


  • Entered Day 1
  • Evicted Day 51
  • 3 evictions faced
  • 17 noms received

An engaging and confident ladies’ man, Callum claims that others in the house would get annoyed by his “very good looks” as all the attention will be on him. He likes an argument but doesn’t like very religious or overly camp gay people. He’s cheeky and admits to never saying sorry as he never regrets anything – and calls himself “the full package”.

Callum currently works as a children’s football coach. He really enjoys it because of all the attention and praise he receives from the parents. Callum started his professional life as a lifeguard and did the job for four years whilst at school and university. During this job he claims to have saved nineteen people’s lives – but that’s not it – Callum has saved other people’s lives outside of the job – making it a total of 28 lives saved. He admits that part of the reason he does it is for the praise and attention. He likes to be a hero.

He is very opinionated and says there is nothing better than having a good argument. He believes his ‘trump card’ is his intelligence and says he can often belittle people with his words.

Whilst coaching in America, he ended up sleeping with a mother and daughter and thinks this gives him serious “man points”. Callum isn’t looking for love in the house but says he is definitely looking to ‘crack on’ with someone.

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  1. 21 comments

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  3. 2 comments


  1. Monica says:
    Reply Report

    I dont see any badness in him. He just trys to be nice all the time and doesnt argue back!! theres a lot worse in the house

  2. steve says:
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    between midnight & 2am, live stream available, just click watch live.

  3. Neil says:
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    The spray tan task seems to have offended the other housemates. In the cold light of day 2 straight men, probably embarassed, had a bit of harmless banter with the spray tan women, who seemed to find it amusing. This makes Callum a creepy womaniser, I don’t like Callum, but they over reacted massively, egged on by shit stirrer Dan who said ‘I just can’t watch this’. Totally offended his gay sensibilities. :tongue:

  4. rachel says:
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    he should have seen it coming with his cunning contraption, seen on ebay….

  5. arlene says:
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    Wat a manipulating control freak. Did like him but he’s (as sophie says a cringe bag). Wee sam has the patient of a saint for putting up with this douche!!!!! Sam to win!!!

  6. zoe says:
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    its like he always wants to be in the center of attention, when ever he opens his mouth he announces it to everyone, over exaggerating his words and everything he does, just going to make some tea for everyone, i’m not good at it but ill do it anyway so that i don’t have to do it later its like needs everybody to know exactly why, how and what he is doing 24/7! He just frustrates me so much and how he was talking to charlie was unbelievable telling her that she was putting words in his mouth and basically ordering her to shut up. URGGHHHHH i want him OFF! :down:

  7. Phil Wiles says:
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    Think the boy has had a rough ride really. Would hate to be in a house were most people loathe you, it’s not good for the soul. So think the boy has done well through adversity.

  8. Katie says:
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    Oh my god, he’s such a manipulative ass! He’s not surprised at Charlie, he is surprised… Which is it!?! ‘You’ve lost your biggest fan’ so basically biggest friend, and when Charlie questions this he says she’s putting words in his mouth (notice how he’s now turning her reason for nominating him back on her)… It’s all just one big mind f*ck! Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think she’s completely innocent. Flirting with him and then saying to others she isn’t interested, but he’s really playing a game and it’s really uncomfortable to watch. I feel sorry for Sam getting so sucked in by him. Callum even made Sam’s letter from home about him… Was that really necessary!?!

  9. susan says:
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    when Dan left the house he was asked if he would be keeping in touch with Callum and he basically said that he wouldnt mix with ‘that type of person’ so it wouldnt arise.How condescending -showed his true colours there to me when he said that

  10. Sam says:
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    Neil you can’t say Dan took it badly because his sexual orientation made him behave that way, that is just silly. He couldn’t watch because he found it cringey obvs, just like I imagine non-gay Sophie would’ve too since she says he’s a cringe bag

  11. celia says:
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    With regards to your point about Callum and Sam’s letter, I completely agree.

