


  • Entered Day 40
  • Evicted Day 58
  • 3 evictions faced
  • 6 noms received

Zoe was catapulted in to the public eye in 2002 at the age of 16 when she reached the live finals ITV talent contest Pop Idol, starring Simon Cowell: “I was the little podgy kid with the dreadlocks”. She was voted off in fourth place, but was the highest placing female contestant.

After Pop Idol, Zoe signed to Simon Fuller’s 19 Recordings, and released her debut single, ‘Treat Me Like A Lady’. Unfortunately it only reached a chart peak of number 12, and she was dropped. She now works in theatre, with credits including Priscilla: Queen of the Desert and Thriller: Live.

Zoe is very close to her “bonkers” family who she credits with keeping her “humble and sane”; she “runs every little thing past them, and if they don’t agree, then I won’t do it”. Since leaving home, she has always lived alone and can’t imagine sharing a house, even if she gets married. She claims she’s the “worst snorer in the world”.

Zoe is passionate about life, describing herself as “a massive joker who lives and breathes music”, “a real life walking Pocahontas”, a “gay man trapped inside a woman’s body” and the British version of Beyoncé. She tries hard not to ever be negative – her mantra is: you’re born and you die and it’s all about the middle bit and what you do with it.”

“Being funny” and having a “good energy which can lift other people’s moods” are Zoe’s best traits. Her worst is that she gets bored quickly and always needs people to bounce off – she has “absolutely no patience” and thinks that could be problematic in the house.

When it comes to men, Zoe has a type; tanned skin, dark hair with tattoos. She had a six-year romance with Big Brother 6 winner Anthony Hutton, but hasn’t had any serious relationships since. Zoe has always been faithful but admits to being the dumper in her relationships.

She gets on best with positive and interesting people who “aren’t in the same business “as her, and would struggle to get on with “beige people” and those who “don’t grab life by the horns”.

Zoe thinks she’ll be a fun, energetic housemate who is full of banter, but although she believes it’s possible she can win Big Brother, she acknowledges it’ll be harder for her joining halfway through: “People have made relationships and the public probably already have their favourites.”

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  1. 5 comments

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  3. 6 comments


  1. free says:
    Reply Report

    Did you hear what she said after that remark of being with them because they were successful??? She said she wouldn’t have liked to be in a house with ordinary people who worked in Tesco because she wouldn’t have anything in common with them. The remark was just shown once and then cut from any other showings of it. That condescending remark should not be forgotten. Zoe knew going in there that the public had a huge dislike for Helen YET she has been her biggest ass kisser since entering the house. VOTE HER OUT, NOT PAV NOT CHRIS

  2. Clo says:
    Reply Report

    I liked her at the start but now I don’t like her at all. She’s an arrogant snob and I’m sick of her going on about how successful she is and about how interesting her life is! Pav seems much more down to earth, get Zoe out !

  3. logic says:
    Reply Report

    It is about time the public voted this fake, stuck up, talentless bitch out of the house.
    She thinks she is the queen when in reality she is just a dog, ugly mutton dressed up as lamb.
    Yuk!! Uggh!
    Totally awful and a waste of space.
    2nd rate talent shows are most welcome to keep her, complete minger.

  4. Sammy says:
    Reply Report

    Come on now Logic don’t beat about the bush tell us what you really think about her 😀

  5. Saz says:
    Reply Report

    With Zoe its all about me, me, me. She definitely considers herself to be better than others and this has been shown on numerous occasions. Although considering editing it might not be very often in real life. However, she is the least deserving HM – get Zoe out.

    I don’t consider her a celeb but now looking forward to cbb as all z listers, wannabes and ppl with previous media attention seem to be in this show. That means we should get some actual celebs….maybe!

  6. derek says:
    Reply Report

    Yes – Remember Zoe said “ She couldnt relate easily to a housemate if they just worked at Tesco`s – she likes the contestants cos they are all successful people in there… Its like saying its like celebrity bb ? Id guess shes paranoid joining this show. Rylan picked up on it in Bots and wasnt impressed either but it hasnt been picked up by the tabloids !! Vote her out. When she comes out she`ll say it`s cos she entered late but she started really well and blew it. If she retorted that shed stay in.

  7. Lenny says:
    Reply Report

    Chris is a slimeball he is in love with ashleigh and in my opinion zoe and pav are angels compared to chris’s behaviour of late

  8. Lenny says:
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    you should read all the stuff on Chris’s page shocking

  9. todd says:
    Reply Report

    When she sidled up to Ashleigh when she had her letter read out, it just came across as so insincere & stage school & was totally to make herself look caring & sympathetic, so transparent.
    Don’t like her at all, her Tesco comments alone should get her evicted apart from her phoney behaviour.
    Also women who give it the showboating, why sing one note when 50 will do vocals are ten a penny these days. One Christina Aguillera is enough thank you very much. :down:

  10. John Kane says:
    Reply Report

    I would love to see Zoe evicted.

