


  • Entered Day 1
  • Evicted Day 16
  • 1 evictions faced
  • 1 noms received

Pauline is strong and feisty and she does not ‘suffer fools gladly’. She describes herself as idiosyncratic, opinionated and admits to being overly picky.

She’s now a dance teacher, but had a promising music career in the early 90s that saw her achieve a top ten single with Kylie Minogue. She claims she told The Voice UK coach that her songs were ‘s**t’ while they were on tour together.

Pauline likes that she’s strong willed, ‘if I say something, I’ll stick to it’. She also claims to be a good listener, but will fly off the handle if things don’t go her own way or if someone calls her a liar.

Her son is the most important person in her life and says they ‘only fall out if he brings home a girl for the night’. Her all time idol is Maya Angelou whose poetry helped her come to terms with her ethnicity when she was a youth: ‘Her strong words empower black women and give them a sense of purpose’.

Within her friendship group, Pauline’s the ‘opinionated joker that’s loved and adored by all’. She thinks she’ll be ‘the old prankster’ of the Big Brother house, claiming she has the potential to not only cause a stir, but to win: ‘What’s not to like about Jazzy P?’

She has a phobia of anything out of the sea, red meat and would be mortified if asked to rap in public.

Turning the big 5-0 while on Big Brother, she thinks the show will be a great opportunity to show the public what older women are made of.

Latest on Pauline

  1. 18 comments

  2. 25 comments

  3. 14 comments

  4. 11 comments


  1. Margo says:
    Reply Report

    Anyone know why Steve was REALLY CRYING….surely it wasn’t over Pauline as he said….looked very dubious and not discussed enough on Bit on the Side

  2. Margo says:
    Reply Report

    @John Kane
    Good Idea…let’s hope they listen…as we need more surprises

  3. argyll says:
    Reply Report

    @margo because hes a lapdog and he was not expecting to be nominated because he said he is one of the 3 big characters – and also does,nt want POISON PAULINE to be evicted because she is the most honest and nicest woman he has met ,what a joke.!!!!!!!
    He obviously doesn’t get out much.
    if you go to his profile you will see what most people think

  4. Margo says:
    Reply Report

    Thanks I’ve done that…but as his crying concerns Pauline I’m dscssing it here….its bugging me as to the real reason he was crying..did his dog/cat recently die….is he very insecure inside and maybe has psychological problems….etc etc…we want this analysed…and it wasnt on Bit on the Side…no way was he crying over Pauline

  5. Poppy says:
    Reply Report

    That exercise routine yesterday in the early hours, showing no consideration to other housemates, was beyond weird. This woman is on the edge. Pauline, I have seen your future, It involves a straight jacket!!! :tongue:

  6. John Kane says:
    Reply Report

    I am appalled by the leniency Big Brother has showed towards Helen (and her fellow bullies Pauline and Toya) in last nights “warning that she might get a warning”
    Big Brother did not even mention the comments she made to Danielle about being fat and a “Jesus shagger”. Nor her treatment of Christopher. And they only mentioned one incident with Jale when there have been constant attacks, day after day, since Jale entered the house.
    As such I have sent a further complaint to Channel 5 here: and to Ofcom here:
    I have also signed the on-line petition here:
    I would urge you all to do the same.

  7. jennyjuniper says:
    Reply Report

    I contacted to ask why they were sponsering a show that encouraged bullying and threats of violence. They politely said they could not comment, but if more people contact them it might make them do something??

  8. jennyjuniper says:
    Reply Report

    Hi Margo, it seems Steven was crying because someone had the effrontery to nominate him!! 😀 Since then he’s commented that he feels it’s a personal attack and that he doesn’t deserve to be nominated, but as he’s such a big character he is confident that the public will evict the ‘right’ person (He meant Jale) Personally I think he can’t handle his drink! 😀

  9. jennyjuniper says:
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    She’s probably having to exercise to rid herself of all the poison that she would have distributed amongst those in the house who are not in her coven. Instead she has to sweat those aggressive toxins out! 😀

  10. Marie G says:
    Reply Report

    Where did they get this dreadful harpie from she’s not the type of person that I’d want to leave a child of mine in a dance class with. Considering she’s a fitness fanatic and a dance teacher her body is whack……just saying……..or telling it like it is….as Pee would say!

