


  • Entered Day 2
  • Evicted Day 68
  • 2 evictions faced
  • 6 noms received

Forming the very first mum/daughter partnership in the BB House, Charlie is bossy, stubborn and very often complex. She has a love-hate relationship with her mum Jackie, who is also going into the house. She admits to insecurities and feels she doesn’t fit in with her family – but also admits she is very demanding.

Charlie enjoys playing mind games and says she is extremely confrontational and aggressive. However, she is also cheeky, naughty and playful if the mood takes her. Drama always seems to follow Charlie although she doesn’t know why…

Her Dad works in property and lives with her step-mum June. She is a ‘daddy’s girl’ and describes her father as “completely my inspiration and hero, selfless, hilariously funny and such a hard grafter for his family”.

When it comes to taking on her mum as a rival housemate Charlie thinks whoever loses their temper first will get evicted – and she says at her worst she is scarier than her mum…

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  1. 3 comments

  2. 6 comments

  3. 14 comments


  1. Holly says:
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    Charlie’s mate wasn’t thinking of Charlie when she dominated Hazel. Friends are important in there, she has left Charlie confused and wobbly, if Hazel had done Charlie wrong in some way fare enough but she nominated Hazel for the Daley story which is nothing to do with Charlie. How selfish is that not a true friend :envy: :down: :down:

  2. todd says:
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    Looks like charlie’s mates noms have rocked the house more than anyones & theyre all ganging up on her like a pack of hyenas. Pathetic, insecure drama queens. Feel so sorry for Charlie & if Gina says isn’t my boyfriend cute again i’m gonna puke. :down:

  3. Mark says:
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    For the last 2 weeks, get Charlies friend in, coz Gina, Hazel & the twins really, really need a massive reality check & need to be brought down a peg or two, vile people 🙁

  4. SS says:
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    Yeah. And given how moralistic Charlie’s friend was and how she “felt really strongly about it”, it’s strange that she never nominated Dexter as well. You know, seeing as he was trying it on with Charlie, despite having a girlfriend on the outside.

  5. Yogi says:
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    Charlie and hazel have fallen out :conf: I’m on Hazel’s side, she’s got herself in check and Charlie is always so friggin confused about everything.

  6. Yogi says:
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    Hope your mum is there when u get booted out on Friday! She’ll protect you from the evil Callum!

  7. really….u care says:
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    get charlie out… She can stop playin a victim….get a personality…. Stop tryin to be manipulative… Your not that clever….u n callum should marry… Two cringy ppl together…. Whoop!

  8. celia says:
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    Don’t understand people’s hostility towards Charlie. HMs have seemed to regard Charlie as fair game for their rants right from the start. The so called incidents were Charlie puts her foot in it, are non- events. She made an innocent remark about feeling fat ( to another housemate) and is attacked by Wolfie, who projects her own insecurities onto Charlie. Poor Charlie then feels obliged to apologize to Wolfie, when she actually did nothing wrong. The same thing happened with cuccumbergate. Hazel turned on Charlie due to her own concerns about the role she played in the Daley debacle, once again it was not Charlies fault. Now Charlie’s friend has nominated, and Charlie receives the fallout.

    Charlie does seem like a very insecure person, but should rely on her own judgement ,and not constantly seek the thoughts and approval of others, because other people abuse this neediness. It was this lack of self confidence that allowed Callum to try and worm his way in. Charlie constantly told both Dexter and Callum that she was not interested in either of them romantically, however,Callum ignored this and Charlie, too insecure to tackle the situation head on, ended up nominating him, and was criticised again.

    Can’t help feeling that as a child, Charlie was used to being put down and belittled, resulting in her not being confident as an adult. Hazel and Gina’s behaviour towards her since the noms has been appalling. Don’t understand why Gina’s BF chose Charlie, other than her association with Hazel, but if he thought it was tactical, then it’s backfired. Gina has put great store in the fact he nominated Charlie, and as a result, has shown herself to be nasty, and siding with Hazel of all people. Hazel is reeling at the response of Charlie’s friend because she has had a glimpse at the reality of her situation on the outside. She managed to dupe Dan into smoothing the way for her in the house, with regards to other HM questioning her about what had happened with Dalely. He will not be able to do this for her on the outside, however, this is still not Charlie’s fault. As for the twins, well they’re just not very nice boys. You get a sense that they don’t have much of a life outside their own family. Their preferred way to communicate is to make bitchy remarks about HM to each other. Perhaps this is how they communicate as a family, and they don’t know any better. Charlie does not deserve to be treated the way she has.

