


  • Entered Day 1
  • Evicted Day 24
  • 3 evictions faced
  • 12 noms received

As an actress, Nadia Sawalha got her big break in 1997, joining BBC One’s hit soap EastEnders as Annie Palmer, a ruthless businesswoman. Following appearances in Casualty and The Bill, she has now become better known as a TV presenter.

Her credits include a string of BBC programmes, including Passport To The Sun, Heir Hunters, Wanted Down Under and Accidents Can Happen. In 2006, she became Adrian Chiles’ original co-host on teatime magazine programme The One Show, but she was eventually replaced by Christine Bleakley after leaving due to pregnancy.

The next year, Nadia was crowned winner of Celebrity Masterchef, and she went on to present the show’s junior spin-off, before fronting Saturday Cookbook, Sunday Scoop and cookery segments on Lorraine for ITV.

In 2011, she joined the sixth series of Dancing On Ice, but was eliminated in its first week. She returned to Loose Women as a regular panellist in 2013, eleven years after her first three-year stint on the popular talkshow.

Nadia – a huge Big Brother fan – hints that she’ll keep her opinions to herself in the house, saying: “I don’t look for confrontation, but I would describe myself as feisty but fair.

“What I can’t take is someone who isn’t kind. If somebody just really isn’t a very nice person then I will have a rub up with them.”

However, she isn’t afraid of the prospect of living with loudmouth Katie Hopkins. “I suspect she acts a lot of what she says. I don’t think anyone could be that nasty,” the 50-year-old comments. “I think it’s for business because it gets her work. I’m hoping I meet her and she’s actually nice.”

Nadia may love all things food – but she’s been warned to avoid becoming the resident CBB chef. She laughs: “My mum’s only bit of advice was, ‘Don’t take over the kitchen, because people hate people who take over the kitchen on reality shows’. It’s hilarious because all I ever do is cook!”

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  1. 20 comments

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  3. 11 comments


  1. lyntongo says:
    Reply Report

    Nadia needs to stay on Friday. This is wishful thinking but I hope Calum leaves.

  2. sally says:
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    What a disappointment Nadia has been. When I heard she was going into the house I thought how great . She is usually such a fun happy person. What on earth has happened to her ? I cant believe the person I am seeing.. I suppose we see them warts and all in the BBhouse Maybe that’s a good thing.

  3. jennyjuniper says:
    Reply Report

    Even her fellow associate on Loose Coven, Carole McGiffin has called Nadia an interferring busybody. 😀 😀

  4. Lisa says:
    Reply Report

    Get this idiot out trying to be a peacemaker GET NADIA OUT GET NADIA OUT YA STUPID BITCH

  5. Jan says:
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    I was sooooo disappointed this false woman was not out this evening. Next time perhaps. Oh she’s such a silly cow.@Lisa

  6. connie says:
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    I like her and I’m glad she stayed.

  7. Chloe says:
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    Whaaaat?? Why is that menopausal hypocritical lo(o)ser still there?? Let’s hope she’s the next one to go, I can’t stand her (nor Perez but at least he is entertaining!). Katie h and Katie p all the way!!

  8. april says:
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    Keep nardia in luv her :heart: :up:

  9. jennyjuniper says:
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    I see she STILL hasn’t found her hairbrush.

  10. Yogi6 says:
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    I like her….heart go gold.. :happy: hope she learns something about herself in this experience. – stop being the traffic warden!

  11. connie says:
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    Nadia is the voice of reason and she is sticking by her principles, I admire her, I hope she stays in.

  12. Sue P says:
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    I love Nadia,says what she means and means what she says,it is entirely up to her if she want to be friends with Perez that is up to her entirely,at least she isn’t being a hypocrite bully who picks on anything and anyone,unlike Katie Hopkins,now that is one I would like to give a swift kick to,leave Nadia alone :up: :up: :up: :up: :heart: :heart: :heart:

  13. Nicky says:
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    I love Nadia….. She cannot be told who to talk to ……. The only reason Katie doesn’t like her is because she talks to Perez……. Really people???????… That is why Katie H is going around everyone telling them it’s Nadias fault Perez plays up because she gives him a platform…….. She has said over and over she wants to isolate Perez…….. That’s the bully conditioning everyone……… BUT good on Nadia she will not isolate Perez even tho he drives her up the wall at times!!!! ….. Good on you Nadia….. For not bowing to the majority……. And not letting Katie H tell you who you can talk to and who you can’t!!!!!! Xx

  14. Dragon says:
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    Nadia pretends she wants to go home, she is thoroughly enjoying Perez and Katie tiffs. She also knows backing Perez will keep her in to the end. Maybe a Perez, Nadia final?

  15. jennyjuniper says:
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    I sincerely hope not.
    I think Nadia is a hypocrite. She said to Emma that she hoped someone like Katy H would not be in the house, because she cannot stand people who say cruel things!!
    Ye Gods has this woman any idea of the filth and downright malicious cruelty that Perez has spewed out over the years? :doh:

  16. Sandra says:
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    Couldn’t agree more.

  17. meme says:
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    You are so lovely :heart: :up:

  18. connie says:
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    I hope Nadia stays, I really like her and think she should win.

  19. Kath Meynell says:
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    Nasty piece of work. No wonder I don’t like loose women. Get her out

  20. jennyjuniper says:
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    It’s laughable that Nadia accuses Katy H of being two faced when she and Perez are the biggest two faced people in there. Huddled in corners, figuratively speaking, complaining endlessly about Katy H yet not having the balls to say anything.
    Go back to your Loose Coven Nadia. You will not be missed, by me anyway. :down: :down:

  21. Jacksy says:
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    I just think she knows she’s a cert for nomination and there’s a good chance she’ll go so she’s using what time she’s left to have a good bitch. At least she’s not like some in there who are so scared of saying anything to KH for fear of what she’ll say about them when she gets out.

  22. Sandra says:
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    I really liked Nadia before she went into BB. I cannot believe that she is sitting in “the snug” with that diabolical creature Perez, greedily listening to all the things he “saw and heard” – and then shouting at Katie H for talking about the other housemates, calling her two-faced – what exactly is Nadia being? I thought that she was a really likeable woman – but I am sadly disappointed in her stance to dislike Katie H before she entered the house, and not taking the opportunity to form a proper opinion of her. I know that she does not want Perez to be isolated by the others – but she is not his mother – he is an adult and therefore responsible for his own actions. I hope that she has a career left when she comes out.

  23. Jacksy says:
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    With them mixing in the same celebrity circles I think her dislike of her stems from something that’s probably been said before they went in the house. If it is I’m sure we’ll find out someday.

  24. Katie says:
    Reply Report

    Very irritating woman.

    I think there is a big difference between someone who has a well founded and informed viewpoint or opinion …… And

    Someone who is soooo liberal and makes overtly over the top and “controversial” to some extent, comments.

    Talk about bleeding hearts.

    I don’t think she could be more insincere if she tried.

    She reminds me of a friend who claims to “love” all the songs on radio 1; simply because she wants to be “down with the kids” and appear cool, trendy and edgy.


  25. Dori says:
    Reply Report

    I did not like nads at first. AT ALL But Say what u will. This lass is one loyal friend. And to stick by ur friend after the full house turns on u takes some balls :up:

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