  12. James says:
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    Woah. I knew there was a reason I couldn’t stand Callum, his try-hard wet-fish personality aside. He’s a proud homophobe. :down: Be gone, DOUCHE!

  13. SS says:
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    How is he a homophobe?

  14. Misty says:
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    We see things as WE are and not as they really are…take notice how anyone who has the potential to be loving and compassionate will not take anything to heart. the way he reacts reflects back a mirror of his own self, his hatred towards dexter reflects a very dark and sinister side of him. this man has been playing the biggest “the world is me” game in the house since day 1. He needs serious psychiatric treatment but to actually take things as far as he does and distort them to his own advantage is pretty SICK.

  15. David Dee says:
    Reply Report

    I feel sorry for Callum. He has let Dexter get in to his head and he thinks of nothing else. I get the impression that he spends most of his day thinking of what he is going to say to or about Dexter. He now has Charlie nominating him and, I think, that he blames Dexter for that.

    He is really turning an experience that a great many people would want: and that is his time in the BB house. He seems to be going the way of Ahmed in an earlier BB who, I understand, went on to have a complete breakdown.

    To save him from himself BB should remove him from the house. Sam is, as stated earlier, letting himself get drawn in and his ratings could suffer because of this.

    At present the bookies, who have not been wrong so far, have got Hazel as favourite to go which is a shame because I am concerned that Callum may not be able to hold it together, mentally, for another week.

    Pull yourself together Callum and try to enjoy the experience that others would give their right arm for !!

  16. Charlie says:
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    Callum to win!!!! LOVE HIM! Anyone who thinks different and prefers Dexter need to sort there heads out. Weirdos. CALLUM CALLUM CALLUM :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

  17. irene pearson says:
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  18. weml says:
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    only want him in so sam has sombody to talk to

  19. Karla&bill says:
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    We are friends of callum, well he is my boyfriends friend they have known each other since they were three
    1) callum is 100% 28 years old
    2) he is a genuinely lovely person that would do anything for anyone
    3) yes he massively exaggerated his vt but so have most bb housemates, it got him in there… End of.

    We find the show very hard to watch because it is the most frustrating thing to see a friend called fake and saying he is being something they arent x

  20. joe says:
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    why is gina do down on hazel its seems thats all she has to offer dress sense afraid not wash little fake fake

  21. Mark says:
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    Watching Callum is becoming more & more uncomfortable, he is in meltdown & doesn’t seem able to hold it together any more. A man on the verge of a nervous breakdown. Should go on Friday for his own sanity. 🙁

  22. Maybee says:
    Reply Report

    Yes, it’s very unsettling viewing, his intense hatred of Dexter is scary. Evict Callum on Friday please.

  23. Craig says:
    Reply Report

    This man is a complete homophobic bigot and this is coming from a straight guy.

    I am no Dexter fan never have been but Callum used homophobic slander against him last night on the live feed, truly disgusting and worst of all Channel 5 and BB are giving this bigot a good edit on the HL show, he should be kicked out of the house.

  24. Brin says:
    Reply Report

    I really despise Callum he is utterly unwatchable, the way he talks is so condescending with all the hand movements and emphasis on words, exactly what he accused Dexter of what a contradictory t***. Furthermore, the way he blew up at Dexter was embarrassing to say the least he’s just upset because Charlie nominated him and is jealous that she clearly prefers Dexter as at least Dexter can hold a half decent conversation without sucking the life out of people. If I knew him or was related to him I would be mortified. For the love god please let him be evicted.

  25. Biker babe says:
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    I think Callum is an absolute wally! Dexter is such a lovely fella, he’s just been misunderstood. He looked so intimidated when Callum started bitching before the task they did together. Dexters mum looks a lovely lady and should be so proud of him. I think some stuff that comes out of Dexters mouth he doesn’t always think what he’s saying but Callum knows exactly what he’s saying and has no remorse whatsoever. Callum was ok in the beginning but since Dan left Callum has got way too big for his boots. Gina or Dexter to win.

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