


  • Entered Day 1
  • Winner Day 26
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  • 24 noms received

Gary Busey is an American actor best known for his roles in Point Break and The Buddy Holly Story, and his reputation for bizarre behaviour.

After growing up in Oklahoma, he attended Kansas State University on a football scholarship, but his dreams of pursuing a career in professional sports were shattered after injuring his knee. He then moved to Hollywood to pursue a music career, but acting beckoned.

After securing several small roles in both film and television during the 1970s, he made his film debut in Angels Hard As They Come in 1971. Following this he starred as the lead in The Buddy Holly Story, which led to him winning an Academy Award nomination.

Later in Gary’s acting career, he took on more sinister roles in the action thrillers Lethal Weapon (1987), Predator 2 (1990), and of course Point Break (1991), with Keanu Reeves and Patrick Swayze. He also played a cameo role as himself in the comedy Entourage.

Gary had a near-fatal motorcycle accident in 1989 after he rode without a helmet. This resulted in the enactment of stricter helmet laws in the State of California.

The accident split his skull open and he was taken to hospital for immediate surgery. Gary claims that his brain got altered – it was a wake-up call to get his life in order and to appreciate it. He recovered two and a half months earlier than predicted, and says his faith was the reason.

Gary has three children – son Jake with his first wife Judy, daughter Alectra with Tracy Hutchinson and son Luke with his wife Steffanie Sampson. He has black belts in budo-jujitsu, capoeira, hapkido, and kendo.

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  1. 4 comments

  2. 21 comments


  1. Keithy says:
    Reply Report

    Rudest man on the planet Americans so insincere

  2. matt says:
    Reply Report

    I`d be rude to if I was being treated in the way that gary has been treated. They don`t,and haven`t tried to, understand him at all. I do hope he wins. A shambles if he doesn`t.

  3. Wexford says:
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    The poor man isn’t allowed to finish a sentence. πŸ™ Gary has the patience of a saint, putting up with those morons.

  4. jennyjuniper says:
    Reply Report

    You know each and every American the, to make such a sweeping statement is daft. Let’s hope the Americans don’t think we are all like that hag Dee.

  5. Jane Shepherd says:
    Reply Report

    I think I may be losing my own memory, but is there normally 6 left in the final ??

    I thought it was a max of 3, have I got it wrong?

  6. Elaine says:
    Reply Report

    @jennyjuniper Funny the yank himself keeps referring
    To the Brits in a generalised way but Saint Gary can do no wrong in the eyes of you suckers ! I never heard of the y***er before BB dug him up. And why give a s**t what the yanks think

  7. Robert doyle says:
    Reply Report

    GARY or AUDLEY to win ! Go Gary !

  8. Jane Shepherd says:
    Reply Report


    I think you will find that James Jordan keeps referring to ” us Brits” – Gary struggles with British colloquialisms (look it up)
    ‘suckers’ – is an Americanism that you seem more familiar with than written English.
    I don’t know what you refer to when you wrote ‘y***er – did you mean wanker? because it begins with W not Y.

    Check out – another Americanism – the Boston Tea Party and ask your parents about Anglo/American history – or google it as it seems your education didn’t cover it.

    Other than that stay cool, coz you sound as ignorant as Edele, Lauren and Ricci. :up: :up:

  9. Robert doyle says:
    Reply Report

    Get into them a-holes Gary ! Take no shite from dee , James , edele and George !
    Let it kick off before the final ! Give them all a peice of your mind Gary !
    Gary to win !
    Legend !

  10. Tom says:
    Reply Report

    Watch the video clip on BB website and make your mind up about James. If that’s what he’s like in there what is he like outside. No wander he got the sack.
    Gary to win!!!

  11. Donna Mc says:
    Reply Report

    YES lets see Gary let rip at them all now because they defo deserve it. Gary or Audley to win :doh:
    :up: :up: :up: :up: :up: :up: :up:

  12. Sandy says:
    Reply Report

    God, that letter from this partner was cringe worthy.

    He’s the only shining light in what is a very dull house.

    Well, she claims to be a hypotherapist and I think she’d have to use a bit of self hypnosis to even get into bed with that over weight, wrinkled, belching, farting saggy balled creature. To think of that horrid man groping you….vomit!
    I wonder if the “Gary goose honk” is ever heard in the bedroom.
    That mouth full of yellowing lope sided dentures that look like they need a bloody good clean, YUCK!!!
    Kiss me quick Gary, please!!!

