


  • Entered Day 1
  • Evicted Day 24
  • 3 evictions faced
  • 12 noms received

As an actress, Nadia Sawalha got her big break in 1997, joining BBC One’s hit soap EastEnders as Annie Palmer, a ruthless businesswoman. Following appearances in Casualty and The Bill, she has now become better known as a TV presenter.

Her credits include a string of BBC programmes, including Passport To The Sun, Heir Hunters, Wanted Down Under and Accidents Can Happen. In 2006, she became Adrian Chiles’ original co-host on teatime magazine programme The One Show, but she was eventually replaced by Christine Bleakley after leaving due to pregnancy.

The next year, Nadia was crowned winner of Celebrity Masterchef, and she went on to present the show’s junior spin-off, before fronting Saturday Cookbook, Sunday Scoop and cookery segments on Lorraine for ITV.

In 2011, she joined the sixth series of Dancing On Ice, but was eliminated in its first week. She returned to Loose Women as a regular panellist in 2013, eleven years after her first three-year stint on the popular talkshow.

Nadia – a huge Big Brother fan – hints that she’ll keep her opinions to herself in the house, saying: “I don’t look for confrontation, but I would describe myself as feisty but fair.

“What I can’t take is someone who isn’t kind. If somebody just really isn’t a very nice person then I will have a rub up with them.”

However, she isn’t afraid of the prospect of living with loudmouth Katie Hopkins. “I suspect she acts a lot of what she says. I don’t think anyone could be that nasty,” the 50-year-old comments. “I think it’s for business because it gets her work. I’m hoping I meet her and she’s actually nice.”

Nadia may love all things food – but she’s been warned to avoid becoming the resident CBB chef. She laughs: “My mum’s only bit of advice was, ‘Don’t take over the kitchen, because people hate people who take over the kitchen on reality shows’. It’s hilarious because all I ever do is cook!”

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  1. 20 comments

  2. 33 comments

  3. 11 comments


  1. mel says:
    Reply Report

    Like nardia she defended Alicia when CAMI li whatever that is called her names nardia to win 😉 :up:

  2. jennyjuniper says:
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    Actually Nadia stirred things up all the more (as is her wont) She did it earlier when Cami tried to warn Alicia that Perez would use her if given the chance. Nadia immediately turned round and said ‘That’s an awful thing to say that Alicia would only have friends if she’s being used’ Or words to that effect.
    Cami never said that. But of course there was Nadia with a large wooden spoon doing the stirring, yet again. And of course after that she gets to comfort Alicia and appears to be the champion of the downtrodden.
    Nadia is an interferring busybody and the sooner she goes back to that coven of loose women the better.

  3. rebecca says:
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    Nadia is one of the only housemates who sticks up for herself and others in a fair and just manner. She has amazing moral values and she does not want to follow the crowd like the majority of the other housemates. I really respect her and it is better to listen to an intelligent, well worded argument from Nadia then to listen to non-sensical word vomit from Cami. Nadia hardly does stirring if you truly look at the situations she is involved in, she is defending weaker housemates and asking them not to use derogatory or abusive language. I have much respect for her.

  4. Rorymac says:
    Reply Report

    Absolutely love Nadia! Keep speaking the truth ! I am so glad that somebody is being honest in that house and showing viewers how important it is to be respectful and kind! Absolutely love her to bits and my respect for her grows every time I watch the show! Nadia to win!

  5. mel says:
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    We’ll said Rebecca and rorymac

  6. SarahB says:
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    Absolutely love Nadia! Please keep up the honest attitude! People saying she is stirring.. come on.. look at the people she is dealing with.. Katie Hopkins calling overweight people slobs, Cami screaming uncontrollably about nothing in particular, Chloe insulting Alicia.. I mean it is clear the people who are doing the stirring. Nadia is purely responding to their terrible attitudes and insults and sticking up for the people who are getting targeted, if that is your idea of ‘stirring’ than I really don’t understand your logic. I hope she keeps speaking the truth as it is quite an inspiration, she is a very strong woman.

  7. mel says:
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    Actually Rebecca and rorymac I disagree with you both :down:

  8. jennyjuniper says:
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    Then how do you explain this? When Cami said to Alicia in the bedroom to be aware that Perez could be using her (He was) Before Alicia could say anything Nadia jumped in with’ Thats an awful thing to suggest that Alicia only has friends because they want to use her’. When in reality Cami hadn’t said those words.
    That was Nadia stirring the pot. Then of course she follows it up with comforting, so she can be percieved as the peace-maker, when in reality she’s the one lighting the fire to boil the pot.
    Alexander may be a quiet bloke, but he notices what goes on and he’s spot on when he says Nadia stirs things up.
    She was like this on Celebrity Masterchef too, a controlling know it all bossyboots.

  9. Dragon says:
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    I was pleasantly surprised when Katie P put Nadia in jail. Maybe she had time to think about the error of her ways.

