


  • Entered Day 40
  • Evicted Day 58
  • 3 evictions faced
  • 6 noms received

Zoe was catapulted in to the public eye in 2002 at the age of 16 when she reached the live finals ITV talent contest Pop Idol, starring Simon Cowell: “I was the little podgy kid with the dreadlocks”. She was voted off in fourth place, but was the highest placing female contestant.

After Pop Idol, Zoe signed to Simon Fuller’s 19 Recordings, and released her debut single, ‘Treat Me Like A Lady’. Unfortunately it only reached a chart peak of number 12, and she was dropped. She now works in theatre, with credits including Priscilla: Queen of the Desert and Thriller: Live.

Zoe is very close to her “bonkers” family who she credits with keeping her “humble and sane”; she “runs every little thing past them, and if they don’t agree, then I won’t do it”. Since leaving home, she has always lived alone and can’t imagine sharing a house, even if she gets married. She claims she’s the “worst snorer in the world”.

Zoe is passionate about life, describing herself as “a massive joker who lives and breathes music”, “a real life walking Pocahontas”, a “gay man trapped inside a woman’s body” and the British version of Beyoncé. She tries hard not to ever be negative – her mantra is: you’re born and you die and it’s all about the middle bit and what you do with it.”

“Being funny” and having a “good energy which can lift other people’s moods” are Zoe’s best traits. Her worst is that she gets bored quickly and always needs people to bounce off – she has “absolutely no patience” and thinks that could be problematic in the house.

When it comes to men, Zoe has a type; tanned skin, dark hair with tattoos. She had a six-year romance with Big Brother 6 winner Anthony Hutton, but hasn’t had any serious relationships since. Zoe has always been faithful but admits to being the dumper in her relationships.

She gets on best with positive and interesting people who “aren’t in the same business “as her, and would struggle to get on with “beige people” and those who “don’t grab life by the horns”.

Zoe thinks she’ll be a fun, energetic housemate who is full of banter, but although she believes it’s possible she can win Big Brother, she acknowledges it’ll be harder for her joining halfway through: “People have made relationships and the public probably already have their favourites.”

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  1. 5 comments

  2. 5 comments

  3. 6 comments


  1. Loner says:
    Reply Report

    Rubish :down:

  2. Liz says:
    Reply Report

    Went right off zoe tonight. Did anyone hear her to Ash, saying that she’s glad she’s in there with people who are very successful and that she couldn’t cope if she was in there with people who just worked at a check out or had normal jobs as they wouldn’t be on her wavelength. What a big head and of course Ash agreed cos we all know he’s arrogant. I actually couldn’t believe what I was hearing! :down:

  3. todd says:
    Reply Report


    Yeah Zoe who???
    Finished 8th was it in X Factor, never troubled the charts, dropped by her record company spent the rest of her career in the pop stars graveyard that is musical theatre.
    Get over yourself Adele er Beyonce er Rihanna, er forgotten her name already big flop.
    Fake Fake Fake!!! :down:

  4. John Kane says:
    Reply Report

    @Liz Couldn’t agree more, what an effing bell-end.

    Like she’s some big time superstar?

    And Ash, the builder, nodding along. Pair of prats.

  5. GET ZOE OUT says:
    Reply Report

    Omg her comment about Tesco workers, who does she think she is? How is such a snobby bitch so popular with the public? GET HER OUT

  6. Kitty says:
    Reply Report

    I hate her & i’m not even a checkout worker lol. Just found that comment really horrible. She’s acting as if she’s some big worldwide superstar. Jog on Zoe.

  7. ste says:
    Reply Report

    Omg who is this woman wish she would do us all a favour and checkout the house then put her in a trolly and push her off to noddy land were she belongs..and I wish she would take that bloody fake grin off her smug face. :down: :down: :envy:

  8. Lauren says:
    Reply Report

    :down: so angry with what Zoe said about Tesco workers. I am a young employee who happens to work for tesco and found the comments zoe made about us very very rude and harsh. Saying were unsuccessfull and we wouldnt meet her wave length cause shes up there! Yeah shes in snob land and doesnt know what real life is all about. Working your arse off in a job people arent happy in just to get by. She needs a huge reality check!

  9. Mary says:
    Reply Report

    Completely agree, extermely patronising and rude. At least she’s shown her true colours finally. Knew it was too good to be true that she’s goody two shoes. If she was on the celebrity one,its the celebs that wouldn’t be on the same wavelength than her having nothing to talk to her about.
    Unfortunately we were shown that derrogatory comment after she had been saved, so she got the cheers

  10. Abigail says:
    Reply Report

    :up: Mary. If the crowd saw the clip with her comments before Emma announced she was saved, she probably would have got some boos!

