


  • Entered Day 2
  • Evicted Day 68
  • 2 evictions faced
  • 6 noms received

Forming the very first mum/daughter partnership in the BB House, Charlie is bossy, stubborn and very often complex. She has a love-hate relationship with her mum Jackie, who is also going into the house. She admits to insecurities and feels she doesn’t fit in with her family – but also admits she is very demanding.

Charlie enjoys playing mind games and says she is extremely confrontational and aggressive. However, she is also cheeky, naughty and playful if the mood takes her. Drama always seems to follow Charlie although she doesn’t know why…

Her Dad works in property and lives with her step-mum June. She is a ‘daddy’s girl’ and describes her father as “completely my inspiration and hero, selfless, hilariously funny and such a hard grafter for his family”.

When it comes to taking on her mum as a rival housemate Charlie thinks whoever loses their temper first will get evicted – and she says at her worst she is scarier than her mum…

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  1. 3 comments

  2. 6 comments

  3. 14 comments


  1. really….u care says:
    Reply Report

    U need to get out more…. Im sure charlie will be well chuffed…. And hooking up with u some tym soon….

  2. really….u care says:
    Reply Report

    if charlie wants a place in the entertainment business… Obviously… There the deals shes gunna get offered … tryin to get a debate goin….. Would you buy a poster of charlie?…. Yes or no…. Would do!?

  3. Raymundo says:
    Reply Report

    @really….u care
    Buy a poster of Charlie….er yes please & a calendar when it’s out. Why does she inspire so much hatred in you? Don’t say it’s coz she’s manipulative, a player, fake blah blah blah thats all kinds of wrong & you obviously can’t read people. You’re just jealous coz she’s beautiful inside & out. Deal with it, get over it & jog on. Gorgeous Charlie to win:tongue: :tongue:

  4. Dimitris H. Seisoglou says:
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    “Yeah, yeah hmmmmm” -Charlie Travis, BB 2013

  5. jo says:
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    I like Charlie she has had a drug problem and has been through cancer she has had her cervix and ovary removed but you never hear her moaning about it she’s not using it to gane sympathy she just gets on with it! Out of all of them she is the most interesting and the one I would most like to go for a drink with. Gina been quite entertaining but don’t think she’s a very nice person wouldn’t want her as a mate at all.

  6. argyll says:
    Reply Report

    Its not fake tan or make up that’s on cry baby Charlie nose, its brown with being do far up Gina,s ass I can smell it here;;;; strange person, get her out to her domineering ,righteous mother!!!; :down: yeah yeah yeah

  7. irene pearson says:
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    @jo Why would she moan about that? Her mother spared no time in announcing some of it on national TV but C has more dignity

  8. Sam says:
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    This is the thing imo, Charlie is lovely, but Gina, despite how she is often entertaining, is also nasty at times and I don’t think she deserves to win. Charlie on the other hand does. She’s a well rounded housemate, having had her share of confrontation, being part of a major storyline, and being a great person generally.

  9. really….u care says:
    Reply Report

    Dont hate the girl….. I just find her fake manipulative….needy… Cringy…. Arse licker….. There not qualities im jealous of…. She has a ugly personality….. and i dont find her attractive at all the fact that u do… Doesnt mean anything to me U jog on…..

  10. Kay says:
    Reply Report

    I agree only good people should win big brother Charlie has been consistently kind, non bitchy, and modest Gina has been none of these things plus Gina has never worked a day in her life! Charlie on the other hand has had to work hard in her life and had to endure cancer and addiction yet choses not to talk about it to me that’s very dignified! Charlie to win!

  11. Claire says:
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    I don’t think Charlie has lead dexter on she’s made it clear that she’s not interested in him romantically and you can clearly see that she really values his friendship so why should she stay away from him? Also I don’t think she really believes he genuinely likes her and isn’t he gay? What was he trying to tell her in last night’s episode? I think it can appear that Charlie is leading him on cos she is too nice to hurt his feelings! I also like Charlie her or Sam should win there the nicest people!

  12. Poppy says:
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    Charlie’s a class act, doesn’t have a bad bone in her body, she’s very unsure of herself but then she did miss out on most of her teenage years coz she had cancer, so she still has some growing up to do. The most likeable & endearing house mate this year. Haters gonna hate. I love her. Charlie to win :heart: :heart: :heart:

  13. Ricky says:
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    Just watched bbbots and was shocked at how unpopular Charlie is everyone wants her out feel sorry for her!

  14. tim says:
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    Go on Charlie, it’s the last week. Start bitching behind peoples backs, play to the cameras, Start telling super lame jokes, be more rude, loud & obnoxious, dumb yourself down. become a selfish wannabe overnight. Apparently that’s what the British voting public want in their Big Brother winner. :up:

  15. Yogi says:
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    That’s very sad news that she had cancer and needed her cervix removed…she can never have her own kids 😥

    God love her 🙁 :heart:

  16. Lisadoc says:
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    I like Charlie and as Callum says she could soar.
    Unfortunately she’s short of a pair of wings and anything between the ears. I still like her.

  17. HonestyFirst says:
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    Charlie seems like a lovely person. HOWEVER, she is one of those girls that begs for friendship from people that clearly do not like her. Hazel bitched about her, bullied her and lied about her saying things yet she is being loyal to Hazel and not stay true to the people that believed in her character instead of believing that evil Hazel. Horrible human being. Charlie wake up and stop being so needy and following people, its not a good trait. :down:

  18. Yogi says:
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    But Charlie does say some very stupid things likes actually sitting down with Gina and telling her directly I’m scared of you, you intimated me.

    Now come on Charlie, you NEVER tell ppl that!

    How embarrassing! 😉

  19. neil says:
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    Nothing Charlie has said in this series is in the same stratosphere as the offensive, hateful bile spewed out by Gina, especially to the ones who don’t kiss her ass. Can’t understand why Charlie has this reputation of not thinking before she speaks. Sally, Jemima, Wolfy, Hazel, the twins & ‘tell it like it is’ Queen Gina all need to think before opening their big, rude, obnoxious mouths before Charlie. :doh:

  20. Yogi says:
    Reply Report

    Charlie behaves like she’s 21-23 yrs old when she’s actually knocking on 30.

    She’s a nice girl, but do something to help yourself grow up…..

    Have kids and get married! That’s what I say!

  21. Sue Hubbard says:
    Reply Report

    Charlie you are so fake and full of yourself. You pretend to be insecure but really you know exactly what you are doing. There is just something about you that is so grating. You really make my hackles rise and I don’t know why.

  22. JAMES says:
    Reply Report

    is her mother called jackie or jack!!! she looks like a bloke!!! very ugly woman indeed, that has to be a typo in her profile on her page saying she is attractive… anyway back to Charlie, all she is, is an attention seeking, immature, needy and boring individual, with the IQ of an apple pie…lol

  23. james says:
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    Is her mother called jackie or jack!!! she looks like a bloke!!! very ugly woman indeed, that has to be a typo in her profile on her page saying she is attractive….. Anyway onto Charlie, needy, immature, boring, craves attention and has the IQ of an apple…..

  24. liz says:
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    Come on Charlie you do your best as you do and let Gina do her worst I know who I would rather have as a mate!

  25. maggie says:
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    At least Gina Dexta and others have the conviction to look people in the eye AND look like they are listening not what to eat next!

Reply to heybigboy

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