


  • Entered Day 2
  • Evicted Day 68
  • 2 evictions faced
  • 6 noms received

Forming the very first mum/daughter partnership in the BB House, Charlie is bossy, stubborn and very often complex. She has a love-hate relationship with her mum Jackie, who is also going into the house. She admits to insecurities and feels she doesn’t fit in with her family – but also admits she is very demanding.

Charlie enjoys playing mind games and says she is extremely confrontational and aggressive. However, she is also cheeky, naughty and playful if the mood takes her. Drama always seems to follow Charlie although she doesn’t know why…

Her Dad works in property and lives with her step-mum June. She is a ‘daddy’s girl’ and describes her father as “completely my inspiration and hero, selfless, hilariously funny and such a hard grafter for his family”.

When it comes to taking on her mum as a rival housemate Charlie thinks whoever loses their temper first will get evicted – and she says at her worst she is scarier than her mum…

Latest on Charlie

  1. 3 comments

  2. 6 comments

  3. 14 comments


  1. Anonymous says:
    Reply Report

    She is so frustrating! She makes want to cringe and all those butt-licking compliments too Hazel are so annoying! They’re not even true! :down:

  2. zerozero says:
    Reply Report

    She quite immature. Annoying when she’s had a drink. Nuisance actually! Pest! Child like, gets over excited about silly billy willy nilly things. She still needs her mum. How off putting!!!!!

  3. Yogi says:
    Reply Report

    He head is so confused about certain things….suppose that comes from her youth when her mum and dad divorced. Shes still asking the same question….why, why why, I don’t understand.

    Nice girl though, just messed up.

  4. Maybee says:
    Reply Report

    Yes, but there is something rather endearing about her. I just wish she wouldn’t let Callum maul her.

  5. cd says:
    Reply Report

    Charlie is a flawed character, aren’t we all? When drunk she’s loud & silly & doesn’t make sense, ditto just about eveybody. Deep down she has a good heart & just want’s to be loved. I like her a lot. 😀

  6. Gaz says:
    Reply Report

    she is lovely. She needs someone to love her and keep her :heart:

  7. Blahblahblah says:
    Reply Report

    Dull dull dull as dishwater. Dexter’s a smart guy. He needs to wake up and smell the coffee. Callum’s welcome to her. Dullness personified and the weirdo. Match made in heaven.

  8. pete says:
    Reply Report

    A cucumber in the mouth, then one in the eye. Girls, girls, you should know that’s not where they go. 😉

  9. Jack says:
    Reply Report

    She was so annoying tonight. I don’t like Hazel but she did say to big brother that the situation wasn’t anything. Charlie must of been drunk to try and argue about a cucumber!

  10. really…u care says:
    Reply Report

    charlie says wot she thinks… Shes far from nieve (nasty jealous insecure) nasty thoughts whizzing round her nasty mind…. Shes playin the air time card…. Were callum n dexter are concerned….. Get her out before hazel n callum… Take that smug rich girl smile of her face….

  11. Yogi says:
    Reply Report

    I think they should remove one of the ‘floaters’ this week, e.g. Twins/Sophie… And let the main character flare-up with competitiveness and rivalry.
    Stop letting the floaters float!!!

  12. Susie Shoe says:
    Reply Report

    Terrible case of foot in the mouth disease again 😯

  13. Maybee says:
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    Oh dear Charlie never stood a chance in the altercation with the alpha female “hellcat Hazel”. 🙁

  14. Soozy1965 says:
    Reply Report

    The woman gets on my wick. She has no filter, and the way she says ‘yeah yeah yeah’ all the time is really grating. :down:

  15. nightcap says:
    Reply Report

    Everyone focuses on Chatlie for not thinking before she speaks, what about Dexter, Gina, Callum & the bitchy twins? Leave her alone, she’s a fun loving girl stuck in a house with weird men & bitchy women. feel sorry for her :up:

  16. ALI66 says:
    Reply Report

    Completely agree with you Soozy yea yea yeah I do

  17. Aj says:
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    She got it bang on with Hazel! Hazel manipulated the situation to make out that Charlie was aggressive towards her. Which she did with Daley, starting it and says that any retaliation is in an aggressive manner. Hazel then say my eye is hurting to make out Charlie is aggressive. What a bitch!

  18. Jax says:
    Reply Report

    Lower your tone and strengthen your argument

  19. SS says:
    Reply Report

    LOL. 😀 😀 😀

    I’ll give them one thing, they are quick on the ball.

  20. mk says:
    Reply Report

    Charlie should stop messing with Call um he is a wimp but don’t let miss (I’m so good!!) hazel walk her into situations.

  21. Sally T says:
    Reply Report

    Thought Charlie was nice but I think she is a scheming madam the love triangle and then after she found out from BB that Hazel was least favourite and Sophie was liked she said I will be friends with Sophie when I leave and not friends with people I am friends with in here meaning Hazel , I’m sure haze won’t lose any sleep over it though

  22. Panda says:
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    People need to understand that Charlie has just started living. Yeah she sometime comes off as immature but she can’t help that, she has been overly protected by her mum and she hasn’t really had enough time to grow up. She has had Cancer and has more than likely been in and out of hospital, she really hasn’t had much time to mature and has been restricted. She wants to let her hair down and live and be young and free. Considering she hasn’t had much time to be young and do what her over friends have. Imagine that. Imagine all your friends growing up around you while your in hospital, missing out on parties and boyfriends. I’ve probably over exaggerated but I think she has grown so strong and she is a little fighter! Charlie should win this!!!! I love her soooo much xxxx

  23. pokerface says:
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    I think it would be best for Charlie if Callum went on Friday. He is like a dark cloud following her around the house bringing her down. Lets see fun Charlie, jumping in the pool, nutalla fights & dancing in the rain with total abandon. I just hope she has more fun in the time left. Charlie to win!!! :heart:

  24. irene pearson says:
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    Is there no boundary of reason in your head when it comes to defending Daley? How on earth did you reach such a ridiculous conclusion ? Read a book, anything, please !! @Aj

  25. Maybee says:
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    I never thought I’d say this, but if only Jackie !! was in there to steer her daughter Charlie away from that creepy cretin Callum. (“Mummy knows best”).

Reply to heybigboy

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