  11. argyll says:
    Reply Report

    @jennyjuniper good on you – as sponsors it does not look go ,I will contact also. :up:
    BB producers must be on holiday and let some bunch of weird people in to run it. 😀
    bully boys.

  12. Belinda says:
    Reply Report

    Pauline is horrible and has an ego the size of a planet. However, I did find it funny to see Helen confer the status of ‘alpha female’ on Pauline. Anyone who feels able bestow such a (dubious) honour surely is the true alpha female. Pauline is just her doting handmaiden.

  13. argyll says:
    Reply Report

    @jennyjuniper I telephoned Supercasino on the 0800 number and put my point to them and was asked to e-mail so if anyone wants to ;
    [email protected].
    I never thought I would require to go this far but I will try every avenue possible to stop bullying and on BB it is evident.

    BB giving Helen a caution and Pauline nothing was the limit for me :down: :down: SHOCKING

  14. Rachel says:
    Reply Report

    Jale let herself down last night. Is it me or are most of these inmates unable to read situations correctly? She did the same thing Toya and Pauline do, to Chris, by shouting him down when his argument was perfectly feasible. Jale was my winner but she’s learnt nothing from the bullying she received. I want Chris to win now, he’s the only decent person in there. Matthew’s pretty sane too. BB take Helen’s pass to the final away before there’s a riot!

  15. Belinda2 says:
    Reply Report

    Pauline is priceless. “I’ve created a victim.”-
    Yes, Pauline- you have created a victim- by victimising!

  16. Wendos says:
    Reply Report

    Anyone else noticed how quiet Pauline has become since her nomination. Looks like she’s hoping to avoid eviction by keeping her head down and not getting much air play, but I’m hoping that people will see that the damage has already been done.

  17. argyll says:
    Reply Report

    @Wendos yes she is lot quieter but doesn’t change the fact she bullyed – I think Helen may had told her she got caution ?
    :down: :down: :down: :down:

  18. Hannah says:
    Reply Report

    Voting time!! Let’s kick Pauline out woopwoop!! Although she’s lying low today, she is still a bully and has created a very nasty situation (together with nasty Helen). As the psychologist said last night, so far the housemates have learned only one thing: bully, argue and shout. Off you go Pauline! Boooooooo

  19. dte says:
    Reply Report

    Hiya rachel I totally agree with you jale is gonna turn the whole house against chris now shes knows what she heard getting shouted over the wall about chris,she will use it against him if she does she making one big mistake because the public will soon turn against the mo I’d like chris to win.oh and I hope pauline gets the boot fri.

  20. ste says:
    Reply Report

    Sorry ive put a D my names STE god what a wally I am 😀 😀 .

  21. argyll says:
    Reply Report

    @dte sorry ste – calm down calm down lol 😀

  22. ste says:
    Reply Report

    Think I need to calm down argyll am definitely loosing it I should join the nutters in the asylum this would be definitely one that did fly over the cukkoo’s nest. 😀 😀 😀 .

  23. ste says:
    Reply Report

    Dud u read my post on the farm task? Now I know am going mad. 😀

  24. Wally ! says:
    Reply Report

    @WendosI cant get over how petty Steve is crying like that, but the worse thing was when he stated ” He had 3 of my fags, If I find out He voted for me, He wont get any more”? Playground Bully talking right there, If I were in the Furniture Business, I would be looking to Change my supplier ? Absolute Scum Bag, I hope his Familys proud of him ? :straight: :down:

  25. Wally ! says:
    Reply Report

    Hey Ste, I hope your not taking my name in vane there bud ? 😉 :up: How yeh doing ? Alright I Hope ? 😀

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