  9. really…..u care says:
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    charlie has chose to put herself in the limelight…. If she wants to find hersel she should have sort oher avenues….. Hazel shouldve left when daley left there was to aggressive ppl involved in that situation…. More importantly….. Charlie is usin this platform to promote herself fact….. And she,s gunna have her haters…. Get used to it…. Its only panto…..

  10. really….u care says:
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    celebrity get me out soon

  11. really….u care says:
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    she called gina escort…. accused hazel… Of bein apart of her bf,s suicide…. Led callum n dexter on for air tym…. Quick enuff puttin her mother in place wen she felt like expected her mum to shave hair…. Got aggressive with a cucumber….. Called gina ugly…. Then licked her arse for bit…. Dived on sam for airtym….poor social skills if ya wanna label it…..

  12. really….u care says:
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    i could list so much more thats bothered me …. But i lke to keep it short n sweet….. Not ere to read a book or write one….

  13. Maybee says:
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    Oh poor Charlie does “put her foot in it” so often, & then tries her best to make amends ,but has such difficulty getting her points across. Then feisty Hazel jumps down her throat at the slightest mistaken remark. 🙁

  14. Maisie b says:
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    Charlie’s friend is a bitch no wonder Hazel is livid she done nothing behind Charlie’s back. Lets face it Charlie is a dick. She asked Hazel if she was the reason her ex committed suicide she asked Gina if she was an escort she told Hazel don’t be too emotional or be friendly to Gina or you’ll look fake and she acted live a 13year old in the dull triangle
    Time to go Charlie or I’ll have to stop watching

  15. Michael says:
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    charlie has such a nice ass :tongue: :up: 😉

  16. Michael says:
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    Like forreal :up:

  17. becky says:
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    I feel as though Charlie IS massively misunderstood in that house.

    I know I am not one to judge on other people’s families but the twins mother and Gina’s boyfriend seems to be missing one important detail. And that is that ALL of the housemates have bitched about ALL the other housemates in one way or another and I believe her and Gina’s boyfriend saw Charlie as an easy option to pick since she’s seen as insecure and rarely sticks up for herself.

    Another reason is that Gina is seen as BB’s favourite to win so is given more airtime that the other housemates. BB is trying to get Gina to win and are showing things in favour of Gina. This proved to be bad for Charlie tonight as she is now left with the loss of her closest friend in the house and the rest of the housemates. Gina also, to me, appears to be the fakest housemate. She has made it clear from the start that she does not like Hazel, especially during the whole Daley situation. Then all of a sudden she’s sucking up to Hazel and siding with her against Charlie, who Gina has had a friendship with for a long time.

    I used to have massive respect for Hazel, the way she dealt with certain issues made me think she was a genuine nice person who was just misunderstood on the outside. I would also like to point out just now that I don’t agree that Hazel should have been ejected from the house along with Daley. Hazel was being inappropriate but at no point did she show that she was a physical threat to Daley’s safety, while Daley proved otherwise to Hazel. Anyway, Hazel tonight definitely twisted Charlie’s words and I only wish that they show the footage of Charlie and Hazel’s conversation of who to campaign against into the house. I feel that as soon as Hazel saw Charlie’s friend act rudely towards her, she turned on Charlie since there was no way of getting back at her friend. I would like to note that I believe Charlie’s friends reasons to nominate Hazel were extremely unfair and very rude. Hazel knew of Charlie’s insecurities and used this as a way of making her seem more powerful than her by shouting her down in front of everybody else. It was completely unnecessary. She also repeated everything she said, at least twice, giving Charlie hardly any time to explain herself. I have not once heard Charlie call Hazel a gameplayer or a liar and for Gina to tell Hazel that she was saying this is unfair.

