


  • Entered Day 1
  • Evicted Day 16
  • 1 evictions faced
  • 1 noms received

Pauline is strong and feisty and she does not ‘suffer fools gladly’. She describes herself as idiosyncratic, opinionated and admits to being overly picky.

She’s now a dance teacher, but had a promising music career in the early 90s that saw her achieve a top ten single with Kylie Minogue. She claims she told The Voice UK coach that her songs were ‘s**t’ while they were on tour together.

Pauline likes that she’s strong willed, ‘if I say something, I’ll stick to it’. She also claims to be a good listener, but will fly off the handle if things don’t go her own way or if someone calls her a liar.

Her son is the most important person in her life and says they ‘only fall out if he brings home a girl for the night’. Her all time idol is Maya Angelou whose poetry helped her come to terms with her ethnicity when she was a youth: ‘Her strong words empower black women and give them a sense of purpose’.

Within her friendship group, Pauline’s the ‘opinionated joker that’s loved and adored by all’. She thinks she’ll be ‘the old prankster’ of the Big Brother house, claiming she has the potential to not only cause a stir, but to win: ‘What’s not to like about Jazzy P?’

She has a phobia of anything out of the sea, red meat and would be mortified if asked to rap in public.

Turning the big 5-0 while on Big Brother, she thinks the show will be a great opportunity to show the public what older women are made of.

Latest on Pauline

  1. 18 comments

  2. 25 comments

  3. 14 comments

  4. 11 comments


  1. Hannah says:
    Reply Report

    Although bb is boring without a bit of controversy, this year it is becoming a very nasty and unpleasant viewing experience. This disgusting, vile woman – Pauline- and her equally nasty cronies (vulgar pro Helen and little boy Steven ) are making me feel sick. Their bullying is becoming too much, it is becoming dangerous and only sadists might like watching this. I wouldn’t mind see all 3 go ASAP . Bb: please make them realise how shameful they are acting!!! Jale, mark and Chris are great, Danielle, Kim and the young blonde two-faced scared chickens.

  2. DREAMGIRL says:
    Reply Report

    Gotta agree with the comments about ” nasty Pauline”, she is horrible………. I HATE bullies,especially those like her who make people feel alienated by “her cronies” & her……
    :down: :down: :down: :down: :down: :down: :down: :down: :down: :down: :down: :down: :down: :down: :down: :down: :down:

  3. Dawn says:
    Reply Report

    Pauline is pure evil! She goes out her way to break people down and plays on their insecurities! She is a dangerous women!

    Im so glad Mark has realised what she is and has removed himself from that horrible little group.

    Pauline, Helen, Steve and the new recruit Toya are all nasty!

  4. toni says:
    Reply Report

    Get her out!!!!! Vile woman

  5. Maybee says:
    Reply Report

    Agreed, it’s just not enjoyable viewing 🙁 I think BB now means Big Bullies. Let’s just hope for a massive shakeup, and the “bad apples” are weeded out.

  6. jennyjuniper says:
    Reply Report

    Well done Argyll. It might only be a drop in the ocean, but at least you’ve done something. :up: :up:

  7. jennyjuniper says:
    Reply Report

    That is too little too late. Anyway it’s not only Christopher that she intimidates and bullies. She may have gone a little less vocal since she heard the boos, but she’s still pulling the others strings.
    Vile woman. Please lets make sure she goes Friday, because if she gets away with this one there may not be another chance.

  8. Minxy Moo says:
    Reply Report

    :down: :down: :down: :down:
    Get the bully out!!!
    The power certainly went to her head!!!!

  9. rachel says:
    Reply Report

    Paulline – nasty evil bully, desperately trying to tone it down now, too late.
    Helen – vile, really vile and the most likely to get booted out for inappropriate bullying behaviour.
    Stephen – unbelievably wet when it comes to Pauline, uncomfortable viewing.
    Toya a mini-me of Pauline, just as self opinionated, doesn’t listen and completely misinterprets everything, another bully
    Jale/Chris/Christopher/Winston for the finals

  10. John Kane says:
    Reply Report

    I really don’t know what the producers of Big Brother are trying to achieve by putting someone like Helen Wood into the house.

    She is a prostitute who has tried to sell multiple stories of her endeavours with married men to the press and for that she is rewarded with a three month stint on one of the most popular programs on television.

    What message does this send out to our kids?

  11. John Kane says:
    Reply Report

    Regarding Helen, the fact that:

    1) She got accepted into Big Brother in the first place.

    2) She got a free pass to the final.

