


  • Entered Day 1
  • Evicted Day 29
  • 3 evictions faced
  • 10 noms received

Perez Hilton is the infamous blogger behind, one of the biggest celebrity gossip websites on the internet. It has proven controversial for its often abrasive tone and outing of gay stars.

Since he begun blogging in 2004, Perez has become something of a celebrity in his own right, landing guest roles in shows such as America’s Next Top Model, Victorious, Glee and Hot In Cleveland.

In 2007, he had his own VH1 show named What Perez Sez; four years later he came to the UK in ITV2’s Perez Hilton Superfan, which saw him gain insight in to the lives of big names such as Katy Perry and Kelly Rowland.

However, with his fame came a string of celebrity feuds. In June 2009, Perez filed a lawsuit against The Black Eyed Peas’ manager for allegedly punching him in the face after he called a “f***ing faggot”.

More recently he fell out with former friend Lady Gaga. In August 2013, one of the ‘Bad Romance’ singer’s fans informed her on Twitter that they’d spotted Perez at her apartment building, leading to claims that he was stalking her. Perez later insisted he was only looking for a new place to live and that he was unaware Gaga lived there. Other names to have clashed with him include Miley Cyrus and Ariana Grande.

Perez is modest about his public perception. He says: “I have notoriety or infamy more than celebrity. I am probably more disliked than I am liked, and that is fine. I’m still in the Big Brother house and I love my life.”

The 36-year-old – real name Mario Lavandeira – signed up to CBB following his milestone tenth year of blogging because he wants people to “become invested in me as a person”. “That’s why Kim Kardashian is successful, the people who like her really like her,” he observes. “I want to be working in another ten years and to do that you need fans.

“I don’t have fans, I have readers and I don’t have a lot of likability. I’m not viewing it as a game, I’m viewing it as fun and I’m going to be myself.”

Perez says he’ll let viewers decide whether he’s a nice person, but accepts that he probably won’t win, laughing: “Only one American has won and that happened last season, so the chances of it happening two seasons consecutively are very slim. Having said that, anything is possible!”

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  1. GPO says:
    Reply Report

    Now now you are just trying to be controversial with your choice of words at the ending of your rant.

    Perez is vile and to even say in the diary room that he would be willing to do what he said to calum if calum was wiling, then to repeat it again to Nadia, in my opinion was even more disgusting.
    Perez is a vile, vile, vile horrible man, there are not enough words to say how how I feel, just looking at his big head makes me feel ill, even the way he talks is obnoxious. He just wouldn’t get away with saying what he said to calum or in the diary room anywhere. He pushes people to the absolute limit for no reason.

    At least Katie H has a point, Keith is boring and has had vertually nothing to say, Alicia was totally thick, Katie price is a disappointment and only talks about sex and Nadia did love being in the middle of every dispute in the house and loved the drama that ensued. I bet many of you have thought the things and have probably said them to so why can’t she. Katy hasn’t stooped to the lowest of the low like Perez.
    Is it getting to the stage were katy cannot have a conversation with anyone without being branded a back stabber, after all she has said it to their faces. Everyone else has had there say with their conversations about different members of the house, Nadia and Perez have been big offenders in the “let’s talk about so and so stakes” but that’s seems to be O.K with many of you.

  2. So bored says:
    Reply Report

    You have to be absolutely despised when even the paparazzi lower their cameras and refuse to take your picture……
    Yes, this is exactly what happen to this twat when he walked the red carpet at an awards presentation. The paparazzi in disgust of this pathetic creature lowered their cameras and refused to take his picture.
    Way to go Mario!
    Don’t believe it…well don’t take my word for it just google it and see for yourselves.

  3. GPO says:
    Reply Report

    Perez Hilton has already been labeled a
    Sex Predator recently in the States, and had a lawsuit against him when he released on his website nude and intimate pictures of the very talented actress Jennifer Lawrence.
    What he did was so disgusting that he was ordered to pull the pictures and apologise. Well he made a heap of excuses and justified his posting of these pictures but no real apology.

    Once a scumbag always a scumbag.

  4. connie says:
    Reply Report

    Perez is doing the same as Katie Hopkins, making a good living out of being obnoxious. Some people,
    like myself find him obnoxious but also funny and entertaining at times and even endearing. Katie Hopkins is just obnoxious, boring and not entertaining. Both have a huge fan base and both have their haters.

  5. Evan says:
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    I’m surprised you’re still watching the show even though its making you sick and you dont appear to like anyone in it? 😀

  6. Philpot says:
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  7. Kirsten says:
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    Can’t stan the big head idiot he is so two faced he was up nadias bum his nose was brown he is so stupid he ask like he is the king I think I’d you replaced him with a two year old the baby would act better then him :down: :envy:

  8. Kirsten says:
    Reply Report

    Can’t stand him @Kirsten

  9. Goldfinch says:
    Reply Report

    What is the point of CBB having “Rules” if they are not consistent and do not apply to one and all? Ken Morley was removed upon his second warning, as was Jeremy – yet Perez Hilton has had THREE warnings now and CBB has NOT removed him — which now makes many think the whole voting thing is FIXED.
    And no wonder. And it is now too late for CBB to say it is NOT fixed – three official warnings and Hilton’s still in the house smilking smugly.
    Don’t waste your money, folks – because if the producers at CBB want to have the foul-mouthed gobshite Perez in the final, they will have him in the final, no matter how you vote.

