


  • Entered Day 1
  • Evicted Day 68
  • 4 evictions faced
  • 12 noms received

Chatty identical twins Jack and Joe share everything; friends, interests and even the same bedroom. They finish off each other’s sentences and think it would be odd to be apart, “We’re funny, we’re friendly, and we’re fat”. The twins are the youngest in their family and have three older sisters.

Jack’s party trick is “putting spoons under my moobs and holding them there”. He admits this is disgusting. Jack is not looking for love in the house as he would be worried about the cameras and mum and dad watching. They love musicals and treat themselves to seeing one every payday.

Jack and Joe support the Conservative party. Jack started to support them because of his dad and says “Ed Miliband is the main reason I don’t trust Labour”. Richard Branson is their idol because he has done so much and as Jack says “he is dyslexic and now he has an island.”

Latest on Jack and Joe

  1. 3 comments

  2. 5 comments


  1. irene pearson says:
    Reply Report

    Oh god they are still there YUK

  2. irene pearson says:
    Reply Report

    Is Last of the Summer Wine still trudging on, they would be perfect, unfunny old farts.

  3. equality service says:
    Reply Report

    I do agree with the fact that one of them is funny and also they are always on the fence

  4. Yogi says:
    Reply Report

    Boring :down:

  5. anne666 says:
    Reply Report

    Please someone tell me . WHY ARE THEY THERE ??????

  6. Malamute says:
    Reply Report

    I went to school with the twins and know them well. They are nothing like what they are in the house compared to real life!
    They were bullies!!!

  7. anne666 says:
    Reply Report

    One of them, haven’t a clue and don’t dare which one, has a nasty streak.Utterly vile the pair of them

  8. Yogi says:
    Reply Report

    Get rid of tem on te next eviction!

  9. argyll says:
    Reply Report

    Twins are funny, what!!! R U real? They are as funny as a fart in a spacesuit.,get them out. Boring Sneaky, Arrogant. Can,t stand them.

  10. tomas manningham says:
    Reply Report

    which 1 of them is the straight 1 n which 1 is the gay 1

  11. Sandra Holland Danks says:
    Reply Report

    Love them hope they win xx

  12. doris says:
    Reply Report

    liked them when they first went in but now I think there playing up to cameras I think they have another side to them.

  13. equality service says:
    Reply Report

    I do not see why they should win and I have seen anything to make me believe they should win – it is also time to have a single picture of both with their names – I can see the difference between them but I do not know their names – they are not one person and BB treating them as one person is confusing us all

  14. equality service says:
    Reply Report

    so the right person is the picture is jack and the one on the right is Joe isn’t Jo the gay one?

  15. Constantinople says:
    Reply Report

    These twin twerps are very “cocky”& arrogant, and need to be “taken down a peg or two”.

  16. equality service says:
    Reply Report

    their arguments with each other are so funny and also silly

  17. anne666 says:
    Reply Report

    Who’s parents have been telling porky pies to their revolting kids then?? NOT FUNNY, Just stop it.

  18. Constantinople says:
    Reply Report

    I can just imagine those 2 together in school bullying the quieter kids.

  19. anne666 says:
    Reply Report

    Yes I think I can too. :down: :down: :down: @Constantinople

  20. mary lynn says:
    Reply Report

    them two boys are smarter than the other bunch all put together they time there arguments etc around dinner time and when they no that the footage will be shown and they have it all pre planned very clever fellas :up: :happy:

  21. april says:
    Reply Report

    Have you noticed in the diary every time one of them makes a joke the other one looks like their in pain, while they decide if their going to degrade and humilate the other, or make a lame joke back.

  22. anne666 says:
    Reply Report

    Parents told them they could sing ? SHUT UP

  23. irene pearson says:
    Reply Report

    They are now on my fast forward list along with Daley and Hazel.All of them utterly repulsive.

  24. Constantinople says:
    Reply Report

    Yes I had my finger poised just in time to switch the sound off before their “screeching duet..

  25. anne666 says:
    Reply Report

    They just get worse day by day, please go away.

Reply to Phil Macmillan

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