


  • Entered Day 1
  • Winner Day 26
  • 5 evictions faced
  • 24 noms received

Gary Busey is an American actor best known for his roles in Point Break and The Buddy Holly Story, and his reputation for bizarre behaviour.

After growing up in Oklahoma, he attended Kansas State University on a football scholarship, but his dreams of pursuing a career in professional sports were shattered after injuring his knee. He then moved to Hollywood to pursue a music career, but acting beckoned.

After securing several small roles in both film and television during the 1970s, he made his film debut in Angels Hard As They Come in 1971. Following this he starred as the lead in The Buddy Holly Story, which led to him winning an Academy Award nomination.

Later in Gary’s acting career, he took on more sinister roles in the action thrillers Lethal Weapon (1987), Predator 2 (1990), and of course Point Break (1991), with Keanu Reeves and Patrick Swayze. He also played a cameo role as himself in the comedy Entourage.

Gary had a near-fatal motorcycle accident in 1989 after he rode without a helmet. This resulted in the enactment of stricter helmet laws in the State of California.

The accident split his skull open and he was taken to hospital for immediate surgery. Gary claims that his brain got altered – it was a wake-up call to get his life in order and to appreciate it. He recovered two and a half months earlier than predicted, and says his faith was the reason.

Gary has three children – son Jake with his first wife Judy, daughter Alectra with Tracy Hutchinson and son Luke with his wife Steffanie Sampson. He has black belts in budo-jujitsu, capoeira, hapkido, and kendo.

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  1. 4 comments

  2. 21 comments


  1. Scooby says:
    Reply Report

    alright alright calm down
    yeah gary had 18 years addiction to cocaine and alcoholno and had a cancer tumor removed in his nose from all the cocaine use
    but thats the past no????

  2. Siobhan says:
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    No I’m not saying Gary hasn’t been rude but they should talk to him with respect they wouldn’t talk to there grandad like that plus he is the only celeb in there and I think he could hold his ground and can’t wait till he does

  3. Shannon says:
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    frenchie and gary are only on the scrap heap for a day and it isnt cold out so its not that bad

    you can do it gary

  4. Steven cooper says:
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    They all bullying Gary at 70 years of age I think this is a disgrace, :down: :down: :down:

  5. Louise says:
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    Gary has a brain injury, not mental health problems! Surely BB have spoken to the other celebs and explained that. Horrible to watch a 70 year old man with disabilities being bullied. As for james and Leslie…..both bullies definitely have some serious ego issues. :down:

  6. Shannon says:
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    your wrong i read gary is on depakote and has bipolar disorder brought on by the bike crash

  7. Shannon says:
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    i read on internet gary does have bipolar

  8. jones says:
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    Gary is miles above any of the other b@stards in the bb house, and the truth is that bb staff don’t know how to handle a real Hollywood star such as Gary, I think he seems easy to talk too, how many of us have relatives who are deaf, blunt and a bit confusing to listen too, the answer is all of us.
    Gary is similar to your grandad for example, I like him and I think he deserves respect and a few votes. He’s not playing a game, he is being genuine.

  9. Robert doyle says:
    Reply Report

    I think it’s a disgrace how ASSHOLES think they can bully a 70 year old icon like that , he’s had brain surgery and cannot hear & understand accents properly , I love Gary ! If I was in there he would be my closest friend , if I were there I would have knocked out several people by now just for being do cheeky to him , ‘I mean Jesus ,if someone spoke to my grandad like that I would hurt them ‘
    So funny tonight in the nude lol

  10. Robert doyle says:
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    I would just like to add , I watched the very first big brother & every one since , the most annoyed I’ve ever been was the other night re- shushing incident against Gary ! I threw my remote at my 42″ TV and swore I wouldn’t watch big brother again ,
    I HATE BULLYS ! Gary is one of my favourite actors GIVE SOME RESPECT ! Some of these younger ones mustn’t even know who he is !
    Sorry for caps but it angered me so much !

  11. Janicer says:
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    As far as I know he has brain damage due to a combination of his past lifestyle and a motor bike accident where he actually died twice. @Scooby

  12. Janicer says:
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    My relatives put up with me. I am deaf in one ear now following surgery two years ago. The number of times I get the wrong end of the stick. We try to laugh it off but they get a bit peed off with me at times! It’s also frustrating when they forget and I’m left sitting there while the conversation goes on around me. If one person mumbles or is soft spoken then I give up. I totally feel for Gary in there as apart from Claire who will turn towards him none of the HMs seem to make allowances. Someone else on here suggested a task where HMs would be wearing aids to block their hearing might help them appreciate what it’s like for him. I second that idea.@jones