  10. rebecca says:
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    @jennyjuniper i disagree with you, what Cami said was there was no other reason for Perez to be talking to Alicia unless he wanted to manipulate her.. this assumes that Alicia has no other qualities to give to a friendship other than to be used. It is very clear that Alicia has been picked on by both Cami and Katie, they have taunted her, called her ‘thick’ and ‘irrelevant’ both behind her back and to her face. I don’t agree with bullying or intimidation whether it is within every day life or within the confines of Big Brother. You cannot think that Cami is a logical rational person? She is quite attention seeking and seems to follow the crowd on whoever they are choosing to target next paired with the fact that she is completely enamoured by Katie Hopkins. If Katie and Cami truly wanted Perez to go they would simply ignore him, so that he becomes irrelevant to the audience at home and repeatedly nominate him until he is voted out.. BUT they do not do this, they continue to feed into his attention seeking ways and rile him up, they know that this will get them airtime and hopefully viewers votes. This is obvious in last nights episode when Katie follows Perez into the bedroom telling him how disgusting and pathetic he is. Nadia has a set of moral values that she abides by and follows through on and it is clear that some of the others do not have this, if you wish to villanize someone purely because they bite back to a group of bullies than so be it. I would never allow someone like Katie Hopkins or Cami Lee to talk the way they do to Alicia, to me, if they were on the outside, so I congratulate Nadia on being headstrong and unyielding.

  11. jennyjuniper says:
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    Headstrong and unyielding = Bossy and controlling.
    You certainly have a right to your opinion, but so have I.
    Alexander doesn’t say much, but he’s no fool and sees a lot that goes on. He too said that Nadia was the one stirring the pot.
    As for Cami and Kate ignoring Perez, it doesn’t work. Even if he left those two alone he would go for someone else, as he did with Alexander. He provoked him until he snapped.
    That idiot Perez is just an attention seeking ass and I commend Katy for keeping her cool with him as long as she has.
    As for Alicia, this is the only hope she has of getting to the final, by playing the victim and hoping people will be fooled by this utterly selfish b….

  12. Davina Ireland says:
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    @rebecca I so agree with every word you said there,if I was in that house I’d love having someone like Nadia fighting my corner,I worry about the state of the world when I read peoples comments about how they love Katie Hopkins,she wasn’t defending Alexander she saw an opportunity to have another go at Perez and spout her bile any excuse as far as I can see and bcos Nadia can see through her she’s being vilified for it,I respect her for sticking to her guns and not going with the crowd whether it makes her unpopular or not,a strong woman should be applauded especially in that mad house!

  13. millyx says:
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    Nadia to win :heart: :up:

  14. jennyjuniper says:
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    Nadia should be out next and back to the Loose Coven. She is an interferring busybody who has to be in control. :down: :down:

  15. Macd says:
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    I think she believes she’s sticking up for the underdog, Perez is so capable of looking out for himself and it’s odds on he couldn’t give a monkeys chuff what Nadia says to him, or what anyone else thinks of him because he really enjoys being this obnoxious creature, it’s who he really is, it isn’t an act for the cameras.

  16. Rorymac says:
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    @jennyjuniper it seems as if you are Katie Hopkins’s cheerleader.. you are defending her under the other housemates names here as well! Katie has taunted Perez .. that is clear to see.. I have no respect for Perez at all but even in last nights episode she tells everyone to isolate him than comes into the kitchen and begins to insult him aggressively again? She is well aware of what gets airtime and she clearly doesn’t care about Alexander being hurt.. if she did she would remove him from the situation and calmly ask Perez not to act in that way again. Go on Nadia keep to your guns and show the public how to stick up for yourself!

  17. Lowrider says:
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    How are you going to justify to your family why you support such a sick excuse for a human being in Perez, could it be you are of similar nature?

  18. Alf says:
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    Nada is so far up her own arse, mother hen busybody, MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS.

  19. Donna Mc says:
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    Nadia should be made to wear a t-shirt with
    MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS written on it 😀

  20. Donna Mc says:
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    Sorry remove the your on hers and put MY lol :up:


  21. Jan says:
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    I agree with you! She should go back to the sycophants on loose coven….my exact name for that rubbish I cannot stand those empty heads :down:

  22. Violet says:
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    Just patronising… Since when was she the only one who able to think anything! Cami is not your child, she’s an adult too.

  23. Emele says:
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    At the people saying she feels she is always right… and Katie and Cami don’t ? Wake up. Nadia for the win!! After tonight’s episode it is clear how goading Katie H can be and I don’t think it’s fair.

  24. Ger says:
    Reply Report

    Only sane one In the house! Go Nadia ! Ignore all the trolls here they are probably paid by Hopkins to slate you .. nothing better to do with their lives. Please stay in this!! #teamnadia

  25. jennyjuniper says:
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    Hi Rorymac, what gets me is that people are seeming to forget, that from day one Perez and Nadia both set out to try to turn the whole house against Katy H, yet she was civil to both of them.
    So yes I am (at nearly 65 a bit old for a cheerleader) supporting Katy H.
    Perez prods and provokes and when the people he provokes turn on him, as Katy has done, people call HER the antagonist. It’s a bit much.
    As for Nadia, she’s a sneaky one. At least you see Perez coming, but with Nadia, you would always have to be looking over your shoulder.

Reply to Aaron

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