


  • Entered Day 2
  • Evicted Day 68
  • 2 evictions faced
  • 6 noms received

Forming the very first mum/daughter partnership in the BB House, Charlie is bossy, stubborn and very often complex. She has a love-hate relationship with her mum Jackie, who is also going into the house. She admits to insecurities and feels she doesn’t fit in with her family – but also admits she is very demanding.

Charlie enjoys playing mind games and says she is extremely confrontational and aggressive. However, she is also cheeky, naughty and playful if the mood takes her. Drama always seems to follow Charlie although she doesn’t know why…

Her Dad works in property and lives with her step-mum June. She is a ‘daddy’s girl’ and describes her father as “completely my inspiration and hero, selfless, hilariously funny and such a hard grafter for his family”.

When it comes to taking on her mum as a rival housemate Charlie thinks whoever loses their temper first will get evicted – and she says at her worst she is scarier than her mum…

Latest on Charlie

  1. 3 comments

  2. 6 comments

  3. 14 comments


  1. dearjohn says:
    Reply Report

    Has Charlie done enough to win. Yesterday, taking a shower in lime green bikini, what a babe…..end of!!! :heart:

  2. Jack says:
    Reply Report

    Charlie leads Callum on! If she really didn’t like him, why is she still trying to be his friend? True Callum is cringey, but Dexter isn’t? Do you remember the shower?

  3. Charlie says:
    Reply Report

    Love Charlie and Callum, they would make a great couple!! :happy:

  4. really….. U care says:
    Reply Report

    :heart: see chalie,s moved on to sam …. Now dexter n callum r up…. Tut tut…. N callum usin sam like puppet tut tut tut ….fair play to dexter standin up for himself…. Get callum or charlie out….peace

  5. really….u care says:
    Reply Report

    callum n sam perving on the girls showering disgusting… Big bro… should have pulled them… Personal thing showering… Their exposed enuff… Boundaries….

  6. Maybee says:
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    @really….. U care
    Oh yes Charlies “cosying up” to Sam now, how will nutter Callum react hey ?? 😯

  7. really….u care says:
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    Callum is spineless….. He wont say a thing…..

  8. LEANNE says:
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    get her out… wannabe

  9. fishandchips says:
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    Sounds like you’re well jell. Charlie’s well fit & the only genuinely likeable hm left. Charlie to win :up:

  10. irene pearson says:
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    He’ll crawl away and rant at his captive Sam.Charlie needs to get a grip and stop taking his crap.@really….u care

  11. niall says:
    Reply Report

    I love Charlie :heart: When you think this girl has beaten cancer, her journey is probably the bravest one. Does she go on about it for the sympathy vote, no. She’s beautiful inside & out. Charles to win :up:

  12. argyll says:
    Reply Report

    Get Charlie back to nursery!!! Can’t string a sentence together,yeah, yeah yeah!!! Will not win :down:

  13. Krystina says:
    Reply Report

    Charlie has been doing my head in with the love triangle thing, and the way she keeps asking for reassurance and then dismissing it. We thought she’d be different once her mum wasn’t in there to control her but she just let Callum (& Dexter but more Callum) to control her instead. Lighten up girl, it really doesn’t matter whether they really like you or not because you don’t like them in that way. Hopefully now Callum is out she’ll just have some bloody fun this week, no more DCs ACs PCs or TCs (which I think should have stood for tedious because that’s what C&C’s conversations had become) Charlie out next though (she’s annoyed me that much I’d rather her out than Hazel!) :conf:

  14. cerealkiller says:
    Reply Report

    I want to see her drunk as a skunk, put her foot in it again & watch the sparks fly. For all her faults, It’s hard not to like Charlie she’s cute & daft & how hot does she look in a bikini, wow :heart:

  15. Satnav says:
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    Tedious and needy

  16. Maybee says:
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    Yes she’s quite “ditzy”, I’m just so glad that Callum is not in there playing his mind games. Hopefully happier times ahead.

  17. really….u care says:
    Reply Report

    charlie insults them… Then when explaining herself insulsts them some…. Manuilapted the convo,s with callum… To make him look stupid… Glad he,s out… Good move charlie….lets see who she bezzies up with next….

  18. really….u care says:
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    😀 missed a word out oops?! Charlie insults them some (more)just doin a charlie …. Writing sending…. Before i read …

  19. julie says:
    Reply Report

    I dont mind charlie, she is ditsy and complex but not offensive, she is liked but watch your back darlin, the snake has knives in it if your not careful

  20. Yogi says:
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    Charlie gets into bed with everyone doesn’t she! First Cal, the Dex, then, Dan and now Sam….wouldn’t trust her lol!

    Though I think she’ll be meeting Callum for a night when she gets out… 😉

  21. irene pearson says:
    Reply Report

    She’s not as daft as she’s cabbage looking.@Yogi

  22. matron says:
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    She’s a very confused woman who probably has low self esteem but there’s just something so appealing about her. I love her :heart:

  23. really….u care says:
    Reply Report

    charlie out next…. Bored of her deep convo,s…. She,s cringy like callum….

  24. Amy says:
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    She just doesn’t seem to have a personality compared to the other house mates. Rather than Callum getting voted out last week, maybe she should of. People were saying ‘He’s too nice’ but she’s not exactly horrid to everyone. She completely bum licks Hazel (which is one of the reasons I hate her) I liked her at the start but I think she needs more of an opinion, rather than listening to the others. 😀

  25. Chloe Scott says:
    Reply Report

    Where did charlie get that playsuit she wears that has a aztec pattern on the front (white, blue, black and orange) and the back is just plain orange and flowy. Been trying to find it for ages and its driving me crazy. Can someone help please?

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