


  • Entered Day 2
  • Evicted Day 68
  • 2 evictions faced
  • 6 noms received

Forming the very first mum/daughter partnership in the BB House, Charlie is bossy, stubborn and very often complex. She has a love-hate relationship with her mum Jackie, who is also going into the house. She admits to insecurities and feels she doesn’t fit in with her family – but also admits she is very demanding.

Charlie enjoys playing mind games and says she is extremely confrontational and aggressive. However, she is also cheeky, naughty and playful if the mood takes her. Drama always seems to follow Charlie although she doesn’t know why…

Her Dad works in property and lives with her step-mum June. She is a ‘daddy’s girl’ and describes her father as “completely my inspiration and hero, selfless, hilariously funny and such a hard grafter for his family”.

When it comes to taking on her mum as a rival housemate Charlie thinks whoever loses their temper first will get evicted – and she says at her worst she is scarier than her mum…

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  3. 14 comments


  1. Monica says:
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    I meant Hazel got Charlie to turn on Callum!

  2. Sam says:
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    I could not agree more Becky! Especially with Gina, there’s blatant favouritism in the air time and I see it with Dexter too sometimes. I was so annoyed with the way Gina turned on Charlie yesterday, saying things like “oh but Hazel said this”, like why does she suddenly trust what Hazel says so much more?? Hazel might have got it wrong actually Gina!

  3. Sam says:
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    I mean it’s annoying because I actually started to feel sorry for Hazel with all the hate she’s getting (Gina picking on her in the letters task included), but she lost a fan last night in me with how nasty she was to Charlie. CHARLIE TO WIIIIIN or Sam.

  4. Michaela says:
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    I’ve always liked Charlie, I don’t think she’s sly at all just a very sweet, genuine, confused, naïve and insecure girl. I felt so sorry for her last night, all the other housemates completely ganged up on her and I’d say what happened was close to bullying. Hazel is a complete bitch, she always has been but even more so now for how she treated Charlie last night and I’ve lost so much respect for Gina, I always thought she was very fair to other housemates but she wasn’t fair to Charlie, Charlie denied saying something and Gina refused to believe her, convinced she was lying just because of what Hazel said! Since when does Hazel tell the truth? And since when has Gina ever trusted her or liked her? Surely Gina should have been able to see through Hazel considering she’s already said she thinks she’s a snake and that she can’t trust her. Can’t believe no one stuck up for the poor girl, clearly no empathy or sympathy in that house! Think the only empathy actually came from Dan, Callum and Charlie herself! Everyone it for themselves! Hopefully it will work in Charlie’s favour and she’ll actually do even better now. Used to what Gina to win but now it’s Charlie or Sam all the way! The only genuine, kind people in there!

  5. Ian says:
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    I think both Gina & Hazel should feel disgusted with themselves (but they don’t as they are both game players & picking on easy prey). I really fell for Charlie now & think BB should step in & reprimand housemates for verbal bullying (Razor Ruddock got such a warning in the Celebrity version) !!!!

  6. Mb says:
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    Poor Charlie 🙁

  7. Dan says:
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    Hazel clearly lied to turn the house against Charles. But, this IS Big Brother, and there is nothing in the rules that states you can’t lie. Hazel and Charlie weren’t going to win anyways so hopefully this will work in my boy Dexter’s favor. Can’t be good for Gina’s game.

  8. mimi says:
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    another victim who thinks it is all about her and only cares about how SHE feels…seriously i have no respect for pleasers who lie or hide in order to be liked by everyone, lack of honnesty and frontality digusts me. Girl, love yourself so you can stop trying so hard to be liked.

  9. Saz says:
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    I can understand everyone’s uncertainty after hearing what they did. Even Charlie said that her friend would have been watching out for her and wouldn’t have nominated Hazel for no reason so she needs to understand that others believe and trust their family/friends too. However… Poor Charlie 🙁 I felt so sorry for her and she is not any of the things that were said imo. The only one I related to was Gina’s bf saying she says things then says sorry and we have to admit – she does put her foot in it but that really is all!! I like Charlie, and think she is misunderstood.

    This just emphasises the problems with friend and family nominations – they cause trouble. Originally bb was a social experiment – yes, it is entertainment too but that shouldn’t be at the expense of others. BB have caused this turmoil for Charlie and that really isn’t fair! Secrets and Lies or not!

    Not liking how they are constantly causing trouble this year – its like they are deliberately toying with peoples emotions – it was supposed to be about people being isolated in a house with no contact to outside and to see what happens with a few tasks built in and nominations/evictions – what happened????

  10. really….u care says:
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    boohoo charlie…..

  11. really….u care says:
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    charlie managed to squeeze a few tears out for sam….. Seen her in action manipulated the house…. I dont like hazel… She should have got booted out with daley…. But shes bein bullied now becos of that incident….bb tut tut!….

  12. Jack says:
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    Get her out! She has been trying to get rid of Hazel as a friend as soon as Jackie and Dan were evicted and the ‘Get Hazel Out!’ chants.

  13. Sam says:
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    @really….u care
    Oh Hazel is just as good at dishing it out as she is taking it.. also don’t you think she was just upset given her tears?

  14. Georgia says:
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    Feel so bad for charlie 🙁 she hasnt been nowhere neae as bitchy as gina, hazel, jack and joe etc. Haxel has lied and made her look like the bitch. Hate hazel!!!!

  15. Louise says:
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    Charlie went around everyone telling them about her doubts with Hazel. She wanted people to know that she didn’t like her anymore. This was after Dan went and the get-hazel-out chants. She is trying too hard to be like and is too conscience of the viewing public. And she kept telling Callum how much she liked him as a friend and said he was her friend then nominated him three times and did not once tell him how she really felt about him. The same goes for the twins, she nominated them three times as well.

  16. really….u care says:
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    they should have booted hazel out waste of a vote…. Seperated the twins…..made them compete against each other…. Get charlie out shes miserable fake… Manipulative…more savvy than ta think!….. Her best friend doesnt even like her… Dropped her right in it…. Just my opinion… Dont buy into it… She,l sell her pity story highest bidder….whoop!

  17. Holly says:
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    Soooo manipulative

  18. elle says:
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    I think charlie is the victim however both she and hazel keep going on about the situation which to be honest doesnt help them I think they should just get over it and start fresh without all the bullsh*t!

  19. John says:
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    There all bitching hazel been bullied

  20. Wendy says:
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    Charlie’s friend was not a bitch ,
    She just said what most people have thought all along .
    I grant you that she sometimes doesn’t think before she speaks ,
    But it is not meant with animosity ,

  21. Wendy says:
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    Hazel being bullied , I think not ,
    Not with a butch attitude like she has ,
    I think most men would be scared of that.

  22. Holly says:
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    I actually used to like Charlie but I have seen her true colours she is pathetic and so concerned about what the public think she has been questioning her friendship with Hazel since she heard the “get Hazel out ” chants. Well it’s worked she played a blinder with the sympathy card all the country including the stony face Ian from bots are feeling sorry for her

  23. Yogi says:
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    All good friends fallout when they spend too much time with one another…everyone knows that :conf:

  24. Marc Dawson-lee says:
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    is is as dull as dish water and is a BULLY

  25. SWT says:
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    Poor down trodden Charlie all the house mates picking on her and talking about her behind her back! And she always gets the hard tasks to do so unfair she needs more sympathy poor power mad nasty two faced bitch

Reply to heybigboy

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