    3) She has been allowed to constantly bully and intimidate housemates while in there (not to mention her extremely offensive “Jesus” remarks).

    Makes me wonder if it’s not only footballers and actors she has stories to sell about.

    Does she have something over one of the producers on this show?

    Otherwise how / why is she being allowed to get away with all this?

  12. John Kane says:
    Reply Report

    Also Helen claims to be the single mother of a ten year old son.

    Who is taking care of him while she is spending three months acting like garbage in the Big Brother house?

    If my maths are correct (and I like to think that they are) her son will be finishing his final term of Primary School before moving to Secondary School in September. This is a crucial time in a young childs life.

    Instead of being there to take care of him and guide him through this period she is on television acting in a way that is going to make that boys Secondary School life absolute torture.

    Children can be very cruel and after seeing the way his mother has behaved, and the things she has made HERSELF famous for, her sons peers will have all the ammunition to make his life a living hell.

    I truly feel sorry for that child and detest his pathetic excuse for a parent for what she is undoubtedly setting him up for.

  13. unhappy lassie says:
    Reply Report

    :down: 🙁 😥 first time ever wang to turn bb off. Its like a cult following with Pauline leading. Do uncomfortable to watch. Bb please sort out this weirdness

  14. unhappy lassie says:
    Reply Report

    :down: 🙁 😥 first time ever want to turn bb off. Its like a cult following with Pauline leading. To uncomfortable to watch. Bb please please sort out this weird situation.

  15. jennyjuniper says:
    Reply Report

    So now she has burnt her hand on a pan and needs to go to hospital?? I’m a cook and I’ve done that loads of times. Surely a doctor or medic on site could have managed to treat that?
    I’m suspicious that BB are using this as an excuse to save Pauline somehow.
    If BB want to save this show they should get rid of Pauline and Helen and bring a couple of new housemates in. Jales sister would be a good choice. At least then Jale would know she had someone she could trust.

  16. Lynn Ridgment says:
    Reply Report

    Its gotta stop !! Its not good viewing , it would’nt be allowed in any other walksof life , shame on you Big Brother .

  17. John Kane says:
    Reply Report

    Big Brother should sit all the house mates down today and show an extended edit of all of Helen (and Pauline’s) vile and abusive behaviour to them all.

    Let everyone in the house see exactly what they have said. Expose them for what they really are. Then they should revoke Helens pass to the final and inform her that she will also be up for eviction every single week.

    That would not only show the bullies that their behaviour will not be tolerated but also show the viewing public that the producers do take this kind of thing seriously.

  18. Bob says:
    Reply Report

    Everyone on here is going over the top, she is not bullying anyone.
    Look at all your comments, she is a person too, not just someone on the TV to abuse, you are all as bad as the person you are saying is a bully.

  19. biggest fan says:
    Reply Report

    im very saddened we live in a world where a show like big brother with all ages watching will not do something about the bullying coming from helen, pauline and now toya. i have watched big brother since the first ever airing when i was 13 and have grown up with it but this will be the first year i will boycott it if nothing is done and will never watch it again.

  20. jackie says:
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    :down: :down: :down: :down: :down: :down: Bullly! Bully! Bully! Out! Out! OUT!!!1

  21. Jo says:
    Reply Report

    Utterly disgusting behaviour from 50 year old women, Pauline should be kicked out by the Back door. As for that vile piece called Helen, she is as bad, get them both out, let them, read what’s been written about them and let them see what a disgrace they both are to the female race.
    Jale to win- Has big brother not learnt “anything” over the past few years regarding bullying; they are in danger of being taken of the air and being front page news like a few years ago. Act now
    Oh! And Bob above, as a “male” wind your neck in! how is the majority going over the top, we only see an hour, how much has gone on that BB has not aired in case viewers were upset?

  22. Brianne says:
    Reply Report

    Disgraceful woman needs to be booted out for bullying not evicted on Friday with the interview and that what follows, she does not deserve that kind of attention!! Helens pass needs to be revoked! and Also think all the bullies screen time should be aired into the house so they can see exactly what they are like!!

  23. Tony Dawes says:
    Reply Report

    please everyone sign as big brother seems not to care

  24. Maybee says:
    Reply Report

    @Tony Dawes
    Deffo, will do. :up:

  25. Margo says:
    Reply Report

    She would be brilliant in Prisoner Cellblock H…..frightening woman….if she’s evicted watch all the men’s characters relax and show their real selves as they’re on cruise control at the moment

Reply to Frank

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