  13. jennyjuniper says:
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    I just hate sweeping statements that seems as if that person is speaking for everyone.
    I speak for myself, always have and always will.

  14. jennyjuniper says:
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    You really are obsessed with Gary aren’t you Sandy. Come on, be honest. You secretly have a crush on him don’t you.? πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜‰

  15. jennyjuniper says:
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    It wouldn.t suprise me at all if the reason BB has allowed this ill treatment of Gary to carry on, is that they hope he will walk,
    Let’s face it, Richard Desmond, BB and CBB are not very subtle when it comes to practising underhand methods.

  16. Pete says:
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    That old f****r busey. I don’t care how old is his if anyone spoke to my girl like he speaks to them girls in there I’d knock em out.

  17. Sandy says:
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    Clint Eastwood, Christopher Walken, Anthony Hopkins, Al Pacino, Robert Redford, Jack Nicholson, Donald Sutherland, Harrison Ford, Michael Caine, Robert De Niro and Morgan Freeman are amongst some of the many TRUE legends and GENTLEMAN of Hollywood and are all OVER the age of 70, some almost 80.
    Articulate, intelligent and refined they are still directing and working in some of the finest movies of our time.

    I don’t see Gary Busey as anywhere near, not even close to the calibre of these TRUE GENTLEMEN.

    Gary Busey is rude, certainly not articulate and if you consider his wacky Buseyisms as intelligent or anything else that comes out of his mouth for that matter, well theres not much hope for you.

  18. jennyjuniper says:
    Reply Report

    If by ‘girls’, you mean Dee and Edele, then you have a very vivid imagination. Has it escaped your notice that those ‘girls’ have been vile to Gary since day one. Not so much Edele, although she has ganged up with the other bullies now, but Dee is a big fat bully and a shyster and you, threatening violence are no better.

  19. jennyjuniper says:
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    I might add to Pete that when they leave the house, none of the females has said bad things about Gary. Now that should tell you something.

  20. Sun says:
    Reply Report

    well said :up:

  21. Sun says:
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    i agree with you gary’s a f**king rude yank. Im not judging his health issues or his age im judging his character and personality and how he treats others like sh*t

    @pete :up: you tell em

    @sandy i agree with you :up:

    @jennyjuniper no i am only me im not sandi or sandy i am sun duno how i can be 3 people r u having a mad moment lololol

  22. Sun says:
    Reply Report

    has it escaped your memory that gary has been vile to everyone. Pushing the girls out his way etc thats bullying
    gary is a yank b*stard bully cant stand him

    just because one has health issues doesnt give them a passport to treat others like sh*t and then when they angry at gary he plays victim. He knows psychology and is using it to fullest

    you all support gary treating others like sh*t but when other hms retaliate and stand up for themselves you all accuse them of being vile – your all f*cking off ur heads

    theres two groups of people here

    one who loves gary no matter what he does – blinded deluded by garys expert psychology games and manipulations :tongue:

    then theres the group who sees through gary’s crap and see him for the stupid yank he is – im in this group πŸ˜‰

  23. Sun says:
    Reply Report

    if gary was a civil person who treated others with respect and compassion they wouldnt respond in the way they are to him

  24. Sun says:
    Reply Report

    you tell em girl :up: gary aint no legend. When i saw him on launch night i was like ‘who is that’ i love films and i appreciate good actors but gary i aint seen one film where he plays a decent part. He rubbish actor sorry

    pur anthony hopkins or al pacino or jack nicholson in big brother then my friends you have a legend

  25. Sandy says:
    Reply Report

    The “ABUSEY” followers have a extremely warped idea of what constitutes a Hollywood Legend and a gentleman.

    One oscar nomination over 36 years ago, and god forbid he ever lets us forget about that, the bitterness he holds onto of that loss is still so evident. He’s a very angry man.

    For a start anyone even considered to be a Hollywood legend would never consider a reality show let alone entering a CBB house.
    Reality shows are Gary Buseys only outlet these days and he is a reality show producers dream. To have a rude , entitled, certifiable nut job that you know everyone can’t stand ready to take on any job so he can to get his face on the box, it’s pure gold for producers.

Reply to Katie

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