  13. Confused says:
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    Gary is the Helen of CBB. As with Helen, Ch5 will do everything possible to keep him in as long as possible. He is the only Oscar-nominated (no, he did not win) actor who would ever consider CBB. He is an aggressive self-promoter who has run out of options in the USA. As with Helen, clever editing has built up sympathy to keep him in. Watch as they cut back and forth from the lively party to poor Gary sitting in silence on a bench. Although he is 70 (15 years my junior) he is physically imposing and he used that to bully others such as Leslie with homophobic comments and the CGI incident where he towered over Leslie and sneered that those in the American movie industry knew the G was Graphics, as Leslie was only an Emmy winner, not a movie star.
    Listen carefully to his apologies. He never apologises for whatever rude thing he has said or done. In his own twisted why, he says he is sorry that the other person had not understood the situation correctly. Yes, he is old and yes it would be nice if he were respected for his impressive career. But, respect for elders, along with civility, are not treasured values of the younger generation. If I would (God forbid) treat my grandchildren the way he has treated the other HMs, I would have no right to be given respect. It is earned or lost through ones behavior.
    On launch night he couldn’t remember that he had dated Frenchie for 2 years and rudely denied any knowledge of Speidi. That is something I might has also attempted to do, but not in such a rude way. Americans may be blunt, but he is rude. Don’t let Ch5 manipulate you. Gary is still a very good actor. Watch his eyes when he pretends not to hear. It’s a trick I have used to avoid, stall or control situations. Yes, he has hearing problems, so do I, but notice how his affliction is selective. The odious James speaks in a load, clear voice and is not heard, but some of the ladies have no problem. I do not condone the counter attacks on Gary, but they were certainly not unprovoked. Google Gary just like you googled Helen. Now, let’s see how much respect this group gives me. God bless you all. H

  14. Janicer says:
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    We all have our views I suppose but from what I have watched I have no problem with Gary. I don’t find him to be a bully. IMO the argument over CGI was Leslie’s doing not Gary. James and David had a go at him,that’s two to one,and David was pointing at him all the time. Gary was composed. No my sympathy is with Gary at present. Time will tell who is right. I don’t judge HMs on their past in the house as I prefer to view them with a fresh eye. So I gave Spiedi a chance,and was wrong. Gave Jim Davidson a chance and was surprised,gave Helen a chance and…’s all part of BB.
    I suppose like with other situations you get two descriptions of what has happened and the truth is somewhere in between,after all we only see a small part of what is going on.

  15. E;yzabeth says:
    Reply Report

    Gary is fab !

    Spiritual, funny and unfortunately misunderstood by many in the BB house.
    He has been bullied and made fun of by some of the less intelligent, and cruder people in the house
    He is a total gem!

  16. Robbie says:
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    I have a lot of time for Gary. Hope he wins.

    Can’t believe he was told that people in the UK don’t shush people. Get James out.

  17. Wexford says:
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    Gary’s film Point Break is on Channel 5 tonight at 11.55pm. :up:

  18. F*cking B*stard says:
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    @Robert doyle
    who was in the nude???
    If you were in bb house and knocked em out you be evicted now :tongue:

  19. Scooby says:
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    woooow well said exceellent
    your brilliant
    at last someone thinks the same as meeeee

  20. Scooby says:
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    boring he is hardly an Al Pacino or Jack Nicholson is he? crap actor in my view

  21. Keithy says:
    Reply Report

    Cant stand this bloke.

  22. Brian says:
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    person would have jus said ‘thank you thats so kind’ but all gary could say in abrupt voice was ‘thats not enough’gary spoke to david like a piece of crap in the bedroom so david jus stormed off and left the ice pack with garygary is abrupt and ungrateful they even helped himhave a shower and cared by saying stand on the mats as its slipperytheyre not bullying him theyre helping him tonight

  23. Brian says:
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    sorry my message somehow cut off the start which should be…..

    When gary fell over they were caring towards him and david offered him a few ice packs and gary said ‘thats not enough’

    i didnt find gary polite at all any everyday person would have jus said ‘thank you thats so kind’ but all gary could say in abrupt voice was ‘thats not enough’gary spoke to david like a piece of crap in the bedroom so david jus stormed off and left the ice pack with garygary is abrupt and ungrateful they even helped himhave a shower and cared by saying stand on the mats as its slipperytheyre not bullying him theyre helping him tonight

  24. Brian says:
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    i must admit im not keen either on gary so im with you there

    weather he is famous, successful or not it dont matter i dislike the bloke

  25. Bammy says:
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    im watching gary act in this film on ch5 now ‘under siege’
    sorry but his acting sucks
    steven segal however is fab 😀

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