


  • Entered Day 1
  • Evicted Day 24
  • 3 evictions faced
  • 12 noms received

As an actress, Nadia Sawalha got her big break in 1997, joining BBC One’s hit soap EastEnders as Annie Palmer, a ruthless businesswoman. Following appearances in Casualty and The Bill, she has now become better known as a TV presenter.

Her credits include a string of BBC programmes, including Passport To The Sun, Heir Hunters, Wanted Down Under and Accidents Can Happen. In 2006, she became Adrian Chiles’ original co-host on teatime magazine programme The One Show, but she was eventually replaced by Christine Bleakley after leaving due to pregnancy.

The next year, Nadia was crowned winner of Celebrity Masterchef, and she went on to present the show’s junior spin-off, before fronting Saturday Cookbook, Sunday Scoop and cookery segments on Lorraine for ITV.

In 2011, she joined the sixth series of Dancing On Ice, but was eliminated in its first week. She returned to Loose Women as a regular panellist in 2013, eleven years after her first three-year stint on the popular talkshow.

Nadia – a huge Big Brother fan – hints that she’ll keep her opinions to herself in the house, saying: “I don’t look for confrontation, but I would describe myself as feisty but fair.

“What I can’t take is someone who isn’t kind. If somebody just really isn’t a very nice person then I will have a rub up with them.”

However, she isn’t afraid of the prospect of living with loudmouth Katie Hopkins. “I suspect she acts a lot of what she says. I don’t think anyone could be that nasty,” the 50-year-old comments. “I think it’s for business because it gets her work. I’m hoping I meet her and she’s actually nice.”

Nadia may love all things food – but she’s been warned to avoid becoming the resident CBB chef. She laughs: “My mum’s only bit of advice was, ‘Don’t take over the kitchen, because people hate people who take over the kitchen on reality shows’. It’s hilarious because all I ever do is cook!”

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  1. 20 comments

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  3. 11 comments


  1. raf says:
    Reply Report

    Not fond of her so far. Too much of a busy body and has to get involved in everything.

  2. Dori says:
    Reply Report

    I agree with u raf, she is alot like perez. Only with perez u know what ur getting. Nadia sugar coats her slyness. She is just a busy body

  3. Wexford says:
    Reply Report

    She’s a “smiling assassin”.

  4. jennyjuniper says:
    Reply Report

    I do agree. She seems to think that saying something nasty is fine, so long as it’s accompanied by an insincere smile.
    Not liking her at all and I thought I would.

  5. jessie says:
    Reply Report

    I agree she seem to be in everyone’s conversation
    and seemingly a peace maker, i wish she would
    step back and take a breather, be herself.

  6. mike new says:
    Reply Report

    She could stir up a typhoon. Not to be trusted but will keep the pot boiling for the entertainment.

  7. Donna Mc says:
    Reply Report

    Lol she is such an interfering buzzy body its unreal

  8. northernmonkey says:
    Reply Report

    I totally agree with all the above. A total busy body.

    Female version of Perez, someone needs to tell her to shut up.

  9. SS says:
    Reply Report

    So, Nadia thinks Ken should be arrested for admiring women’s bodies, but yet is happy to pose naked for a magazine?

  10. Anne says:
    Reply Report

    Mike new and northernmonkey you both got it so right about her not to be trusted oh and you SS x

  11. Sam F says:
    Reply Report

    You know what I’m glad that Nadia is there and that she steps in when she does, she is not afraid to challenge people who do or say vile things, that’s all. People talk about the right of people like Ken to have freedom of speech, well Nadia should be afforded the right to be offended and to confront people for doing so.

  12. Dragon says:
    Reply Report

    Give me a break, Nadia is like a dog with a bone. She does not know when to shut up, pity she didn’t walk.
    BB please stop showing so much of her, she is doing my head in.

  13. Chloe says:
    Reply Report

    She came in with this image of being this nice and mature woman; it lasted a few hours only! What a two-faced, righteous gossip! On the other hand, Katie was introduced as ‘the villain’ but she is actually really likeable and hilarious! Katie all the way!!

  14. northernmonkey says:
    Reply Report

    I actually think she is worse than Ken. Really can’t stand her to be honest.

    Just another attention seeking, know it all – drama queen – condescending and passive aggressive.

    Get her out.

  15. mike new says:
    Reply Report

    pot calling kettle!
    At her age she really should know better. Toxicity is such a big word for her; let me think; she got it from Perez

  16. Cupid stunt says:
    Reply Report

    Agreed with most people on this page, she seems to have a lot to say for herself, don’t stop jabbering, but she’s not very good at listening!….seems a bit single minded, and her point of view is allways right! ……..trying to hard….

  17. northernmonkey says:
    Reply Report

    @Cupid stunt Yes, she doesn’t like listening, in fact she puts her hand up in a ‘ shush, God is now speaking and I am right ‘ kind of way.

  18. jennyjuniper says:
    Reply Report

    Will someone give this harpy a hairbrush. :doh:

  19. Sarah says:
    Reply Report

    Haha love it :up: @jennyjuniper

  20. FuzzyLamp says:
    Reply Report

    She’s so interfering and thinks she’s right all the time.

  21. Bob says:
    Reply Report

    A bit bossy but I still quite like her, she is a loose woman after all.

  22. Chloe says:
    Reply Report

    Get that two-faced old jealous witch out! I can’t stand her anymore!!!

  23. northernmonkey says:
    Reply Report

    Haha I had to laugh when Katie was having a go at her in the task. Her face was like thunder.

    Funny how she tried to make out the reason she was ‘ really’ angry after was because Katie had a go at Alicia and not because she had a go at her.

  24. jennyjuniper says:
    Reply Report

    You’ve got it in one. I also have to smile at her saying to Perez ‘Don’t let me near her’ (Katy) as if she would do something if he does. Nadia is full of baloney. Get Nadia out and see what Perez does then.

  25. sammyvan says:
    Reply Report


    Nail on head! Her face was indeed like thunder as Katie said her bit. Seems to be her and Perez against the house last night – hope Patsy has seen the light? As for Nadia and Perez saying that Katie is making it all about her….. pot, kettle, black?

Reply to Aaron

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