    Hazel also tried turning Dexter against Charlie as well. Blatantly lying to his face about what was said during the campaigning. Dexter has made it clear that he does not want to be made a fool of in the house and now Hazel is in fact making a fool of him.

    I hope BB sorts out this issue. It is unfair for any human to have to go through what Charlie is going through in the house. I believe they should play the tape of the campaign so Hazel’s true colours are shown.

    I’m sorry this was so long, I just really felt the need to get my point across.

  18. Helen says:
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    Iv wanted charlie to win from the beginning yes she says impulsive things but they are usually things that we are all thinking! I find that funny and endearing she is quite child like but i think she missed out on a lot of her childhood as she had cancer. Shes had a hard time in life and i think it would mean more for her to win and boost her confidence more than any other housemate. I did go off her a bit when she was nominating callum but that was because she was being swayed by other peoples opinions of him which is quite sad and just shows that she doesnt have much confidence in her own judgements. She is drawn to the stronger charactors in the house for protection ie hazel! And they just seem to take advantage of her vulnerability! I think she is a complex character but how can you dislike her? Those that do dislike her clearly misunderstand her!ef=”#comment-26048″>@celia

  19. Belles30 says:
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    Poor Charlie 🙁

  20. Macca says:
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    Can I just say that I have never felt so uncomfortable watching TV in my life!! What Charlie had to endure then was nothing short of disgraceful! What did she actually do? Her mate only dished out what millions of people in Britain think about Hazel!! And for everyone to more or less attack her, I have never wanted to be in a room as much in my life to back her up!! How many times did Charlie try to speak and not get to complete a sentence! Where was her ‘so called admirer’ Dexter??? Does he really care about her…….. does he ****!!! I really think BB should’ve stepped in once it became clear that Charlie was getting no back up!! I got to agree with an earlier comment though….. BB should play a few clips, especially the conversation over the campaigning! BB…… you let yourselves down by not stepping in, make up for it and play the clip!! Charlie…… for you 😉

  21. Maybee says:
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    Tonights BB was very uncomfortable viewing, Charlie was like “a budgie in a cage full of sparrows” with all that constant verbal assault, just so upsetting to watch. 😥

  22. Susie shoe says:
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    @becky becky I think you put your point across really well and I agree with a lot of what you say but I lay the blame for what is happening with Charlie, with her so called friend. Surely she could have predicted what would happen. I feel for anyone who feels isolated and scapegoated. I think Hazel has had the roughest time in there but she is not a crier,I think she is very hurt by the nasty nomination from Charlie’s friend but doesn’t show it in the same way as Charlie so people see her as cold. I hope they sort it.

  23. Marilyn says:
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    Big applause for Macca’s comments….. got it perfect there Macca!!! And BB…… I think you should play the campaigning clip!!!! Better still, send Macca in to the house as a day guest and lets see the sparks fly lol :up: TV Gold!!

  24. spoon says:
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    Charlies mate was spot on. She’s watching Charlies back, doesn’t want her best mate associating with as she says a home wrecker. The twins mum says charlie’s a player, Why? because she nominated the twins… duh!! The twins mum is wrong & an idiot. Gina’s boyfriend says she’s sly & talks behind Gina’s back then says sorry, well why not lock Charlie up & throw away the key. Gina’s boyfriend is a dick. He’s dating Gina so he’s blind as well as stupid. The way they turned on Charlie was nothing less than bullying & BB should have stepped in. It will backfire on em all though coz none of the bullies came away from that looking good & Charlie will get the sympathy vote on Friday & stay. Get Hazel & Gina, The Bitches of Eastwick out!!!

  25. Monica says:
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    I have not liked Charlie at all!! But last night I couldnt help but to feel sorry for her the way Hazel and Gina were attacking her and no other housemate would stand up for charlie! I absolutely Hate the sight of Hazel and Gina, Hazel bitched plenty about everybody in the hosue and got Charlie to turn against hazel.. I think Big brother should have intervened and stopped it.. Better yet have thrown Hazel out of the house!!

Reply to heybigboy

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