


  • Entered Day 1
  • Evicted Day 68
  • 4 evictions faced
  • 12 noms received

Chatty identical twins Jack and Joe share everything; friends, interests and even the same bedroom. They finish off each other’s sentences and think it would be odd to be apart, “We’re funny, we’re friendly, and we’re fat”. The twins are the youngest in their family and have three older sisters.

Jack’s party trick is “putting spoons under my moobs and holding them there”. He admits this is disgusting. Jack is not looking for love in the house as he would be worried about the cameras and mum and dad watching. They love musicals and treat themselves to seeing one every payday.

Jack and Joe support the Conservative party. Jack started to support them because of his dad and says “Ed Miliband is the main reason I don’t trust Labour”. Richard Branson is their idol because he has done so much and as Jack says “he is dyslexic and now he has an island.”

Latest on Jack and Joe

  1. 3 comments

  2. 5 comments


  1. irene pearson says:
    Reply Report

    NOT what they were all saying behind Callums back. Good on Ian Lee for speaking some truth and NOT two faced patronising backside licking as usual, once they are evicted Someone please get these idiotic morons off my TV screen. Enough really is enough. What a horrible series the worst ever. :down: :down: :down: @david Dee

  2. PerfectCracker says:
    Reply Report

    Agree about the twins
    Nice comments @david Dee

  3. Helen says:
    Reply Report

    Hate them, there not funny infact there annoying, they do my head in, i think they have made me laugh once and that was when they first entered the house.

  4. Maybee says:
    Reply Report

    @irene pearson
    :up: Irene, At last somebody else apart from me who likes the way Ian Lee “tells it as it is”.

  5. nick says:
    Reply Report

    The twins are exhausting to watch. They try too hard, should bring it down a notch, although with 2 weeks to go, I think they will go into comedy routine overload. God help us.

  6. Irene Pearson says:
    Reply Report

    How many complaints are there about BOTS and Emma being too soft ie, two faced hypocrites. Dont say anything negative behind their backs only to crawl all over them once they are evicted. It makes me sick and it also makes the HM look damn stupid. Lying is WRONG. .Very nasty behaviour. If Ian Lee makes home truth comments to HM’s people dislike, he is then OK. Subjectivity and hypocrisy.?@Maybee

  7. Irene Pearson says:
    Reply Report

    With a bit of luck they will self combust with the sheer effort.They are toooooo awful.@nick

  8. Holly says:
    Reply Report

    jack and Jo all the way

  9. steve says:
    Reply Report

    Jack & Joe all the way…. out that door & bouncing down those stairs on Friday. Jog on you annoying pricks :down:

  10. Blahblahblah says:
    Reply Report

    Get them out please! Trying to hard to be “the funny entertainment” ..the way Jack (or whoever it was – they both mold into one an other) tore into Dexter (with the backing of everyone in the garden) was spineless. Yes the house would be quieter without them, but would anyone really notice…? Really…?

  11. Yogi says:
    Reply Report

    Double eviction…the twins and Sophie!

  12. celia says:
    Reply Report

    Very unpleasant boys. Both believing themselves to be witty and funny, when in fact they’re nasty, back-biting, whinging bores. Driven by schadenfreude, they materialise at the scene of every argument . This was never more evident than the aftermath of this weeks noms, and the pack attack on Charlie. If there were still public executions, this gruesome twosome would there, front row, with their knitting.

  13. melons says:
    Reply Report

    They’ll survive again this week coz Hazel will go, but please don’t let these 2 insufferable fools win. This joke isn’t funny any more. They have taken annoying to a whole new level. 😥

  14. Yogi says:
    Reply Report

    They’re very immature :conf:

    Kick Gina Out!
    Kick Gina Out!
    Kick Gina Out!
    Kick Gina Out!
    Kick Gina Out!
    Kick Gina Out!
    Kick Gina Out!
    Kick Gina Out!

  15. Anonymous says:
    Reply Report

    Love the twins! :up: :up: :
    Dexter to win though! Team Dexter 😀

  16. cach says:
    Reply Report

    I liked the twins from the start. They were funny and didn’t take themselves seriously but recently they have become bitchy, snide and horrible. I think it is a shame that the twins are 1 housemate because I cannot stand Jack

  17. jaylee says:
    Reply Report

    yes they have been bad at taking the truth – sulking when they do not get air time – acting like children in the pool – arguing like children -and wondering why they are being treated like children and expecting people to entertain them and be funny all day – I have worked with children and they have been better behaved and mature than these adults – they do get full of themselves and bitch about people behind their backs but when others do it – charlie – they are angry – Jack is awful

  18. irene pearson says:
    Reply Report

    Please if there is any justice in this world get rid of them next. How are they still there ?????

  19. Paul Wood says:
    Reply Report

    Childish imature, self righteous bickering kids, seriously need to grow up….

  20. Mary Jane says:
    Reply Report

    Love the twins they make me LOL :heart: :heart: :heart:

  21. Mark says:
    Reply Report

    I have seen their future…..Starring in panto in Sidcup. Beats being checkout boys though…..just :tongue:

  22. Missykab says:
    Reply Report

    :up: I love the twins… Have not a bad word to say about them. They are comedy gold 😀 it’s a close call for me wanting the twins/Charlie to win. My favourite people on Bb this year.

  23. Maybee says:
    Reply Report

    They’re a pair of smug,sarcastic,sulky sods :down: :down:

  24. irene pearson says:
    Reply Report

    @Maybee :up: :up: :up: AND not remotely funny to anyone with a REAL sense of humour 😀

  25. Jenny King says:
    Reply Report

    What’s wrong with Sidcup ? 😀 😀 😀 😀

Reply to Phil Macmillan

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