


  • Entered Day 1
  • Evicted Day 24
  • 2 evictions faced
  • 2 noms received

Ricci Guarnaccio is a reality star from Newcastle-based reality show Geordie Shore. Upon entering the show he described himself as someone who has “got the looks, got the charm; it just works”. Beforehand, Ricci lived in Durham and worked as a hairdresser.

During his time on the show, Ricci was notorious for his rocky and tumultuous relationship with fellow cast member Vicky Pattinson. After arguing and constantly fighting in every episode, their relationship came to an end shortly after his marriage proposal, which involved a plane flying by with a message reading “Vicky, will you marry me?”

Ricci, who describes himself as a ladies’ man and ‘ridiculously good-looking’, got banned from the Geordie Shore house a few times after several alcohol-fuelled arguments turned sour.

When asked about his decision to leave the reality show, he responded through a tweet, “Getting knighted for being so goodlukin, so cudn’t make it”.

Since leaving Geordie Shore, Ricci has travelled to Australia to judge and crown the winner of MTV Australia’s Worldie of the Year; a competition where lots of Australian bikini-clad girls from around the country try to win the title of ‘World Class Beauty’.

Ricci also appeared on MTV reality show Ex on the Beach, which saw eight single guys and girls head to paradise where they are greeted by their exes.

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  1. sam 25 says:
    Reply Report

    Thanks to gobshite Dee, got away with being nominated again, unbelievable.
    He’s really annoying me now just by still being in the house.
    Has there ever been a more vapid, insipid, charmless housemate ever? beyond a joke.
    The next time he goes shopping he should get himself a personality. :down:

  2. Jane Shepherd says:
    Reply Report

    He is totally vacant – just like his ‘crush’ – did anyone else notice that he couldn’t verbalise his answer to Garys’ question? which was “how was I rude?”
    He just said ‘Well you were rude to her’ and pointed at Lauren. Still Lauren learnt a new word today – Dismissive – she repeated Edeles comment.
    Surprised Ricci didn’t cry and do a snot bubble. That would please BBOTS

  3. Wexford says:
    Reply Report

    @sam 25
    Ha, exactly !

  4. justsaying says:
    Reply Report

    the drip that never dropped.
    nominating Gary for NO reason may I add. And then not even having been able to explain why. What a little weasel. Really wish this cbb was vote to evict. You would of been GONE don’t know how you have clung on, definitely some kind of winnit

  5. flodders says:
    Reply Report

    struggling to understand why you are there actually, you and Dee, such role models for this country.

  6. Kirsty says:
    Reply Report

    100% Twat

  7. Clare says:
    Reply Report

    Interesting body-language from this little runt (while sitting at the side of the pool) during the ‘discussion’ between Audley and James regarding James’ nasty comments about Lauren.
    He kept his mouth shut through-out. A real man would have voiced his opinion.
    Little shit-bag!

  8. Sarah says:
    Reply Report

    Ricci is a coward. He is a pathetic excuse for a man.

  9. John Smith says:
    Reply Report

    Most pointless and most boring housemate BB has ever had!
    he doesn’t do or say anything. he just stares into space no matter where he is in the house.
    the man is a void!

  10. jennyjuniper says:
    Reply Report

    @John Smith
    Well I was going to leave an opinion, but you have said it all for me. Thanks :up:

  11. Janice’s says:
    Reply Report

    Ricci where were you the butch guy who can attack an old man but sits back when the girl he is supposed to be chasing is upset! Why was it left to Audley to confront James about what he said about Lauren.

  12. flodders says:
    Reply Report

    the pout on his photo says it all, time he came out.

  13. kitty17 says:
    Reply Report

    @clare – couldn’t agree more. He only stands up to/bully’s girls. He is incapable of standing up to a man. Oh I cant stand him.

  14. Wexford says:
    Reply Report

    He’s a waste of space. :down:

  15. annkaspchar says:
    Reply Report

    Errrrr who’s Ricci? ….oh it’s the houseplant in the corner! 😀

  16. Becky says:
    Reply Report

    Weasel (he even looks like one).

  17. sharon says:
    Reply Report

    Why is Ricci in the house? what does he do to entertain us Nothing!!! is the answer except for flirting with Lauren who he didn’t stick up for against James who he is to scared to argue with he needs to GO!!

  18. fi says:
    Reply Report

    The situation in the bb house is that James is the big bully, accompanied by Ricci and George, two weaklings who just suck up to him, kiss his arse and agree with whatever twathead James says.
    The only decent guys left in the bb house are Gary and Audley, they know they are tough without putting on the macho bullshit to prove it.
    Gary and Audley deserve to be in the final and either of them deserve to win.

    100% Fact.

  19. MikeNew says:
    Reply Report

    As thick as a plank. He can’t even flirt properly. No wonder they script his show.

  20. Annie says:
    Reply Report

    Did you see how embarrassed this little creep got while taking the call during the call centre task? While being quizzed about his fake relationship with Lauren his face went bright red?
    He is pathetic and immature.

  21. argyll says:
    Reply Report

    Dee will be after you Annie – that’s her baby. LOL
    Sad isn’t it.

  22. Annie says:
    Reply Report

    Don’t worry Argyll – I should hopefully be able to outrun Dee.

  23. ADTmonkey says:
    Reply Report

    Waste of society, space, money, oxygen etc. Everything u could think of. Such a achoholic pathetic boring drone

  24. Wexford says:
    Reply Report

    Well he really seems to fancy Dee, I mean he can’t keep his hands off her 😉 Eew

  25. northernmonkey says:
    Reply Report

    A crying, tragic waste of skin.

Reply to Margaret Rose

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