  10. danni says:
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    Is anyone else aware of the fact we are getting a very one-sided view . ms Hopkins is stating all northern women are slappers etc but this isn’t being shown-instead just a major witch hunt for Mr Hilton for being odd-??yet the little Katie h. Gang with their childish& disgusting bullying,& conspiring behavior is really decent and normal ? not! What message does this send out for the future safety of our environment if this behavior is acceptable.They don’t have to like each other but this is like watching assisted bullying allowed & assisted by the producers showing only the bits that influence our views & even votes and do not stop this pack mentality causing blatent trainer.It is sickening to watch,you wouldn’tdo it to an animal.iI’m embarrassed to be English and sad that this is encouraged.Michelle is a supposed campaigner for human rights,gays & outcasts!!!!?yet snides remarks with a bully( running a bunch of males who can’t think for themselves and act like men?)can’t believe people look up to such a arrogant conceited hypocrite?Strangely the public can’t see how they are so false y,manipulated by this conceited group and price & Hilton are actually surprisingly the real deal.Wake up viewers you are being brainwashed.

  11. Goldfinch says:
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    If Pricey talking filthily all the time is what you call the “real deal” then yes you SHOULD be embarrassed – but not about being English.

  12. danni says:
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    Real deal =means genuine!?!? Not perfect!! ,but thanks for your friendly remark,part of the reason for embarrassment eh ?Hopkins- ooops I mean goldfinch.

  13. phillip pawsey says:
    Reply Report

    Shut up you bunch of boring gits, look at you all… cant stop watching him, seriousley you all need yo get a grip, stop the hate coz i think uve all been taking to many lessons in bullying like Hopkins, u bunch off looseres, Perez to win !!!

  14. phillip pawsey says:
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    GPO- get out of Hopkins ass you creep, this is the Perez show bitch!!

  15. GPO says:
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    @phillip pawsey
    Way, Wah, Wah, go cry in the corner with your buddy! You sound so much like him with your silly little rants. Wah, Wah, Wah.
    You write a lot but don’t really say much. Wah, Wah, Wah.

  16. So bored says:
    Reply Report

    Oh God, we are back to “please feel sorry for me” AGAIN, you’ve been there and done that Perez and its………..boring Perez…. Boring…..

  17. Cookie says:
    Reply Report

    A producers Wet Dream. LMAO
    Well that’s one wet dream that should have been left on the sheets.

  18. Sandy says:
    Reply Report

    Is this man 3 years old or 37 years old. You are all carrying on like he has never done anything to offend anyone and suggesting he can’t stand up for himself. What Bollocks. He’s so full of shit.
    He’s a professional shit stirrer for god sake and makes millions from it why are you all so up in arms about the way he’s been treated. I’m sure the people who’s lives he has ruined over the years with his spiteful and destructive gossip will be jumping for joy.

  19. Stephen says:
    Reply Report

    Neither Perez or Hopwitch should win. It would be a disgrace. I have always detested Hopwitch but Perez well the show would have been very dull without him. Especially all you muppets that get so caught up in it all. Imagine no Perez, who would Hopwitch bully then ? Would the highlights show consist of Patsy farting and Kavana singing out of tune ?

  20. Mystic mike says:
    Reply Report

    Danni, look into my eyes, look deep into my eyes, you are not proud to be British, Perez is a saint, you will be embarrassed because of the big brother house and yes the public are stupid and being manipulated.

    SERIOUSLY this is as absurd as you thinking we are all BRAINWASHED. Cry me a river Danni.
    All your pontificating is making you look really silly.

    Get that stupid Arsehole OUT.

  21. jennyjuniper says:
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    I agree Denise. We have enough z listers of our own after all 😀

  22. Lou says:
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    Lord people get so het up and don’t look at things objectively. He’s an insecure man who’s has tried to fit in in ridiculous ways his entire life, yes he has said and done many silly things but he’s also highly amusing and, in my opinion, decent. I don’t understand the hatred for him whatsoever. Katie Hopkins is a unamusing bore who gets off on isolating,bitching about and being nasty to others, she’s shown this, there is no doubting what she does and there is no doubting that she is playing a game and I honestly cannot believe the sheep that follow the crowd, much like her fellow housemates. All up in arms about bullying during the summer and very quick to turn into that themselves when someone’s different to what they would usually watch. V odd. Peace.

  23. Sammy says:
    Reply Report

    Just read a very interesting blog by A.J Rochchester who worked for this creep. She too has been a victim of Perez Hilton along with her young son, and has quite a bit to say about this nasty peice of work.
    She also revealed that his lying knows no bounds, and so called weight lose that he has been so vocal about is due to his stomach being stapled but this didn’t stop Hilton from lying about it, doing the talk show circuit for big bucks, running his mouth off about how he lost the weight Naturally with diet and excerise.
    I suggest all you Perez lovers have a read of this very interesting blog and then let us all know if you think he’s a misjudged soul.

  24. So bored says:
    Reply Report

    CBB=the trauma of the death of his father and having aids. What can this twat throw at us next.
    So over it Perez and totally bored….So bored.

  25. Sandy says:
    Reply Report

    Thanks Sammy I read the article and it was really eye opening into the machinations of the piece of shit.
    Even more disgusting was the fact he was using her sun to further his own agenda.
    WELL WORTH A READ for those how are really interested in a legitimate campaign.
    A.J Rochchester doesn’t mince her words when it comes to Perez.

Reply to jessie

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