


  • Entered Day 1
  • Evicted Day 29
  • 3 evictions faced
  • 10 noms received

Perez Hilton is the infamous blogger behind, one of the biggest celebrity gossip websites on the internet. It has proven controversial for its often abrasive tone and outing of gay stars.

Since he begun blogging in 2004, Perez has become something of a celebrity in his own right, landing guest roles in shows such as America’s Next Top Model, Victorious, Glee and Hot In Cleveland.

In 2007, he had his own VH1 show named What Perez Sez; four years later he came to the UK in ITV2’s Perez Hilton Superfan, which saw him gain insight in to the lives of big names such as Katy Perry and Kelly Rowland.

However, with his fame came a string of celebrity feuds. In June 2009, Perez filed a lawsuit against The Black Eyed Peas’ manager for allegedly punching him in the face after he called a “f***ing faggot”.

More recently he fell out with former friend Lady Gaga. In August 2013, one of the ‘Bad Romance’ singer’s fans informed her on Twitter that they’d spotted Perez at her apartment building, leading to claims that he was stalking her. Perez later insisted he was only looking for a new place to live and that he was unaware Gaga lived there. Other names to have clashed with him include Miley Cyrus and Ariana Grande.

Perez is modest about his public perception. He says: “I have notoriety or infamy more than celebrity. I am probably more disliked than I am liked, and that is fine. I’m still in the Big Brother house and I love my life.”

The 36-year-old – real name Mario Lavandeira – signed up to CBB following his milestone tenth year of blogging because he wants people to “become invested in me as a person”. “That’s why Kim Kardashian is successful, the people who like her really like her,” he observes. “I want to be working in another ten years and to do that you need fans.

“I don’t have fans, I have readers and I don’t have a lot of likability. I’m not viewing it as a game, I’m viewing it as fun and I’m going to be myself.”

Perez says he’ll let viewers decide whether he’s a nice person, but accepts that he probably won’t win, laughing: “Only one American has won and that happened last season, so the chances of it happening two seasons consecutively are very slim. Having said that, anything is possible!”

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  1. Dori says:
    Reply Report

    This guy lives for a reaction. A lil funny tbh

  2. jessie says:
    Reply Report

    What’s he on??

  3. Donna Mc says:
    Reply Report

    I can,t stand Perez. A gossip stirring the pot. He has to no everything and be involved in everything. He’s like an old fish wife. Yuk

  4. Marina says:
    Reply Report

    Political correctness gone MAD! I remember Pete Burns being far more offensive and insulting to a number of people and he totally got away with it. I admit that Ken is a rther obnoxious and silly man, I there was definitely a bit of a witch hunt going on this evening.

  5. jessie says:
    Reply Report

    😀 He is like marmite you either like him or hate
    him lol

  6. Donna Mc says:
    Reply Report

    So true……I love marmite but not Perez haha

  7. northernmonkey says:
    Reply Report

    Holy feck, it’s Eddie Munster 😀

  8. Cupid stunt says:
    Reply Report

    I wouldn’t go nowhere near him, looks like he got a virus, blood shot eyes, and a stuffed up red nose, …needs a lemsip and a bath in detol, …

  9. Anne says:
    Reply Report

    :down: this nut need to go back to the U.S I really can not stand him :doh:

  10. jennyjuniper says:
    Reply Report

    @Cupid stunt
    Love your username 😀 I agree about Perez though. He looks like he’s stewing in his own bile.

  11. mike new says:
    Reply Report

    a very poor excuse for a man!

  12. Jacqui says:
    Reply Report

    Why is this man such a obnoxious, annoying piece of s***. Didn’t realise anyone could be as bad as him… :down:

  13. northernmonkey says:
    Reply Report

    Haha I wish BB would get rid of that red, round rug in the centre of the lounge – This fool thinks he is on stage whenever he treads anywhere near it.

  14. Chloe says:
    Reply Report

    He is soooo annoying and I can’t stand him. However, on an entertainment point of view he is quite good. Having said this, he wI’ll not win, Katie to win !!

  15. FuzzyLamp says:
    Reply Report

    God he winds me up!! Him, Cami and Katie are the worse!!!!

  16. Clogworkorange says:
    Reply Report

    Love him, I have a friend just like him. Pure entertainment. I’ve lost respect for he Great British public for liking Katie Ugly Hopkins.

  17. sammyvan says:
    Reply Report

    ” The British public are loving me”…………deluded twerp.
    Nasty, nasty little man. Good viewing, but makes my skin crawl.

  18. Dragon says:
    Reply Report

    How can anyone say Perez is entertaining? my cat is more entertaining.. Ha ha

  19. Donna Mc says:
    Reply Report

    This “little” boy needs a straight jacket………cbb need a window cleaner asap YUK. :down:

  20. Donna Mc says:
    Reply Report

    Hang on Perez….. The men in white coats are on there way 😯

  21. Kerry says:
    Reply Report

    Vile vile vile excuse of a man. GET PEREZ OUT. :down:

  22. Cupid stunt says:
    Reply Report

    Clearly disturbed, manic depressive, he’s heading towards a massive meltdown, I can see him being removed for his own safety and others! Before BB land themselves in all sorts of trouble!!!

  23. mel says:
    Reply Report

    The yoke is so funny to watch

  24. sue says:
    Reply Report

    filth filth filth awfull little man after last night he should be evicted vile there is not a word to describe him

  25. Yogi6 says:
    Reply Report

    He’s doing it deliberately to annoy everyone….he’s just play a good game!

Reply to jessie

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