophile, NO way would I ever suggest such a thing. I have reported this to the appropriate office.

  13. Constantinople says:
    Reply Report

    🙁 I will now have to use a new name to post my comments,so any other views by Constantinople are NOT from me (the original).

  14. irene pearson says:
    Reply Report

    Sorry to all on here. That is NOT my comment, someone is using my name and we all probably know who.I have reported it.@Marmaduke

  15. irene pearson says:
    Reply Report

    The same lunatic is using my name too.Report it is all you can do.. That may stop her.@Constantinople

  16. irene pearson says:
    Reply Report

    I did NOT post the above comment”Aphrodite you are correct, ignore THEM idiots…peter,danni and lizzo you w****r ” I am offended and please can it be removed.

  17. irene pearson says:
    Reply Report

    Peter I did not make that offensive comment to you.@Peter

  18. Matt says:

    A reminder to all users that posting under multiple aliases and impersonating other users is strictly not allowed as per our comment rules. The offending comments have been removed

  19. irene pearson says:
    Reply Report

    Thank you Matt.

  20. zesty says:
    Reply Report

    He got no style. None. None of his clothes fit him. They just hang there abit like him. He’s totally DRAB!! He’s just grey!!

  21. secrets says:
    Reply Report

    It seems he has friends?? He’s coming across as someone who is desperate. For friendship, relationship, conversation, anything and he’s desperate to keep these going after they all leave. Its just not a good look!!! He’s like a wet weekend.

  22. softysofty says:
    Reply Report

    28!! No way. 35/37.

  23. Yogi says:
    Reply Report

    This guy should go back to his farm and munch on carrots….don’t particularly like Callum on this show. It doesn’t suit him.

  24. Maybee says:
    Reply Report

    :conf: Is it true that he is actually 36 & not as he said 28 ??

  25. Tracyjane says:
    Reply Report

    Callum is the weirdest person in BB. He is so fake and seems to be obsessed with Dexter

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