


  • Entered Day 2
  • Evicted Day 68
  • 2 evictions faced
  • 6 noms received

Forming the very first mum/daughter partnership in the BB House, Charlie is bossy, stubborn and very often complex. She has a love-hate relationship with her mum Jackie, who is also going into the house. She admits to insecurities and feels she doesn’t fit in with her family – but also admits she is very demanding.

Charlie enjoys playing mind games and says she is extremely confrontational and aggressive. However, she is also cheeky, naughty and playful if the mood takes her. Drama always seems to follow Charlie although she doesn’t know why…

Her Dad works in property and lives with her step-mum June. She is a ‘daddy’s girl’ and describes her father as “completely my inspiration and hero, selfless, hilariously funny and such a hard grafter for his family”.

When it comes to taking on her mum as a rival housemate Charlie thinks whoever loses their temper first will get evicted – and she says at her worst she is scarier than her mum…

Latest on Charlie

  1. 3 comments

  2. 6 comments

  3. 14 comments


  1. viv says:
    Reply Report

    All vote Charlie to win now yippee!

  2. Liz says:
    Reply Report

    Charlies gonna be the dark horse of this competition! She could win as I would say most reasonable people can see that she is the nicest person in there!

  3. Helen says:
    Reply Report

    Not one Charlie fan on bbbots isn’t that strange? Let’s make her the surprise winner! Vote Charlie to win she’s so modest she was convinced she was going even said in diary room that if she was watching she would of evicted herself ahh bless her Charlie to win!

  4. Hilary says:
    Reply Report

    She is complaining about Dexter but she hasnt said she wants a relationship. She is narcissistic and now talking behind his back. She wants everything from him but gives nothing in return. She is nit picking and droning on and on and on …. its very self obsessed and boring

  5. todd says:
    Reply Report

    @irene pearson
    Bullying Dexter? you’re having a laugh. She was questioning him why he didn’t pick the £99,000. Which Charlie picked after Dexter. His feeble reply was he didn’t see it, a blatantly obvious lie. Charlie was then, rightfully suspicious of his motives as was everyone else. Also throwing in the toxic phrase ‘bigoted’ to describe Charlie’s curiosity is disgusting. Shame on you :down:

  6. pat says:
    Reply Report

    I would rather live in a world of Charlie’s than any of the house mates from this whole series. She’s a gem of a girl, doesn’t have a bad bone in her body & always gives other people the benefit of the doubt. Charlie haters are just illogical & all kinds of wrong. She’s like hello Kitty in a house full of vampires lol. I love her to bits. Charlie to win :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

  7. claire says:
    Reply Report

    Watching live stream after BBBOTS. Charlie dancing to the music like a little kid. Such life affirming joy & abandonment & I might add great moves, She really comes alive to music, even Gina was copying her. Just don’t understand why anyone doesn’t love Charlie. 😀 :happy:

  8. Yogi says:
    Reply Report

    Her confused and insecurity irritates me :cry:….but I do think she’ll, in a few years, once matured, will turn to be a lovely girl.

    But she is annoying…. 😉

  9. Jake says:
    Reply Report

    I liked Charlie until I watched some clips of what happened after Sophie was evicted.

    It’s funny that as soon as she finds out that she’s in the final and that the public didn’t vote her out, she turns on Dexter and causes an argument between them. Dexter hasn’t done anything to her, and he’s always stood by her, yet she’s claiming his actions are confusing and that they’re showing hints of using her. She needs to sort her head out. I’m starting to believe that she’s the one who’s using Dexter.

  10. irene pearson says:
    Reply Report

    @todd I didn’t say any of that in reference to Charlie. When did “bigoted ” become a toxic phrase ? It is a non toxic word not a phrase , an adjective, describing perfectly the behaviour of Sam and the Twins,in particular, very well that evening. Sorry to offend you, simply my opinion.

  11. Helen says:
    Reply Report

    Irene pearson someone must be posting things on here using your name then cos if you look above you clearly said about Charlie that ‘even the bullying and bigoted attack on dexter was all about her’ which prompted people to respond in the way they did to you

  12. Liz says:
    Reply Report

    Pat I completely agree Charlie to win! I think she may have a chance cos I think that the normal people of Britain who don’t bother posting or voting on sites like this and who are not crazy big brother fans will see something good in her and vote for her as the only deserving winner!

  13. Claire says:
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    Usually the nice people win big brother even when they are not favourites like when Rachel rice or Sophie won which in my opinion is the way it should be and the way it is for anyone with a strong moral fibre. Do not write Charlie off just because she is not seeming to be popular British people love to champion the underdog and they also stand for good and fair play! She is In my opinion the most deserving and therefore the most likely winner!

  14. Claire says:
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    Closely followed by Sam in second place x

  15. irene pearson says:
    Reply Report

    Sorry Helen. I wasn’t clear enough. What I meant was Dexter had been attacked and rather than support him she made it all about her and her feelings and worries as usual. 😀

  16. Yogi says:
    Reply Report

    Poor Dexter, she leads men on with all her attention seeking.

    Dexter, she’s not smart enough for you. move on! 😉

  17. Thelover says:
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    I felt really sorry for Charlie when the slaggy bitch hazel was bitching about her over 😥 😥 😯 something so stupid xxx 😥 😥

  18. neil says:
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    Charlie has told Dexter on numerous occasions she doesn’t see him romantically but as a friend, she enjoys talking to him. How is that leading him on? She said the same to Callum. Seems these men couldn’t take no for an answer. Bottom line is she just doesn’t fancy either of em. Charlie has handled the so called love triangle situation very well, I know lots of women who would have told em both to piss off in no uncertain terms,, testament to Charlie’s good nature & kind heart. Dexter’s romantic intentions towards Charlie were & still are bogus, his ass licking loyalties lie with Gina, if anything he’s still playing Charlie as a last ditch attempt for the showmance vote. Charlie to win :up: :up: :up:

  19. zoe says:
    Reply Report

    Bless Charlie she is so unsure of herself mind you as much as I like dexter Ithere is something about him that isn’t quite trustworthy I think Charlie’s right it’s his eyes! I think Charlie might be starting to have feelings for him!

  20. SS says:
    Reply Report

    I truly love you Charlie Travers. 😀

  21. heybigboy says:
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    Just watched bbbots, how biased is that show, never heard anyone say a good word about Charlie. Even Lancashire half wit AJ had a pop at her tonight. Should rename it the Gina & twins show. & being a body language expert doesn’t make you an expert on someone’s personality. Judy James for someone who is about 60 years old is so immature & annoying & usually wrong about people. That other twit who looks like Annie Lennox mentioned Dexter having Napoleon complex or small man syndrome. Doesn’t she watch QI with Stephen Fry, he exposed that theory as being an urban myth years ago, Napoleon was actually tall. Where do they get these so called experts from, the Job Centre. Charlie to win :heart: :heart: :heart:

  22. Jake says:
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    I know Charlie can be nice and all, but the way she just turned against Dexter as soon as she found out she had a safe place in the final was ridiculous, I couldn’t believe it. She demands so much from him, when he hasn’t done anything at all to her. She also spoke to the other housemates about him, after EVERYTHING. How bitchy can you get?

  23. irene pearson says:
    Reply Report

    Charlie is the most boring hamster in the most boring wheel, nothing more.Shut up woman.

  24. Lisadoc says:
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    I like Charlie,but sometimes I wonder what she’s on about. Charlie wonders what everyone else is on about ,all the time.

  25. Yogi says:
    Reply Report

    Her head is scrambled 😉

Reply to heybigboy

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