


  • Entered Day 1
  • Evicted Day 68
  • 4 evictions faced
  • 12 noms received

Chatty identical twins Jack and Joe share everything; friends, interests and even the same bedroom. They finish off each other’s sentences and think it would be odd to be apart, “We’re funny, we’re friendly, and we’re fat”. The twins are the youngest in their family and have three older sisters.

Jack’s party trick is “putting spoons under my moobs and holding them there”. He admits this is disgusting. Jack is not looking for love in the house as he would be worried about the cameras and mum and dad watching. They love musicals and treat themselves to seeing one every payday.

Jack and Joe support the Conservative party. Jack started to support them because of his dad and says “Ed Miliband is the main reason I don’t trust Labour”. Richard Branson is their idol because he has done so much and as Jack says “he is dyslexic and now he has an island.”

Latest on Jack and Joe

  1. 3 comments

  2. 5 comments


  1. Babs says:
    Reply Report

    Twins to win ALL THE WAY :up:
    Funny, loyal and entertaining

  2. Maybee says:
    Reply Report

    @irene pearson
    The one time they’ll make me smile is when they are finally voted out (next hopefully).

  3. Ben says:
    Reply Report

    Both gay, they both like westlife. Not sure it’s possible for only one identical twin to be gay anyway, what with it being evolution’s way of stopping them from breeding.. but then I suppose their fatness does a pretty good job of that.

  4. Loyal_BBFan says:
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    I agree :happy:

  5. fiona says:
    Reply Report

    They’re OK I suppose – not much choice in this house- apart from Sam everyone is not likeable. There is no fun – hate the secrets and lies theme it is no fun. I like smiley happy housemates and the one who can remain like that should win. These lot are all sulky and self absorbed! If i hear “My personal journey” again I will scream!!!!!

  6. Hannah says:
    Reply Report

    Jack is gay. i know because jack was screaming and shouting about the wasp last night. Joe was just saying “stay still”. “leave it alone”. And Jack is always cheesy, Joe is always angry or something.

  7. irene pearson says:
    Reply Report

    Now simple Sophie is up it looks like we are stuck with these two until the final. :down: Glad Dexter is safe.

  8. LEANNE says:
    Reply Report

    Please everyone, make that call and get Sophie evicted… Please Please

  9. Eddy McConnel says:
    Reply Report

    They are just like Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum in Alice in Wonderland.
    I have noticed just lately they have made a few lewd remarks and had a few sly looks at the women, it was only Hazel that had any time for them and that was probably only because she thought they were liked by the public and hoped some of the ‘niceness’ might rub off on her.
    Can’t imagine either of them mixing with real people on the outside, particularly in an up market night club, the sort that Hazel would frequent.

  10. sam says:
    Reply Report

    will those twins stop bitching so much – but were mad about charlie bitching

  11. Kenny says:
    Reply Report

    Why are people ignoring the fact that the twins were talking about how much money they wanted to take during the deliberation and that they were looking to take the money and leave they are the actual selfish ones

    and Sam needs to get out, he’s showing himself to be the prick I suspected he was, hopefully everyone can see through too.

  12. irene pearson says:
    Reply Report

    “Will we get the money tonight big brother ?”Then repeated. “How much would we like to leave with ?” Then they had the sheer audacity to pick holes in Dexter for not choosing £99000, with bigoted sleepy spitting Callums venom. Why didn’t they pick the £99000 is what sleepy & co. should also be asking.What a bunch of COMPLETE morons ?

  13. Lisadoc says:
    Reply Report

    Twins ok but lacking dignity. They will go.

  14. Maybee says:
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    In order to get rid of vile Sam, we’l have to put up with these 2 morons a while longer, but please vote SAM out.

  15. irene pearson says:
    Reply Report

    @Maybee I did not ever believe I could want some other idiot out more than these two idiots. Sam has done it. 😯

  16. Pimploch says:
    Reply Report

    Clearly the most childish contestants this year with severe attitude issues.

    These guys routinely need to be popped in the mouth!

  17. Gery says:
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    “We’ve been brought up with manners and know what is and isn’t rude!”

    Take your own lessons to heart mongoloids, these twins don’t seem to realize they’re rude 24/7

  18. sam says:
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    so true – they have been the so childish – immature – shallow and annoying contestents on BB

  19. irene pearson says:
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    What nasty spiteful twerps. :down:

  20. dick says:
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    Not a huge fan of the twins, but I would love to see a full blown no holds barred argument with them & Gina. I think the twins would wipe the floor with her & give the arrogant bitch a taste of her own medicine just like Hazel did last week. Charlie to win.

  21. irene pearson says:
    Reply Report

    @dick The twins wipe the floor with Gina ? 😯 They couldn’t wipe the floor with a wet rag 😀 . Ranting childish Vicky Pollard abuse humiliating only themselves ? It demonstrates a complete lack of integrity and debating skill.? Hazel is probably half a notch up from them, resorting to bullying schoolyard abuse re Gina’s looks showing herself up for the ignorant woman she truly is.

  22. sam says:
    Reply Report

    I wish someone would say the same to you and wipe the floor with your comments

  23. sam says:
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    the twins have gone on too much on the money and the sympathy vote of their parents having too many kids etc and also as said on the conference – they have had no journey as if their behavior and how they are being childish etc is a good example of a adult – not looked at things said to them by the public or not family and friends nominating and have bitched nearly more than anyone else

  24. dick says:
    Reply Report

    @irene pearson
    The twins & Hazel are like Mother Teresa compared to the evil, bullying, narcissistic troll Gina. Get real, this is BB, not Oxford uni debating society, regardless of tactics, the twins would absolutely own her in an argument & hopefully give her a long overdue reality check. :tongue:

  25. Irene Pearson says:
    Reply Report

    @dick Oh no they wouldn’t. Even as a collective they stand no chance at all.Needs intellect they haven’t got any to offer, just childish ranting and abuse.
    Dexter to win 😀

Reply to Phil Macmillan

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