  11. Rainbow says:
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    Frankly, I have never heard of her. She isn’t on CBB because she isn’t famous enough. Thankfully, that remark about ‘ordinary’ people has exposed her true colours so next time she is up for eviction, boot her out. I would prefer Pav to be there than her. Hope the crowd are in good booing voice on the next eviction night so they can let her know how she is perceived by us, the great unwashed, who actually have the power over these clowns.

  12. argyll says:
    Reply Report

    Zoe = I love me and me and me.
    probably has not done a days work in her life and a wannabe.

    she would not last a day in Tesco – the staff in places like that are in the real world and actually work for a wage.

    unfortunately BB did not show the clip in time.
    boooooooooooooooooooooot her oot.!!!!!!!!soon.

  13. Jane Shepherd says:
    Reply Report

    I had never heard of her before, Denise Welch actually got it right last night after the gypsy seamstress (cant remember her name) made the idiotic comment that Zoe should be in Celeb BB – Denise put her right.

    Zoe may have a good voice ( if you like that sort of thing) so she should stick to the west end instead of belittling average people and sycophantically sucking up to Helen.

  14. todd says:
    Reply Report

    Matthew was totally right, she is a snake in the grass.
    Total fake cheeseball, bet we haven’t scratched the surface about what she really is like.
    The Tesco comment, which will be her achilles heel, was probably the true Zoe.
    Presumably from a working class background but obviously got nothing in common with those sort of people, what with her being a World famous singing/dancing sensation.
    What a deluded dick :down:

  15. Lindsey says:
    Reply Report

    I did like Zoe, thought she was beautiful, bubbly & made me smile, however that comment was very rude & we’ve seen a glimpse of a snotty side. She could of simply said I love that we all gel. Not comment on other peoples chosen profession!
    I’m finding I’m looking at her very diff now. I think now I’m seeing a person who is 2 confident., 2 self assured, knows it all……been there, done it, wore the t shirt kinda attitude.

  16. northernmonkey says:
    Reply Report

    That happy, smiley, happy face is fake and annoying.

    She reminds me of wee Jimmy Krankie.

  17. Jane Shepherd says:
    Reply Report

    very quickly lost any respect I originally had for this girl.
    Just another wanna be – the only consolation I can glean is that either Zoe is a really poor dance choreographer or Helen no natural rhythm and two left feet ( with six toes on each)

    Possibly both ! :tongue: 😀

  18. smellysocks says:
    Reply Report

    Please please GET ZOE OUT. Im so glad she’s up for nomination this Friday, I will be voting for this stuck up obnoxious patronising fake. Hope everyone gets voting. GET ZOE OUT GET ZOE OUT GET ZOE OUT

  19. argyll says:
    Reply Report

    Great description. 😀 😀 :happy:

  20. John Kane says:
    Reply Report

    Exactly what I said would happen.

    The producers are sooooo clever (or at least they think they are).

    They knew Ashleigh would be voted immune which meant her potential vote for Ash (Helen’s lackey) would not be valid.

    The best way the producers could thing of to keep Ash in the house for another week.

    Just another play into the Helen Wood handbook.


  21. its john again and again says:
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    when she did the sexy dance phwoar she is a sexy lil minx love her dance for me anytime …… Zoe or mark to win :tongue:

  22. its john again and again says:
    Reply Report

    lets focus on zoe’s good points

    1) looks lovely without makeup (unlike ashleigh who is 18 and without makeup looks like a right minger)

    2) gorgeous singing voice

    3) sexy thang loved her sexy lap dance phwoar

    :tongue: :tongue: :tongue:

  23. its john again and again says:
    Reply Report


    yeah pavs alright he aint done nuffin horrible to anyone yet everyone gives him a hard time….. He strong and everyone ffeels threatened by him
    keep pav in yay

  24. Dolly says:
    Reply Report

    @its john again and again
    I guess beauty really is in the eye on the beholder then, because i think Zoe is rather unattractive
    I also think her singing is just above average, nothing to write home about 🙁

  25. todd says:
    Reply Report

    Gonna be interesting to see how she behaves this week, could be jazz hands 24/7 or fake tears or maybe the mask could slip & the bitching commence 😀

Reply to Val74

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