    Chris has let himself down a bit this week but has been one of the few decent human beings in this years Big Brother in my opinion, and so deserves a second chance.

    Pav still hasn’t had his first chance as for some reason both the public and the housemates have been all over him from minute one. I hope he stays and has an easier week next week.

  11. Aliya says:
    Reply Report

    I would love to see Chris evicted he makes my skin crawl 🙁

  12. Laaa de da de da says:
    Reply Report

    Below is about Chris NOT Christopher

    A lot of people seem to think Chris (not Christopher) is creepy……

    On big brothers big mouth=

    1) Gabrielle says Chris is creepy,

    2) Luisa Zissman said Chris is creepy,

    3) Joe Swash said ‘euw he makes me want to have a bath – something about him i dont like….. weird manorisms and creepiness.

    4)Vicki Michelle – Chris is professing to like Pav then stab him in the back.

    5)Sean (Ashleighs boyfriend) said Chris is over reacting and treating Pav badly

    6)Judi James said that Chris accuses to Pav he stares too much at ashleigh yet look at Chris who looks at Ashleigh a lot and engineering – trying to get Ashleigh to cry again by saying ‘oh you got a letter from your boyfriend’ standing waiting for a moment to get in and get a hug from Ashleigh then he homed in and hugged ashleigh and held on too long for comfort. Then Ashleighs body language was turning away like she didnt want the hug. Its extremely unfair after he has accused pav of being the one lurking around ashleigh and she doesnt want it – it doesnt look right. Hypocritical. When he was lying in bed and ashleigh took his hand and stroked it and said your hands are hot…. chris is besotted and he doesnt want anyone else getting near her. He wants her for himself.

    in the hierarchy of the house chris is a runt and he was getting picked on before suddenly the newbee housemates move in and chris’s rank is moved up by chris picking on pav so he moves up to a higher level

  13. Maybee says:
    Reply Report

    Well I’m just glad that at least Zoe is there to support Pav.

  14. northernmonkey says:
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    I’d like to ask her opinion on Aldi workers.

  15. John Kane says:
    Reply Report

    2 days before eviction they give Zoe the chance to defend her comments. Classic manipulation from the producers.

    See you later Chris.

  16. northernmonkey says:
    Reply Report

    I would prefer Zoe to go- out of those who are up, it’ll give her time to get ready for the mad rush come Christmas pantomime season.

    Failing that, she’ll make a killing pulling gurning faces at Blackpool.

  17. Pigma says:
    Reply Report

    Reads Zoe’s description: “a “gay man trapped inside a woman’s body” now that does not make any sense, is she saying that she is really a man?

  18. lisa says:
    Reply Report

    Mary Bryne worked in tesco Zoe should have a conversation with her she might learn a thing or to namely how to sing… Remember ware you come from Zoe…..

  19. John Kane says:
    Reply Report I honestly cannot believe what I have just seen…everybody gets ripped apart…EXCEPT FOR HELEN!!!

    It really has gone beyond my comprehension now.

  20. lisa says:
    Reply Report

    Zoe just announced she been for a poo lol guess she not that full of sh**

  21. Vicky says:
    Reply Report

    Please, please can everyone stop picking on Zoe just because she’s in the West end. She made one silly comment which has been completely taken out of proportion and now everyone says she thinks she’s above herself! For goodness sake everyone, how many times have we all said silly things. You let yourselves be led by the media and an edited clip. She has repeatedly said she doesn’t think she’s above herself, she works hard, her friends and people she knows have confirmed she’s not like that and they KNOW her you don’t. We are all so quick to judge other people. It is also REALLY annoying that people in the audience on bbbots are passing judgements about the girl as if they’ve ever met her! Why do we have to be so horrible to each other and relish in making other people’s lives a misery and not care that our comments might hurt someone. You wouldn’t like it if other people did it to you but you’re happy to say awful things about someone on TV that you have never met, knowing that when they cone out and hear what you’ve said, that it might really hurt them…. We really have turned into a cruel, sardistic and uncaring nation… It is very sad

  22. lisa says:
    Reply Report

    Sorry Vicky that is the name of the game BB is a show for the public opinion the contestant’s know full well when they go on they are there to be judged if they can’t talk the talk they certainly won’t walk the walk.

  23. John Kane says:
    Reply Report

    Fingers crossed for a big fat eviction for Zoe tonight.

  24. michelle says:
    Reply Report

    zoe is full of self importance and is her own biggest fan get her out!! she was fuming that she wasnt voted the most interesting she even said “I have the most stories the public will find me the most interesting” please love jog on!! too much jazz hands go back to what you do best get back the west end!

  25. Tory says:
    Reply Report

    Don’t know who the hell she thinks she is!!!! She didn’t make it on x factor and she ain’t gonna do it on BB time to give up Zoe you just ain’t got what it takes….. :tongue: :tongue:

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